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medical records and changing drs

 i had my new retina dr's office request the medical records from the old dr.  isigned the paperand they faxed over the request on june 21.  well, i checked to make sure they had gotten the records and the old office claimed that they had not received the request .


so i had the new office try again and to let me know when they received them.


i think that the old office just did not want to process the request.  they may kow that they are going to lose a client.

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Re: medical records and changing drs

That may be, but they don't have the right to refuse. Those records belong to you. 

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: medical records and changing drs

When changing providers, I always request the records be sent to me.



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Re: medical records and changing drs

They probably feel it's not a priority.

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Re: medical records and changing drs

Or maybe the office help is overwhelmed with stuff to do and it wasn't high on their priority list.  Unless there is a mass exodus from that practice I doubt if the office help is overly concerned about patients moving to other doctors.  

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Re: medical records and changing drs

i am not sure what is going on with them.  they have three offices and they try to cdover all three at the same time

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Re: medical records and changing drs

@shortbreadlover  Perhaps the original request (if FAXED) did not go through. Glitches do happen. Usually medical offices realize how important updated records are for a patient and the new provider. Remember physicians work with each other when on-call in the hospital, when consulting about a particular patient, when referring patients, and in the community. 

Cannot imagine any medical office with a negative attitude about a patient moving to another physician. Their practice will go on without you. Be gracious and kindly request another copy sent to your new physician. I'm sure it will be sent immediately. 


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Re: medical records and changing drs

Years ago when I lived in California I wanted to change doctors and I completed the request at the office of the new doctor and hand delivered it to the one I was leaving.


The records were sent over in short order with no problem.

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Re: medical records and changing drs

We've changed DDS, physicians, pediatricians, and other medical professionals each time we moved. It's a frequent occurance in any professional office. They do not take it personally; nor would any office intentionally hold such a request up. To think so is to think one is far more important in the scope of things than any of us could ever be. 

Money screams; wealth whispers.
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Re: medical records and changing drs

You are not a client, you are a patient.  No successful practice cares about losing a patient or two.  It's the way things go and for every patient who leaves their practice, another joins it.  Things get busy in doctor's offices and faxing medical records not high on anyone's list of priorities.  It's a good thing that your followed up on the request.