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Lymph nodes were negative so the cancer has not spread from the colon.  Chemo to prevent it from coming back is the next thing on the agenda.  So not looking forward to that!


Thanks again for your support.  It is all I have had.  My family acts like I skinned my elbow, no big deal.  Don't know how much they know. 


When I showed the report from the colonscopy to my daughter she shrugged it off, I know Mom......  I don't believe she does.  She and my SIL have made this (medically) what they want it to be.  You know, they told me that "all of this could have been avoided."  YEAH!


Never thought I would be reaching out to strangers but you certainly are not strangers anymore.  Bless you all.

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I'm really sorry your family isn't giving you more support. I know that must hurt.

It would hurt me.

I'm glad you come here, though.



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Re: What did you do...

[ Edited ]

@Zhills wrote:

Lymph nodes were negative so the cancer has not spread from the colon.  Chemo to prevent it from coming back is the next thing on the agenda.  So not looking forward to that!


Thanks again for your support.  It is all I have had.  My family acts like I skinned my elbow, no big deal.  Don't know how much they know. 


When I showed the report from the colonscopy to my daughter she shrugged it off, I know Mom......  I don't believe she does.  She and my SIL have made this (medically) what they want it to be.  You know, they told me that "all of this could have been avoided."  YEAH!


Never thought I would be reaching out to strangers but you certainly are not strangers anymore.  Bless you all.



Good news about the negative lymph nodes!!!  cheerleaders.gif


Often, families don't give us the support we need.  They sometimes have their own agendas. . .  What you need now is to contact your church pastor and see if there are people who can come in while you are having chemo.  Maybe you have some friends you could ask to see if they "know anyone."  This gives them a chance to either volunteer, ask someone else, or bow out. 


Do you have any long-term disability insurance?  If not, ask your doctor for recommendations for getting care.  You want to not be worrying about this while you are getting chemo.  Try not to get angry about your family's lack of understanding.  This only makes you feel bad! 


There is a cancer survivors' thread here in these forums.  I think Goldie started it.  These women can really help you a lot if you just ask.


HUGS!  We are all here for you!!! 

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My father had colon CA that was successfully treated and cured. 


I understand the gravity of what is happening to you. 


As far as your family, well some people just make me shake my head.





There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Your family doesn't know how this is for you.  Or often people compare, which is unfair.  It is a big deal to have cancer, go through surgery and chemo!  


(((I'm happy you got positive results and I hope chemo isn't too tough.)))  Do you know anything about what to expect from the drugs you'll get?  I'm asking because, although no one responds the same, it will give you some gauge to plan and prepare for how you might feel.  I know the uncertainty and loneliness you feel is so hard, too.  

If you aren't able to ask for yourself, is there anyone who could be your advocate and help you find companionship?  Yes, if you attend a church, reach out, or a support group?  Are you able to do that for yourself?  Are you feeling you need not ask, that your family should be there for you?  One would think ;'(  


I dunno...did they explain just HOW one can prevent colon cancer?  Please have them write a book to educate the world.  Sheesh.  Wow.  


(((Please know we are not strangers.)))   

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Posts: 21,419
Registered: ‎11-03-2013

@Zhills wrote:

Lymph nodes were negative so the cancer has not spread from the colon.  Chemo to prevent it from coming back is the next thing on the agenda.  So not looking forward to that!


Thanks again for your support.  It is all I have had.  My family acts like I skinned my elbow, no big deal.  Don't know how much they know. 


When I showed the report from the colonscopy to my daughter she shrugged it off, I know Mom......  I don't believe she does.  She and my SIL have made this (medically) what they want it to be.  You know, they told me that "all of this could have been avoided."  YEAH!


Never thought I would be reaching out to strangers but you certainly are not strangers anymore.  Bless you all.

@Zhills I think about you every day and am so glad to hear the great news about the lymph nodes.  That is just excellent news and I so wish this for you!


Please know we are all here for you and are always thinking good thoughts and prayers.  I know what it's like to have your family behave like this, I had a lifetime of it so please know you are not alone as you have a whole family here that care about you and support you.  Heart



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@Zhills  How are you feeling today?

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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

It's been a pretty good day today.  I am feeling good, just sore and weak.  


OT and PT will come out several times to help get my strength back.  I must say, Humana has been the best.  They intend to get you back to functioning on your own.  Thanks God for a good insurance company.


You ladies have been wonderful and I appreciate all of you. 


I see the oncologist on Monday.  I dread the thought of chemo.  I was so 'sick' with the diverticulitis.  Now, I am sore but not 'sick'.  I can handle this much better.  


Eating is still a challenge.  Can have anything but after  not eating normal for 6 months I have to do new foods a little at a time.


Thanks again to all of you.  I could not have made it without your support.

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@Zhills !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!


I have been waiting to hear back and am so relieved.  I went though colon cancer with my mother, and know how very hard it can be.  I hope you get a wondeful medical oncologist. 


As for family, when I was diagnosed with cancer, DH was supportive, but my (grown) kids basically completely ignored it.  





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@Zhills wrote:

It's been a pretty good day today.  I am feeling good, just sore and weak.  


OT and PT will come out several times to help get my strength back.  I must say, Humana has been the best.  They intend to get you back to functioning on your own.  Thanks God for a good insurance company.


You ladies have been wonderful and I appreciate all of you. 


I see the oncologist on Monday.  I dread the thought of chemo.  I was so 'sick' with the diverticulitis.  Now, I am sore but not 'sick'.  I can handle this much better.  


Eating is still a challenge.  Can have anything but after  not eating normal for 6 months I have to do new foods a little at a time.


Thanks again to all of you.  I could not have made it without your support.

@Zhills  I'm so glad you are feeling better!!!  Diverticulitis is AWFUL!  When you are able to eat normally, you may want to consider having food delivered during the time you are on chemotherapy.  My big chain food store has a delivery service and you can order anything you want online.  It only costs $7.95 to deliver it right to your home.  That's how I get a lot of my food now!


The more plans you can make before your chemotherapy starts, the more relaxed you will be--such as laundry, etc.  The more you can accomplish on your own, the more confidence you'll gain.  I like to be able to take care of myself as much as possible because then I don't feel as dependent on others.


HUGS to you today!  We think about you all the time!!!