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Good news, everything went well and I won't need another. The getting to that point was nasty, but like all of you, I did it and now it's done. Thanks to all of you for your good wishes.

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@catter70.  Alls well that ends well.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Wonderful news !!  God Bless and thanks for the update

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Great news! 

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@catter70 :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🎉🎉🎉.

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Bless you. So happy and relieved everything turned out well. 

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Excellent news!!  So happy for you. Heart

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Great news!

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Re: colonoscopy update

[ Edited ]

@catter70 Good news, the prep is always the worst part Woman Happy

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Posts: 2,109
Registered: ‎02-24-2016

@catter70  So glad all is well with you! I had a colonoscopy this morn at 9. Had a few problems with a small amount of blood. All is well with me too, showed no polops etc. That gallon drink yesterday & early morn today is the pits to drink so much of.....