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so happy for you wagirl..huge relief for you I'm sure. we all should be able to get results asap..the waiting is horrible.. I went on Wednesday and freak every time my phone rings.

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I hate medical tests of all kinds. It is the waiting, waiting. I have dense breasts and I now do the 3D version. Results immediately. I have had three scares.. one misplaced lymph node (floating around and went back on its own).. one cyst--- benigh, and just plain garden variety dense breasts that drive everyone crazy including myself.

Wondering if weight loss will help UN DENSE THEM. I am down 18 pounds or more.... very proud of myself since I had hit a Set Point for 20 years. I finally figured it out. And it is working.

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On 10/24/2014 bonnielu said:

I hate medical tests of all kinds. It is the waiting, waiting. I have dense breasts and I now do the 3D version. Results immediately. I have had three scares.. one misplaced lymph node (floating around and went back on its own).. one cyst--- benigh, and just plain garden variety dense breasts that drive everyone crazy including myself.

Wondering if weight loss will help UN DENSE THEM. I am down 18 pounds or more.... very proud of myself since I had hit a Set Point for 20 years. I finally figured it out. And it is working.

Congrats on your weight loss! No I don't think losing weight has much to do with denseness as volume--my boobs got small when I dropped 35 pounds but still had to get an ultra sound and few pokey tests as they were still dense. Wish that was true tho--

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On 10/24/2014 sophiamaria2 said:

so happy for you wagirl..huge relief for you I'm sure. we all should be able to get results asap..the waiting is horrible.. I went on Wednesday and freak every time my phone rings.

thanks, sophia! Hard to believe it's been 2 years--I remember EVERYTHING in detail{#emotions_dlg.scared}And yes every woman should get their results ASAP.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Thank u all for sharing ur situations. I'm feeling more optimistic.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,919
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Waiting for an appointment & waiting for the results are the worst. I'm sure you will be fine. You are in my thoughts.

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I, too, have dense, cystic breasts due to galactorrhea. I have had a sonogram in the past. Best of luck to you. I hope all turns out well.

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Posts: 331
Registered: ‎04-01-2010
Can't agree more stay on top of your mammagrams I had a lump 2013 had mammogram and ultra sound they said I would know results before I left well they said I was fine. This lump was sticking out. After a couple weeks went to Dr he said it was large. Then went to surgeon two days later dreaded call breast cancer. Fast growing this lump came up over night. Started chemoOct last year lump removed then radiation. I am now cancer free. My cancer had not spread feeling blessed had triple negative. So ladies stay on top of your checkups. As one reader posted there is a cancer sboard but it is sooooo long that takes forever to read thru it. Maybe we should put the topic in the board so we don't have to shift thru so many posts. Not complaining just suggesting. One ,message boards about pancakes cats "waY too long" Good luck.