Super Contributor
Posts: 440
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

~ my daughter talked to Pediatrician about Aspergers ~

Well, last week my little granddaughter got sick with a high fever, so my daughter took her to the Pediatrician. During the course of the appt., she mentioned to him what the teacher had said about the possibility of Aspergers. He asked her a few questions, and then said he didn't see it at all..... not to worry about it. OMG .... he sees her maybe 3x a year for 10 minutes and the teacher sees her every day for a full day Kindergarten. Well, my daughter is delighted, but I'm afraid something is being missed here. I know what I'd do if this little one were my daughter, but she's not, so I have to just keep out of it. She's their child, not mine. If I said anything, no matter how gently, she would take offense and get angry, so I'll just have to pray. That's about all I can do at this point.
