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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?


Can I ask you to give us a sample of breakfast, lunch and dinner that you would have for like 2 days? I desperately need to make the same change and would love some ideas. I am like you and am so addicted to sugar now its crazy. I know I need to go cold turkey. I've been having more yogurt and blueberries but cant have that for every you make any protein shakes or nutribullet shakes? I have the nutribullet so that could help me out. Thanks so much for your input and congratulations on such amazing changes and results!!

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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

It sounds like a diet for Diabetics... but you have to watch how much fruit you eat, and what kind. I can't eat bananas for instance, and limited Strawberries and watermelon, full of carbs too. Good for you, don't get me wrong, but it all has to be counted. You can't just start in on fruit and eat until you're full.

Also, remember that milk has sugars in it. When my blood sugar falls, I reach for a glass of non-fat milk and they go up right away.... so beware of that "No Sugar Added" ice creams and whatevers that are out there... they may not add sugar, but whatever milks are in it have sugars~! A friend of mine was eating the no sugar added ice cream like it was going out of style and couldn't understand why her blood sugars were so sky high... yep... the "no sugar added" ice cream... she had no idea. She thought it was "free" so to speak... {#emotions_dlg.ohmy}

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

BTW, If you had asked me 7 years ago (prior to being diagnosed) if I could give up sugars, I would have looked at you cross eyed! When I was diagnosed my blood sugars were 599~~!!

I went to see the nurse and was feeling really out of it and she just happened to take it right then. I almost ended up in the hospital, they were afraid I was going to go into a coma right then! Luckily they helped me... and I got so scared I stopped eating sugar then and there, cut down on my food and re-learned how to eat. Three months later I went from an A1C of 12 to an A1C of 6.3 and I've kept it that low ever since.

YOU CAN do it! And the amazing thing is that a fresh strawberry now tastes like candy to me! And cantalope, omg.....

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

I posted this in another thread earlier this year. I did see the PBS special that the OP mentioned, but I chose to follow a different detox program. It is not for everyone. I know this is a long thread but wanted to give you the details. Please feel free to skip what you are not interested in.

I have been yo-yo’ing for the last 5 years. I can always lose weight, just not maintain it. I think I’ve finally figured out what will work for me. In December, while channel surfing, I came across a documentary on HLN called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". I laughed and said that is me. Below is an online synopsis of the film:

100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn't end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn't far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe's personal mission to regain his health.

With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long- term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body's ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.

At 5’ 6" and 203.6 lbs, I was at the heaviest I’ve ever been. I wanted, needed, to do something drastic to kickstart my weight loss. I went to Joe’s website, ordered a receipe book, to-go-cups, and DVD of the film. I think the documentary was done in 2011 and there is an active forum so I thought that was a good sign. Luckily I had bought a juicer a few years ago but never used it.

On 1/13/2014, I blew off the dust on my juicer and started my Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Juice fast. They recommend drinking a minimum of 64 oz of juice a day so that is what I did. I also committed to drinking a gallon of water a day. The only other thing you can have is herbal tea, so I got some organic chamomile tea. My initial goal was to do 60 days of the fast, then slowly come out of it and start eating healthy. Days 1-10 went pretty well. Wasn’t that hungry, surprisingly. When I was hungry, or cold, I’d have my tea. Days 11-14 was another story. My body was like, "enough with the juice, feed me". I almost caved, but I told my body I am not giving up, I am not quitting, and by day 15 the hunger went away. I decided after 30 days, I would make a decision if I wanted to continue for another 30 days.

I finished the 30 day juice fast on 2/11/14. Below are my results:

Start End

Bust: 44 to 40 3/4

Upper Arm:13 7/8 to 13 1/2

Waist: 36 1/2 to 32 1/2

Stomach: 44 to 40

Hips: 46 to 43 1/2

Thighs: 25 5/8 to 23 3/4

Knees: 17 to 16 1/4

Calves: 14 to 13 5/8

Ankles: 10 to 9 1/8

Weight: 203.6 to 176.8

Body Fat% 32.3 to 38.8 (as measured on scale that calculates bodyfat)

I decided not to continue on an all juice fast for the following reasons:

1. The program recommends just walking while fasting but I am an overachiever and worked out at the gym 3x/week and started a couch to 5k running program.

2. Since I wasn’t taking in any protein, my bodyfat increased

3. I could probably have done another 2 weeks but I missed "eating"

4. And finally, I achieved what I wanted. A jumpstart to a healthier new year and rest of my life.

Of course with following something this drastic, the key was how to go from fasting to eating without undoing what I had achieved. Since my 30 days ended on a Tuesday, and I wanted to get back to a Monday start, to aligned with my fitness program, from Wednesday to Sunday, I did the following:

Meal 1 – Juice

Meal 2 – Egg Sandwich (2 slices Ezekiel 4:9 Low-Sodium bread, 2 eggs cooked omelet style in microwave, 2 slices tomato, 2 slices onion, red leaf lettuce)

Meal 3 – Juice

Meal 4 – Juice

On Monday 2/17/14 I weighed and took my measurements and to my surprise, I lost 1 lb, 3 3/8", and 4.1% bodyfat.

Because my workouts were getting more intense, I decided I needed to switch out another juice for a meal. So currently, I have switched out Meal 4 for Baked Tilapia in foil packets with white wine, lemon juice, minced garlic, basil, salt & pepper, Brown Rice cooked in veggie broth with tomatoes and scallions, and Steamed Broccolini and Green Beans tossed in a little EVOO.

After 1 week of following this eating plan, I kept the egg sandwich the same as I only wanted to introduce one change, I lost another 0.6 lbs, 1 7/8", and 2.4% body fat. My bodyfat is now back to the 32.3% it was on 01/13 so I can start actually losing, and my weight, as of 02/24 is 175.2. My plan is to keep with 2 juices and 2 meals for a few more months, then swap out Meal 1 Juice for probably Oatmeal, Greek yogurt, berries. I think I will always have 1 green juice as a "meal" to help maintain my weight loss. I think this is something I can live with for the rest of my life.

I realize this is not a program for everyone, but it is working for me. Just wanted to share what I have been doing these past 6 weeks.

Fast forward to today (08/10/14)

I eat 4 meals a day, one being Joe's orginal juice. The "receipe" is:

1 green apple

3 handfuls of spinach ( I used 3c)

6 Kale leaves

1/2 cucumber

4 celery stalks

1/2 lemon

1 thumb-nail size piece of ginger

Put everything into a juicer and drink. Since I work from home and things can get crazy, I drink my juice in the afternoon when all I literally have time to do is grab something from the fridge.

Updated measurements:

Bust: 34 1/2" (32D)

Upper Arm: 11

Waist: 26

Lower Stomach: 32"

Hips: 35"

Thighs: 20 1/4"

Knees: 14"

Calves: 13"

Ankles: 8 3/8"

Weight: 128 lbs

Body Fat% 16.4%

It's still a struggle every day to eat right and exercise, but I think I have finally found peace, and balance, with my body and my life.

Good luck to all of you. It can be done. I've started and stopped so many times I can't even tell you. If you stumble, just get back up and start again.


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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

Vickie and Q4u did their WORK in a very similar way to mine. They took a HOPE, researched how to achieve that hope, and JUMPED IN. If you are stuck at the bottom of 25-50-100 pounds of dangerous, painful, unhealthy weight, get yourself together, research and find out everything you can about what makes you fat and how you can get well. Don't worry about your appearance-I'm not very attractive physically, never was, never will be, but having cut my pain level by about 75%, at least I look more cheerful than I did when there was 85 pounds more of me. Today- TODAY- eat no garbage (you know what I mean LOL) and focus on losing ONE POUND.
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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

On 8/11/2014 violann said: Vickie and Q4u did their WORK in a very similar way to mine. They took a HOPE, researched how to achieve that hope, and JUMPED IN. If you are stuck at the bottom of 25-50-100 pounds of dangerous, painful, unhealthy weight, get yourself together, research and find out everything you can about what makes you fat and how you can get well. Don't worry about your appearance-I'm not very attractive physically, never was, never will be, but having cut my pain level by about 75%, at least I look more cheerful than I did when there was 85 pounds more of me. Today- TODAY- eat no garbage (you know what I mean LOL) and focus on losing ONE POUND.

Vickie did something that I think is key...she ate the same thing every day.

We all have so many choices and so many different flavors and items available to us.

For people like me, they are tough to resist. I have found that sticking to a simple plan Dr. Oz uses works for me - eat the same thing every day - or close to the same thing. There is no room for temptation when you know exactly what you will be eating.

Vickie had a simple plan too...thought it out in advance and stuck to it. Diets with a lot of variety just cause me to focus too much on food...just reading a post from adoreQVC and her delicious feasts can set me off and get me wanting to cook...and EAT.

It's boring, but it takes my mind off of food. After a while, food became more a source for fuel and nourishment than a major pleasure center.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

I think I have been FREED by learning to enjoy monotonous eating! Someone asked how I eat every day, and since my planning is definitely quite unorthodox, I didn't post, but for those interested, I start the day with two delicious cups of coffee with Stevia and one or two TBSP. OF REAL 1/2&1/2, a glass of mixed healthy teas and vitamins around 1:30, and 1,000 or so delicious and highly nutritious calories at about 5:30. My arrangement incorporates elements of Intermittent Fasting, controversial but works for me, so I use it. If I found it wasn't working for me, I'd research until I found something else, and see which worked better. I'm much too inactive, and looking for something to get active with, but even though my Fibro is better following weight loss, I still have it.
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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

On 8/11/2014 violann said: I think I have been FREED by learning to enjoy monotonous eating! Someone asked how I eat every day, and since my planning is definitely quite unorthodox, I didn't post, but for those interested, I start the day with two delicious cups of coffee with Stevia and one or two TBSP. OF REAL 1/2&1/2, a glass of mixed healthy teas and vitamins around 1:30, and 1,000 or so delicious and highly nutritious calories at about 5:30. My arrangement incorporates elements of Intermittent Fasting, controversial but works for me, so I use it. If I found it wasn't working for me, I'd research until I found something else, and see which worked better. I'm much too inactive, and looking for something to get active with, but even though my Fibro is better following weight loss, I still have it.

Would you please elaborate what those 1000 delicious and nutritious calories are?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

All colors of veggies, usually spinach and/or kale and or other dark green leafies, berries or a green apple, 1/2 cup of nuts, 5 egg whites and a whole egg every day. Every couple weeks, dinner out at a dearly loved rib joint- smoked pulled pork without BBQ sauce, large portion of Cole Slaw, side veggie ( a treat for me!). Sometimes diner green salad with broiled chicken and sugar free cheese cake. Sometimes Sodelicious Frozen Dessert sweetened with Erythritol. Summer dinner is ALWAYS a huge salad with a Tablespoon of real olive oil and a few TBLS. Low sugar Balsamic Vinegar. Winter dinner, a major League Frittata. Drastic? How drastic was carrying 257 on a fine boned 5'4" frame? My doctors are thrilled, DH is thrilled, I'm thrilled.
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Re: has anyone done the Blood Sugar Solution 10 day detox plan?

violin and vickie - You have done and awesome job. that you for going into such detail about what you did.

vickie- The statistics you posted are fantastic.

Thanks for sharing.
