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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Sunday Funday, beautiful day here.   Began with a trail walk along the lakeshore and the temp was perfect..  Many people were out biking, running, walking, picnic's.   Home now and watching baseball/football.


Tony glad to see you pop in.  Hope your weather is nice today like ours is.


Nomless I don't know about windows 10 either.   I am not techy at all.  Lucky I can post on here Hahah


Take care everyone!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi everyone...not a good day yesterday. Dogs got skunked in the yard last eve.  It was very light out still and I check for skunks and baby rabbits.  Guess this one was behind a tree.  Needless to say it was awful. Angie got most of it but Daisy got some too.  Vinegar Dawn,peroxide.  Sent DH to Petsmart for skunk shampoo. They're less stink but still kinda.  I've had dogs skunked before and thought I had enough daylight to be safe.  Poor dogs suffer because of me.  Hope your weekend is going better than mine.😱

Trees are the lungs of the Earth
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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Oh, dear, Skylark, what a time you've had.  At least the worst of it is behind you.  I bet the pups were surprised!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi everyone.  I decided to venture into the wellness forum tonight because I need an intervention and inspiration -- I think you ladies are the perfect ones to provide it!!  I can't believe it, but I am 50 pounds - yes 50 - heavier than I was last year at this time.  Over the last couple of months I have started dieting and exercising numerous times, only to continue falling off the wagon.  I do very well through the week but the weekends are just killing my plan, usually because I'm too busy to work out and/or we go out for dinner with friends, eat late, etc etc etc.  Then on Monday the madness starts again.  I have lost 90 pounds before so I know I can do it and I know it's going to take awhile, but I need to have a breakthrough!  I plan to check in here everyday for your words of wisdom and the encouragement that I know you nice ladies will be so willing to give!!  TIA

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi Everyone!


Hi whatsmyname- welcome! I have done the same thing with weight- now I'm stuck with the same 5-7 pound up and down. What I realized was that cos I did so well before that I could do it anytime. Now anytime is next time- which is every Monday!  As I tell everyone new, I'm  the slacker of the group, I'll do really well then just don't! But my friends here still let me hang out. They are encouraging and inspiring and never judge me.


With that- my report is that I went to the eastern states fair- The Big E- on Friday and so enjoyed walking, shopping and eating my way through the day!


Saturday I felt like nomless- I wet to do one thing and ended up cleaning cabinets and going through dated stuff. I had a few spices that were overdue for the trash.


Yesterday was football and NASCAR. Took a short walk to try to feel less guilty about being inside on a great day.


Skylark- skunks, ick!

Bopper- keep that nice weather coming!

Nomless- fingers still crossed!


Enjoy today!!!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi all and Happy Monday,  this morning I headed straight outside on this beautiful fall day and did a 5 mile walk.   Then came in and had some yogurt and water and did my Total Gym.  In between now this afternoon I'm on my rebounder...


Welcome Whatsmyname, nice to meet you and hear your story.  We have all been in your shoes.  I am still struggling from a year ago to drop some weight but I never give  up the ship.  I'm on something or doing something everyday.  I received a Fitbit for my BD in May and i really think it has motivated me to move more.  Before I didn't know how many steps I really got in on a daily basis and now I look at my fitbit and say I have to get up and move again.  Also careful on my eating.  I understand the weekend issues too, it's hard when you want to go out to dinner and you make a bad choice.  Don't beat yourself up over it, it's a new day.  Your mind is in the right place, now just be the boss of the mind and you will be on your way!   Any activity counts, you don't have to have a full blown out sweat affair haha, just don't get in the "sitting" mode for too long.  


Nomless I hope your Monday is going well.  I keep saying prayers that your find a job and I really believe in God's timing it will happen.


Tony football/baseball and Nascar here yesterday.  We did our walk in the morning though on trails by the lake so I did get in a good amount of stepping time.  Any critter stories to tell us about?   I smelled skunk last night and was worried Logan would bee line it to the dark backyard and get sprayed but he didn't.   


Skylark you have the skunk story.  No thank you!   That has to be the most awful thing ever.  Hope they smell a little better now.


Waving to everyone!

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

Hi, Whatsmyname, welcome.  Yes, we all struggle in one way or another.  Recently, I've been good about doing workouts consistently, but I've been eating very badly and undong the benefit of the workouts.  I'm struggling with getting a good eating program going again.  I hope it helps you to know that we're here cheering you on.  Please check in with us, we're happy to listen and provide encouragement.  It helps me to set a daily goal.  Teeny steps.  Sometimes the big picture is overwhelming, but teeny steps acan be managed and will get us to our goal.


I spent this morning doing paperwork and revising my resume.  I think I need to dumb it down a bit because I'm overqualified for the type of job I'm looking for now.


Hi, Tony and Bopper.  Glad to see you. 


Skylark, I hope you and the pups have recovered from the encounter with the skunk.


ETA:  I forgot to say I did Katami today.  It was supposed to be a cardio day, but I didn't feel like doing it, so I did Katami instead.

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

Tony, Bopper, and Nomless - thank you for the warm welcome.  I have found that it helps me if I'm accountable and you are officially my police now!  I have a nasty summer cold right now but I won't let it keep me from Zumba tomorrow.  Bopper, I love what you said about being the boss of my mind - it's so true. 

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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Whatsmyname, have fun at Zumba.  I hope you feel better today.


About accountability, this helps me: I have a calendar on which each day is a square that's large enough to write in.  Every day, I write down what workout I did and for how many minutes.  This really helps me be consistent....I don't like seeing empty boxes.  LOL.  On days when I really don't want to do a workout, I'll make a deal with myself to at least do a short one, 15 or 20 minutes.  Usually once I get started, I end up doing the full workout I had planned but didn't want to do.  Often the mind game is harder than the workout itself.



Have fun!



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Re: Welcome to the September Exercise Thread

Hi everyone, gave the dogs another bath yesterday. They still give off a little skunk whiff but it's ok. No use to keep freaking about it! Thanks for the sympathy on the stink😄

Welcome WMN! Good luck with your goals. It's so hard.  People here are very inspiring,it makes you want to do it too. 

I haven't done much today but planning a nice long walk this afternoon. My heel is much improved.  

I hope you are all enjoying the glorious weather we are,70's during the day and 50's at night.

Trees are the lungs of the Earth