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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

[ Edited ]
@Teddie wrote:


@mistriTsquirrel  I completely agree with you and see that you have been through a huge amount.  We've briefly chatted before but I see your story is even more complicated and difficult than what you can fully tell. I am genuinely very sorry for what you've had to go through. 


I don't trust most doctors. It's because of so many bad experiences, for myself and with my family members. I'm at a crossroads and I'm in the process of researching for myself. And I'm praying for answers. But I really get what you mean about researching. I feel I have to. 


Thank you, @Teddie, for your kind words and for taking the time to acknowledge what I was saying instead of being dismissive.  I think it is very wise of you to be diligent in your care.  By being diligent, you'll never have to look back on things and wonder if you did enough.  Even if mistakes are made along the way, you'll know you did your best, and it is a wonderful feeling to not have to look back with regret.  I hope you are able to locate good physicians who will help you find answers.


Out of the dozen or so psychiatrists I've had, only 2 of them have been good.  Both of them would actually listen to my concerns and answer my questions.  One of them took a holistic approach.  When I told her I was tired all the time, she didn't just write me a prescription or ignore my complaint, she asked me about my sleep habits and diet and advised me to start taking B complex vitamins.  And that helped.  The other doctor was also not irresponsibly running to her prescription pad or ignoring what I was saying.  And she was the first doctor to order thyroid tests for me.  That's huge, because thyroid problems can cause/exacerbate depression (I didn't know that at the time), and they run in my family along the maternal line.  My other doctors should've known to order thyroid blood tests for me, but they never did so.  And neither of these 2 decent doctors pretended to be counselors.  They had enough humility to acknowledge that counseling was not their specialty and that it would be irresponsible of them to pretend it was.  However, if one of them had told me something that didn't sound right, I would've done some fact-checking.  (And I generally like to gather info about things that are wrong with me regardless.)


I've learned that I need to look out for myself.  That's how life is in general, and dealing with doctors is no different.  They are just people.  They make mistakes, many of them aren't that good at what they do, and some of them do not prioritize the health of their patients.  It is what it is.  All I can do is try to be proactive and aware.  It's difficult for me because I have an illness that makes it hard to concentrate for very long or be motivated to do the things I have to do, and sometimes I feel hopeless.  But I try my best.  That's all anyone can do.





On a related note...


I just found out that one of my doctors (not a psychiatrist) is involved in a lawsuit with over 40 complainants.  His wife was operating a clinic without having her license, and he was allowing her to bill patients through him, even though they weren't in the same office or even the same specialty.  This woman started a clinic under the umbrella of a large network of doctors, but apparently nobody checked to see if she was licensed.  She diagnosed several patients with Alzheimer's.  One of them became despondent about his diagnosis and killed himself.  His autopsy showed that he didn't even have Alzheimer's.


And this didn't happen off in some impoverished country where everyone expects these things to happen.  This happened here in the States, in my city, involving one of my doctors.  Some of these people do not put their patients first, or their egos cause them to make pronouncements that aren't properly supported.   


I understand that this is not a common occurrence, but if something like this happens to you or a member of your family, how common it is or isn't will not matter to you.


I feel really bad for these people.  Who would've thought that a doctor in a network would be unlicensed?  Now that I know about this story, I will be more diligent about making sure my doctors are licensed.  And when you have information and are aware, bad or careless doctors can't snow you or dismiss you as easily.


I really wish my family had known that heartburn can cause cancer.  If we'd been aware, my dad would probably still be alive.  So with that, and with things like this thread topic, I feel like I should warn others.  The only way you can avoid something bad is if you are aware of it.   


To those of you who think I'm being insensitive or negative, just know that I am saying what I'm saying because I don't want others to have to suffer simply because they didn't know what I now know.


"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

@mistriTsquirrel  I really appreciate all you say and even more, appreciate you sharing your experiences. This is why I am watching out for myself and family members. We have gotten some horrible advice. 


Keep on keeping on!  

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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

@Teddie wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel  I really appreciate all you say and even more, appreciate you sharing your experiences. This is why I am watching out for myself and family members. We have gotten some horrible advice. 


Keep on keeping on!  

Thanks, @Teddie!!  I hope things go well, and I hope you will take comfort in knowing that you're doing a good thing for yourself and for your family. 


Don't forget to watch a good movie or take a nice bubble bath when you can though.  You need that stuff too. 


Image result for squirrel taking a bath







"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

@bargainsgirl wrote:

My 28 year old son has battled "minor" depression for quite a long time.  He has been taking Zoloft but now I believe he needs a med change and some therapy.  Should he begin with his general practiioner and go from there?  

Therapists can't prescribe medications, so I would stick with the pSYCHIATRIST, he already has and tell him what's going on.



*Call Tyrone*
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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

@Teddie wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel  I really appreciate all you say and even more, appreciate you sharing your experiences. This is why I am watching out for myself and family members. We have gotten some horrible advice. 


Keep on keeping on!  

Thanks, @Teddie!!  I hope things go well, and I hope you will take comfort in knowing that you're doing a good thing for yourself and for your family. 


Don't forget to watch a good movie or take a nice bubble bath when you can though.  You need that stuff too. 


Image result for squirrel taking a bath







Aw, no wonder I like you so much! You are just so sweet and special!  

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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

@Teddie wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel wrote:

@Teddie wrote:

@mistriTsquirrel  I really appreciate all you say and even more, appreciate you sharing your experiences. This is why I am watching out for myself and family members. We have gotten some horrible advice. 


Keep on keeping on!  

Thanks, @Teddie!!  I hope things go well, and I hope you will take comfort in knowing that you're doing a good thing for yourself and for your family. 


Don't forget to watch a good movie or take a nice bubble bath when you can though.  You need that stuff too. 


Image result for squirrel taking a bath







Aw, no wonder I like you so much! You are just so sweet and special!  

@Teddie  I think there are many people who would disagree with you on that, but thank you for the compliment. Smiley Wink

"Heartburn Can Cause Cancer" --
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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

[ Edited ]

@hckynut@bargainsgirl@mistriTsquirrel@Teddie@dooBdoo and Everyone who has posted regarding my son.


I have wonderful news, my son got to come home today. He called us last night and he sounded so good. Talked and talked and he said this is the best he has felt in a long time. 

He called this afternoon to tell us he has a Dr's appointment this afternoon. My DH and myself are going to go and see him tomorrow. I am so relieved that he is feeling better and he now realizes what he needs to do. I pray he can stay well. He's even looking forward to getting back to work on Wed. 1/2 days until next week. 


Thanks to all of you with your posts and prayers and hugs. I am so thankful for this thread, as it helped me get through this past week.



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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

[ Edited ]

Leeny wrote:

@hckynut@honeybuns@mistriTsquirrel@Teddie@dooBdoo and Everyone who has posted regarding my son.


I have wonderful news, my son got to come home today. He called us last night and he sounded so good. Talked and talked and he said this is the best he has felt in a long time. 

He called this afternoon to tell us he has a Dr's appointment this afternoon. My DH and myself are going to go and see him tomorrow. I am so relieved that he is feeling better and he now realizes what he needs to do. I pray he can stay well. He's even looking forward to getting back to work on Wed. 1/2 days until next week. 


Thanks to all of you with your posts and prayers and hugs. I am so thankful for this thread, as it helped me get through this past week.





            Hi, @Leeny!     I've been checking all day in hopes of seeing a promising update from you.    This is encouraging news!    With each day there's potential for a bright and bountiful new beginning.    I have faith for good things to come.   Our dear @mistriTsquirrel ❤️ has a wonderfully informative, supportive long-standing thread here in "Wellness."  The subject line is "Depression," and you might want to visit there as well as here or any other threads of your choosing when you want to post updates, questions, or just read a bit.    That discussion has been active since 2013, but unfortunately a large chunk of our posts vanished when the new Community platform was launched.    Wherever you decide to post -- if you do -- I know you can count on the magnificently compassionate, experienced, knowledgeable, and warm-hearted posters to show up for you and yours.

            I continue to pray for your dear son, for his professional support team, and of course for you and your husband.   (((hugs)))❤️



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Re: finding a doctor to treat depression



So wonderful to see this and that your son is turning a corner! I can just imagine your feelings. I just prayed for him and your family. Take care, Dear Leeny. 

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,727
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: finding a doctor to treat depression

@bargainsgirl wrote:

My 28 year old son has battled "minor" depression for quite a long time.  He has been taking Zoloft but now I believe he needs a med change and some therapy.  Should he begin with his general practiioner and go from there?  

@bargainsgirl  I don't want you to feel forgotten. You're the one who started this topic. I hope you're able to help your son through what he's going through. What a caring mother you are to get involved. Prayers for your family, as well.