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Yes, you need a BHA to clean out the pore. Check out Paula's Choice products or her website Beautypedia to find recommendations of dept/drugstore products. I've been using her products for about 15 years.

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On 1/11/2014 Sammycat1 said:

You said that he said you have a ""zits"" -- are you sure he didn't say a ""cyst""? That would be more consistent with a doctor using the proper term -- and you would use warm compresses for those to draw them out. They are deeper than a pimple.

Cyst makes more sense to me too.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎03-14-2010

I use buzz on acne which has really cleared my skin, and when I get an individual pimple/zit (even the deep cyst ones), I add bare minerals skincare blemish therapy directly on it. seems to make the cystic ones either go away or come to a head more quickly. my teenage son is getting relief with this combination as well.

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On 1/11/2014 adelle38 said:
On 1/11/2014 Sammycat1 said:

You said that he said you have a ""zits"" -- are you sure he didn't say a ""<em>cyst</em>""? That would be more consistent with a doctor using the proper term -- and you would use warm compresses for those to draw them out. They are deeper than a pimple.

Cyst makes more sense to me too.

No he did use the term Zits... However since you mentioned maybe a Cyst will call tomorrow to ask.... Thanks for mentioning this...

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Hi all, called my Dr. left a message about this issue... No change in my zit's or what maybe a Cyst... Am really concerned about it...

Did a search to see what I can use with either condition...Read that mixing Tea-Tree oil and water can be used on face area...

I do have and use Tea-Tree oil for my toe nail fungus. Nature Bounty Tea-Tree oil...

Did try it yesterday mixing a tiny amount of Tea-Tree oil and very warm water.... I took a cotton ball and applied it on that area... Not sure if it is helping or not? Do not want to aggravate it... My skin is in pretty good condition as far as break out not very often. So I am waiting for a call back.

Am considering making an appointment with my Derma-Dr.

Will update with what is next?


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If this is really worrisome, you should see a Derm. You're right that trying new things can make it worse.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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I don't remember having a zit since my hysterectomy 18 years ago, but my GD uses salt water compresses. She got it off Pinterest & swears by it.

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On 1/13/2014 adelle38 said:

If this is really worrisome, you should see a Derm. You're right that trying new things can make it worse.

Made appointment for Next Tue... Could not get it sooner as he is away... Looks a little better..

Do have some other area's I need him to check... A couple of rashes that come and go..


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No, thank you.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,268
Registered: ‎03-10-2010
I can't believe your dr said "zits"! Is this a new condition for you? I would see a derm, if it's a cyst, the derm can inject cortisone to reduce inflammation. I rarely have had any breakouts, but due to stress maybe once a year have a cyst, and get myself to the derm ASAP, to inject! My derm has me on a RX for retin a now and no issues in almost two years. I feel for you...