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Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

Over the last 5 years, my husband and I have lost 6 members of the family, several close wonderful neighbors have died suddenly, one only 35, countless problems around the house and the most stressful, he has had one ailment after another.  Spinal stenosis, sciatica, carpal tunnel surgery, cataract surgery, InfluenzaB twice and the worst, double pneumonia most of December.  I am stressed to the max.  During his hospitalization in December I was also sick and during a doctor's visit, he prescribed Lexapro 10mg.  


Since I'm the one doing 95% of everything around the house plus 100% of the driving, I've been afraid to take this medication.  Does anybody have any experience with this antidepressant?  I know everyone can have a different reaction, but I've been really stressed and my insomnia is even worse.

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

@bootsanne Of course speak to your doctor about this. I've been taking Lexapro since mid December. It can cause insomnia, that's one of the possible side effects. I already had insomnia before going on it which continued. So the NP gave me something that I take sometimes for that. My NP is very knowledgeable about the meds, my pcp not so much. What time of day do you take it? NP told me I could take it day or night.


It takes time for the med to build up enough to be effective and for the side effects to lessen. Lexapro is supposed to be effective for depression and anxiety. Psychiatrists are supposed to be more knowledgeable about these meds. I wanted to go that route, but I had insurance issues and not taking new patients issues.



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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

@Greeneyedlady21   I haven't started taking this yet.  Most of our doctors are dozens of miles away and I'm concerned about my driving abilities.  My insomnia is really getting bad even though I take prescription sleep aids.  I'm sure my stress levels are part of the insomnia issue.

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

My neighbor began taking it a little over a year ago, did wonders for her anxiety and depression, but took away her interest in intimacy, she is in the process now of weaning herself off of it ,mainly for that reason. 

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

@bootsanne Ok, I'm so sorry. I know what it's like, not exactly of course because everyone's situation is different. But I took care of my Mom for over three years before she died last June. I understand the stress, anxiety, depression, all of it.


All I can suggest is that you call and speak to your Dr and tell them that you haven't started on the Lexapro yet and why you haven't. And about your worsening insomnia. I think you need more information from your Dr, and they do from you. If there's a nurse practitioner you can speak to I would try that too. They have more time to spend with patients.

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

@bootsanne Just a suggestion: Please get the contact info for Social Services from you doctor so you can get some assistance in caring for the household and your husband.


I'm sure you desperately need a break and I sincerely hope you will look into this. Social Services can be a big help from what I understand.


Be good to *you*.

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

I'm sorry you are having difficulties in life @bootsanne .  Your situation does, indeed, sound very stressful.  


I've been on 20 mg. of Lexapro for a good year or so now.  I suffer no side effects at all.  I wouldn't say the drug has helped immensely, but it does take the edge off.  I have some unpleasant family situations that cause stress and, regardless of the Lexapro, the stress is still there.  There's only so much this medication can do!  The one area where it's really helped me is that I am less emotional.  Before taking this drug, I was crying every single day over the least little thing (sad commercials, cute puppies, whatever).  Now I only cry if I'm really upset about something.  


Obviously, the best thing is to discuss this with your doctor, but if I were you I wouldn't be afraid to take the medication you were prescribed.  Good luck to you.  Hoping life soon treats you well.

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

Hi, Bootsanne.  I can appreciate how you feel about taking a new medication for depression, and I am truly sorry for all the pain and stress you are experiencing.  


I wanted to share a bit of my personal experience over ten years ago with you.  Both of my parents were experiencing serious health problems simultaneously, and they were placed into different hospitals and rehab centers, etc., and yet I had my own family to take care of, too.  I felt overstressed to the max, and I even developed x-ray confirmed pneumonia during that time, likely due to all the stress in my life.  I begged my PC physician for something to help me feel less anxious and depressed, and he recommended and prescribed, you guessed it, Lexapro.  I filled the prescription, but never took it, because my doctor told me that I would feel strange and out of focus for a couple of months after I began taking it, and I needed to be 100% in control, due to my enormous responsibilities, including legal and financial ones for both of my parents. 


I decided to do two other things:

1. I went for long walks almost daily with a lovely, sympathethic neighbor, and I discovered what endorphins were for the very first time, as I actually experienced them myself.  Who knew they existed, except for those who exercise enough to discover them? This helped me to feel more composed and in control of my emotions and activiites, and even made me kinder to everyone around me, during the most stressful time in my life.

2. I went for weekly one hour massages.  I tried to cut back to only 30 minute massages to save money, but my body was way too stressed for a shorter massage, so I had to make sure I scheduled only the longer one hour massages.  This helped me, too.  I did feel sorry for my masseuse, however!  Her poor overworked fingers, hands, and arms!


I never took the Lexapro, but I did keep the bottle of it in my kitchen cabinet to have as my "in case of emergency, break the glass" back up plan.  Thankfully, I never needed to take it.  I think my neighbor saved my life with those 3 - 4 mile walks.  She was awesome. 


I hope that you can find whatever way necessary to make yourself feel better in this tremendously challenging time in your life-- including finding the time to talk (and perhaps even walk) with friends and neighbors who care about you, and even taking the prescription pills, should you find you need to take them.  All the best to you! It is never easy making these decisions.

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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?



I am so very sorry about this for you.

It sounds like a tough situation.


The idea of calling the doctor’s office, choose the one you like and perhaps speak with a NP.  If you tell him/her what concerns/trepidations you are feeling, they can make suggestions and possibly allay your fears.


When we have reached out and shared our thoughts, our medical professionals, especially the NursePAs, have been very happy to be consulted in such a way.

Hopefully, you will have a helpful experience too.


It is interesting to me, that depression shows up as crying at tender moments.  It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does.  When I have moments of being emotional, I don’t think of these as being indicators, but I’m sure that they are!


Please let us know what they suggest/what you decide.💗



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Re: Lexapro....Anyone Ever Use This?

I have been on 20mg  Lexapro (the generic version now) for a very long time -- since the early 2000's.  I can only say good things about it.  I am able to think clearly and am not on an emotional rollercoaster.  Of course, medication affects every person differently, but your doctor should moniter you closely at least in the beginning.