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To those of you who practice yoga, do any of you do handstands and backbends? I often see this type of yoga and wonder what style it is. Is it a specific type?

I'm also curious if anyone does this type of yoga and didn't have a background in gymnastics.


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I do the forearm stand and the head stand, but have stopped doing the hand stand because I felt it put undo pressure on my wrists. Also do the back bend.

I have read that Power Yoga which is an Americanized version of ashtanga is where you'll find these "postures". I question that information as Power Yoga seems to have become popular in the 1990's. My experience with those postures takes me back to university which was in the mid 70's.

I do not have a background in gymnastics. The postures may look difficult but if you have a good sense of balance and core strength you should be able to master them in time. They are postures you can work up to.

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Registered: ‎04-10-2010
Thanks, Lovinglife !! I appreciate the information. And, it's great to hear that it still is possible to achieve (with lots of practice, of course) without a background in gymnastics.
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Registered: ‎04-10-2010
On 5/19/2014 lovinglife said:

I do the forearm stand and the head stand, but have stopped doing the hand stand because I felt it put undo pressure on my wrists. Also do the back bend.

I have read that Power Yoga which is an Americanized version of ashtanga is where you'll find these "postures". I question that information as Power Yoga seems to have become popular in the 1990's. My experience with those postures takes me back to university which was in the mid 70's.

I do not have a background in gymnastics. The postures may look difficult but if you have a good sense of balance and core strength you should be able to master them in time. They are postures you can work up to.

And, too, thanks for mentioning the power/ashtanga yoga. If my goal is to do the handstand/headstand, can you be a beginner in power yoga? Or, is it better to "start" in Vinyasa yoga?

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Out of curiosity I pulled out my yoga materials from my university years. I started with Hatha Yoga. I remember practicing the stands against the wall until I was able to practice them w/o support.

I would look for a more traditional practice like Hatha Yoga which is a good foundation for the other styles. Vinyasa yoga is the style I practice most.

Yoga has evolved as it has become more popular in the US. We are fortunate today as there are many outlets available to learn and practice yoga. It depends on what you hope to get from your practice. I like the quiet meditative (mind, body, spirit) quality of yoga.

If you are looking at a Power (ashtanga) yoga class check with the instructor on the skill level of the class. Most offer a range of skill levels in classes or allow all skill levels in a class. Often depends on the instructor.


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Registered: ‎04-10-2010
On 5/19/2014 lovinglife said:

Out of curiosity I pulled out my yoga materials from my university years. I started with Hatha Yoga. I remember practicing the stands against the wall until I was able to practice them w/o support.

I would look for a more traditional practice like Hatha Yoga which is a good foundation for the other styles. Vinyasa yoga is the style I practice most.

Yoga has evolved as it has become more popular in the US. We are fortunate today as there are many outlets available to learn and practice yoga. It depends on what you hope to get from your practice. I like the quiet meditative (mind, body, spirit) quality of yoga.

If you are looking at a Power (ashtanga) yoga class check with the instructor on the skill level of the class. Most offer a range of skill levels in classes or allow all skill levels in a class. Often depends on the instructor.


I truly appreciate the information you shared, Lovinglife. You've been incredibly helpful !

Thank you.


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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Julie23...You're welcome!

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I used to take Yoga and have been thinking of going back (would be like the beginning).

Anyway, you reminded me of something. My best friend's son (he's 41) is really into Yoga. He's always posting his posses on his facebook page (did I tell you he likes the way he looks and he also likes the way he's talented) Ha!

Anyway, he recently posted a picture of himself with one of those huge (bigger than a beach ball) strapped around his stomach and I think he was trying to get upside down.

Anyone know this pose?

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Registered: ‎03-18-2010

Could it be a backwards stretch on the stability ball?

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