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Re: What alternative things do you take and do instead of statins?

@Meowingkitty wrote:

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

My lab work shows that my cholesterol is elevated again, and my dr. is after me to take statins.  I went on one for a short time a few years ago and had very bad side affects.  I had really bad pain in my arms and legs and could hardly walk or even lift a coffee cup!  I said --- Nope --- this is not for me!  


Since I have ongoing issues with tendonitis in both ankles, continuing back issues, arthritis and fibro, osteoporosis, etc., I do not feel statins are safe for me to use.


I have also read that statins can cause your achilles tendon to spontaneously rupture.  And I do have already an achilles tendon issue.


I don't want to get a stroke or any serious heart issues either, so I am worried about that, and being made to feel that I HAVE to go on statins!


Are there are any supplements, particular brands of herbal things, minerals, vitamins, etc., that you take instead, and have had good results?


I know that my diet in the last few months has not been very good and that I need to make some serious adjustments, which I am really going to try and make.  I do walk most days which is about all I can do considering the health issues I have.


When you do list your products, etc., please be specific as to what it is, the brand name, etc.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thank you!

Your post could have been written by me. My last visit my cholesterol was high and the first thing my Dr. said as she walked into the room was "are you ready for statins?" I said no and I wanted to try other methods. She didn't seem so happy but I didn't care. I tried garlic and it didn't work. I'm back to Red Yeast Rice. I also told her I wanted to see a dietitian so I'm currently working with one. She suggested taking a couple of spoonfuls of Hemp Hearts daily. You can get them online, Sprouts, Costco and they have a slightly nutty flavor. You can put them in pudding, yogurt, oatmeal, muffins etc. and they don't have the properties to get you high if your worried about hemp products. Watch the sugar, eat more fiber, oats like oatmeal, stay away from white bread, eat more veggies. I haven't had a recheck of my cholesterol lately as I wanted to try diet changes for a few months first. 

It will take a l9ng time to get your numbers down but don't give up.I was able to lower my husbands  with a clean diet,low sodium ,no processed food and Andrew lessmans cholestacare.

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Re: What alternative things do you take and do instead of statins?



Thank you! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: What alternative things do you take and do instead of statins?

There is a product called “Cholestoff Complete” that my internal med doctor recommends for people who cannot tolerate statins.  It must be the “Complete” version.  You may want to explore this.  It is easy to find.  Even CVS carries it.


Some people just have a higher level of cholesterol than others.  Just a fact.  And some people can take statins with no ill effects.  And some do experience problems.  Just a fact.

Always include your cardiologist in any decision you make if you want to drop this drug, or seek to treat your condition by any other means.  You should have blood work done after an interval of trying alternative means to verify the results.


Good fortune to all on their path to good cardiac health.  Your life is worth it.


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Registered: ‎08-23-2010

Re: What alternative things do you take and do instead of statins?



If you haven't already done so, read the label and information on Andrew Lessman's CholestaCare.