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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

@sfnative wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:

@sfnative@Misplaced Parisian@Citrine1


Very happy for you! This is great news!


My diet needs to be free of known triggers (sometimes I “cheat!”

Migraines for me are now a rare occurrence!

Foods that do not burn my mouth (bland) seem to be the safest.

Week before last it felt like I had contracted a virus and along with this cake a migraine!

Who needs this?  lol


@Misplaced Parisian



Oh, Loves, that bug!  Got it from granddaughter and the freaking thing lasted 3 weeks.  I swear the universe was getting back at me for not contracting the Hong Kong flu years ago, when everyone around me was sick as a dog.  And, yes, along came migraine.


I've found it to be increasingly so that in these instances my blood sugar seems to take a dive when ill.  One night my head was just that bad and I had nothing to take for the pain, which is usual for me, so I looked at my husband and said, "I need cake!"  It just popped out of my mouth.  It was 8 p.m.  He jumped in the car, went to a huge market, purchased the "cleanest" frosted cake he could find and brought it home.  He cut me a piece and brought it to me in the living room.  I got about 3/4 of the way through the slice of cake and that migraine was gone.  And, yes, I do have those glucose tablets that diabetics keep on hand, but have found they don't work at all.  Cake does.  LOL!

@sfnative wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:

@sfnative@Misplaced Parisian@Citrine1


Very happy for you! This is great news!


My diet needs to be free of known triggers (sometimes I “cheat!”

Migraines for me are now a rare occurrence!

Foods that do not burn my mouth (bland) seem to be the safest.

Week before last it felt like I had contracted a virus and along with this cake a migraine!

Who needs this?  lol


@Misplaced Parisian



Oh, Loves, that bug!  Got it from granddaughter and the freaking thing lasted 3 weeks.  I swear the universe was getting back at me for not contracting the Hong Kong flu years ago, when everyone around me was sick as a dog.  And, yes, along came migraine.


I've found it to be increasingly so that in these instances my blood sugar seems to take a dive when ill.  One night my head was just that bad and I had nothing to take for the pain, which is usual for me, so I looked at my husband and said, "I need cake!"  It just popped out of my mouth.  It was 8 p.m.  He jumped in the car, went to a huge market, purchased the "cleanest" frosted cake he could find and brought it home.  He cut me a piece and brought it to me in the living room.  I got about 3/4 of the way through the slice of cake and that migraine was gone.  And, yes, I do have those glucose tablets that diabetics keep on hand, but have found they don't work at all.  Cake does.  LOL!

@sfnative I just have to say, I love your hubby for going to the store to get you cake.  Now that is love.  Smiles.  Seriously, the things we do for those who hold our hearts.  Sometimes cake is truly magical!

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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

@LTT1 wrote:

@sfnative@Misplaced Parisian@Citrine1@ItsME@Drythe


Just found an article and this was-art of it:


Put down that bag of chips or box of cookies! Chances are it contains MSG, artificial sweeteners, food dyes, preservatives, high-fructose corn syrup, or nitrates—all of which trigger migraines”



@LTT1 Thank you for the article.  Due to my food allergies which seem to increase with my age (ugh), I appreciate reading articles like this.  Food can have multiple triggers for people.  

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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

@sfnative  Thank you!

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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

@sfnative@ItsME@Misplaced Parisian@Drythe@Citrine1


I have one's not a migraine but it is sinus. I still must ask myself what did I eat?

What did I do?

What did I not do?


I have been controlling pain with essential oils.

My newest source (and I'm a noob) is "Nature's Gift." If you check it out you will want the one out of Nashville (Madison) TN.  The owner is a registered aromatherapist and advises people to know all of the test results for each oil. Full transparency is advocated by her and she has no secrets on her website. Very ethical. I have been looking for this type of person for about one year.


Since I turned about 55 I'd have to vent that each day is a surprise and I hate it!

My early life was not quite so different.

At least essential oil is alleviating some of the shackles for me! A welcome relief!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

@LTT1 Thanks for the information.  I hope you feel better.  The only thing that helps me with a sinus headache is a neti pot.

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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!



So sorry for the wretched migraine.  

Sending get better wishes to you.

They really do Color Your World, and NOT in a good way.


Thanks for the info. Re: essential oils.


"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

@LTT1  ....  Thank you for the information.  Which essential oils are you using for migraines, and how do you use them?  Do they get rid of the migraine, or just ease it up a bit?


I used to think my migraines were sinus headaches, but about 30 years ago I had an MRI, and found out that I don't have sinuses above my eyes (an abnormality).  That's when I learned I was suffering from migraines.


If you think 55 is bad, wait!  I'm 64, and the last month has been crazy.

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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

[ Edited ]


            Another fellow migraineur, here. 


            I've written on older threads about my long history which goes back to my teens, and also about many of the triggers.   I have very few days without the sometimes-disabling associated effects of migraine that go beyond the head pain, and it has been a major contributor to my struggles with depression.   I've also experienced occasional attacks that were diagnosed as cluster headaches.   There's probably not a method, product, treatment, or medication I haven't tried along the way.   It would be impossible to detail it all here.


             Many years ago I traveled to Ann Arbor, MI, to the Michigan Head Pain & Neurological Institute, and Joel Saper, M.D., and his wonderful team saw me as a patient and then worked as consultants for my neurologist once I was back home.    I've recommended their website here before, and also The American Migraine Foundation and the Migraine World Summits.


            Indeed, MSG was one of the first food triggers I discovered -- back in the 1980s I think -- and we knew to be mindful in selecting restaurant foods since then, so I've tried to keep up with all info about that over the years.   It's been discussed on various threads here in the past.   Also, sulfites and tyramine have long been known to be problematic.  There are many other triggers, for sure, too many to list here -- and what affects one of us might not affect someone else.


            I will mention 2 new ones that I discovered in recent years:    I can't use more than the tiniest wee dose of melatonin (which is a hormone -- and it follows that it triggers migraines in the same way other homones can).     I also cannot ingest any amount of chia seeds, because a migraine will soon follow.   


            As time goes by, our bodies change and also the triggers (or their intensity) can change as can those things that helped us in the past.   I strongly feel a personal daily diary is essential, not just on migraine days.   Keeping up with sleep patterns, diet, exercise, fluid intake, environmental factors, and so much more is really important for us.


            To all of you dear friends, I send a gentle (((cyberhug))) and my love.❤️  


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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

[ Edited ]



My DD clued me in on this...peppermint essential oil lightly swiped across the forehead and on the temples indeed does get rid of my migraines. The relief lasts a couple of hours if I am in the midst of a stubborn one.

The oil will completely stop one if it is easily dissuaded lol 😂 


I now have an excellent source who will answer my questions of this nature. Still on my upcoming list is to inquire about respiratory/sinus/migraine issues. I will report back here to let you know what her clientele have reported. I have always felt that my sinuses are involved somehow/some way.




The food list is changing for me too as I get older (now 66) Tyramine must have been what made me so very sick over the holiday. I felt “poisoned” and it shows up in my body as aches, terrible aches.

Gave up Chinese food 😰 so many years ago, too! No lunchmeats (sulfites ) or wines for me! (Sulfites /gluten)

gee thanks autocorrect!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Wellness "Migrainers:" New finds I've added to my "Clean Foods" List. Yea!

My heart goes out to everyone on this thread dealing with migraine and cluster headaches. For years I suffered and was a frequent flyer to the ER. I gave up so many different foods but nothing worked until I was put on the calcium channel blocker Verapamil ER. It was a miracle for me. I occasionally get an aura but no headache afterward.


Recently, there have been drug manufacturer issues and obtaining it has been difficult. For myself, I would do anything necessary to fulfill the prescription even paying for the name brand Calan.


I hope if you haven't tried it that you consider its use and ask your neurologist if it would be appropriate for you.


My best to everyone on this thread..