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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy




I have nothing left from a very young age... I actually do not remember anything about the tubes?  Back then i dont think Dr's discussed much.. I do wish sometimes they had left one ovary, but i just went with what they said..( same issue you had your surgery for)

Today i would ask more & want to be bettet informed.  I only did natural type HRT, could never use any of the meds...I guess i am fine from it all, maybe the worst is i don't remember much of the conversation about it!! Lol


Glad you are on the road to recovery now!

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

I had a fybroid uterine cyst we couldn't shrink.  Since I had just passed 50, my dr. suggested that since cancer starts to increase because of the area, that it would be advisable to do a removal of everything and I did.  I'm on HRT and recent studies have shown that ladies who are on very low doses have a little less far.

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

@scotnovel wrote:

I had a total hysterectomy (uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes)  in 1996.  They thought that I had ovarian cancer but everything turned out benign.  I did have some huge fibroids and had lots of problems for years, including lots of pain and infertility.  I don't know of any reason to leave the tubes if the uterus or ovaries are being taken and it would actually require extra effort during surgery to leave the tubes so it makes no sense to me for that to be done.  

@scotnovelI am glad everything was benign! It makes no sense to me to leave them in either so although I kept my ovaries, I said take out them tubes! Smiley Happy

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

@Lindaj46 wrote:

I just had a hysterectomy in January. I'am 51. I had my cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes revmoved. I just felt there was no reason to keep them. I didn't have cancer or anything, it was that my uterus was falling. Man, that makes me feel old.

@Lindaj46 my doctor said it is normal for our parts to fall as we get older, just some people it happens sooner than others or to more of a degree than others. I didn't have any falling fortunately but I think I had plenty of  other issues to deal with! Smiley Happy

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

@chickenbutt wrote:

If I had to do it all over again, I would still want them to take it ALL.  I can't even imagine having the kinds of problems I did, leaving in the ovaries, and not only being highly suseptible to the same problems AGAIN, but having to be OTR every month for decades longer!


Last time I had to deal with that was at the age of 28.  The products were a lot cheaper, of course.  But I always remember feeling icky and bloaty.  yuck!  Wouldn't want to have to deal with that, so I felt relieved that it was all gone forever!  Smiley Happy

@chickenbutt fortunately I never had super terrible periods but even keeping the ovaries, you aren't OTR. My understanding is that you may experience some of the same symptoms around that time of the month for awhile but they get less and less until you no longer really experience anything. I am sure it is different with everyone though. I kept my ovaries because they are healthy and my docs really like to keep them if they are healthy so you don't have to get on any hormones and go through meno naturally. There is so much controversy over hrt that I just would rather not deal with it if it was possible.

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

Not everyone who has a hysterectomy gets their ovaries removed or their fallopian tubes. I had 2 tubal pregnancies so I did not have fallopian tubes anymore. When I had my hyster. it was for fibroids and I asked to have my ovaries removed because I have a + BRAC gene that  has  a high possibility of leading to ovarian cancer , but they could only find one ovary - the other had floated off somewhere over the years after the fallopian tube was removed.What is what with the uterus, tubes and ovaries should be discussed before the surgery between patient and doctor so the patient knows what he is going to do and why. The term hysterectomy actually only applies to the uterus. Having an ovary removed is called an oopherectomy, and when you sign the OR permit it would state both if that is what is to be done.

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

Hi HappyDaze!  Yeah, I think the hrt thing is probably part of it.  But, back in the day, I knew people who had only had some of it removed and still had to have the periods.   I don't recall the details, however.  Smiley Happy


I DID have to do the Premarin.  I actually took it for 18 years and suddenly I learned about the horrible animal cruelty necessary to make it and I stopped cold turkey.  Surprisingly, it wasn't all that bad stopping.   Sure, it was not great, but that's another thing that if I had to do it all over again I'd quit.  It's just not worth it, in my view, for the animal cruelty. 

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

@quadmimi wrote:




I have nothing left from a very young age... I actually do not remember anything about the tubes?  Back then i dont think Dr's discussed much.. I do wish sometimes they had left one ovary, but i just went with what they said..( same issue you had your surgery for)

Today i would ask more & want to be bettet informed.  I only did natural type HRT, could never use any of the meds...I guess i am fine from it all, maybe the worst is i don't remember much of the conversation about it!! Lol


Glad you are on the road to recovery now!

@quadmimi  you are right, I don't think they did discuss much back then but you know, I think doctors are getting much better these days at discussing things more with their patients, regardless of what it may be. So many doctors used to just kind of expect us to leave it up to them since they were the experts and almost seemed annoyed if you did ask questions. That has changed alot. I do not keep a doctor that still kind of has that attitude!


And thank you! I feel so relieved! Smiley Happy

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

@HappyDaze wrote:

@chickenbutt wrote:

Mine was 100 years ago and it was all bad in there, so it all had to go.


But now days there are probably as many more things they can do, technologically, as there are causes so there's no 'one size fits all' deal.


I cannot think of a reason to keep the tubes, but then I don't know enough about it to be quoted.  Smiley Happy

lol yeah  you are right there is no real reason to keep them but I never even thought about that until my doctor brought it up. I was talking with several other women who had hysterectomies done (due to fibroids) and none of them had had the discussion about fallopian tube removals from their doctors but they too had theirs done quite alot of years ago so I don't think it was discussed much then. But now that the studies are showing that they could be the source of ovarian cancer, it is more of a precautionary measure. These ladies have no idea if they have their fallopian tubes or not but more than likely they do because I don't think a hysterectomy routinely included ft.


@HappyDaze  If a woman is of the age and knows that she will not need these, I say have them removed also.   I see no point in keeping these or the rest, so just make a clean seep of it, but this, of course, is an individual decision.

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Re: ? for those who had a hysterectomy

[ Edited ]

Prior to getting mine done, and one of the reasons for getting it done, was that I had some precancerous cells.  I told the doc I wasn't using any of those parts anymore so just take everything out.  No regrets.