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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

@bopper, from my googling, I saw that most suggests about eight ounces of water (I like mine hot), 2 tablespoons of Braggs Organic Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with mother (not sure I can explain what that is, like a starter similar to yeast, I'd guess), organic unfiltered honey to taste.  I use two tablespoons, unfortunately, lol.  And lemon juice to taste.  Doesn't taste bad at all.  Either use a straw or rinse your mouth after drinking it for the sake of your teeth if you drink this on a regular basis.  The acidity of the vinegar could erode the enamel on your teeth over time.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

I'm hitting it hard this month!!  I'm determined to loose weight!  Thanks, you guys, for all the encouragement!


My goal this month is to drink a juice/protien shake every morning of this month, do 30 situps a day, 10 pushups a day, walk around my parking lot at work 1 time everyday and I found a diet that I'm hoping is the ticket (  I'm stocked and I gotta stay stoked!  


Go!  Go!  Go!

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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

Well good for you @love_to_laugh.  A new poster!  Welcome to the land of the QVC threads.  I'm fairly new to this group but I'm been on these boards for years.  You sound really enthusiastic but I would caution you not to take on too much too quickly and overwhelm yourself.  Sounds like this will be new to you??  


Other than that, keep the positive thoughts and join us when you can for updates and support.  Good luck!

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Someone told me it's 2017, I missed it.  Well I'm back into the land of the living...what an ordeal that was.  Yesterday was my first hive-free day in quite a while.  I sent pictures to some of my friends and they said they wouldn't even have known it was bff showed her sister and her sister asked "Who is that"?...and didn't believe her that it was me.


Had a big day yesterday, finally back to feeling well so I took full advantage of it.  Did over 10 miles outside...early morning with Lucy and later in the morning with my neighbor.  And a full-body HIIT-style work-out which has me sore this morning, just upper-body though so I'll do legs today.  I'd been quite weak from what I'd gone through so it was nice feeling half-way normal again...but I was pooped last night!  May have overdone it. 


Not sure what today holds...I want to go hiking.  Single digit windchill and snowing but we'll dress appropriately, I'll take the cold over the heat anyday...and we're not -40* like some states.  Can't get over the snow out west and some parts of New York...over 10-feet of new snow and it's still falling.  Avalanche warnings all over.  And Virginia Beach is supposed to get a foot!  I'll have to text my gf's and see what's happening there. 


Glad everyone is doing well. 










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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Wish me luck ladies, I just registered to run the San Francisco Rock and Roll half marathon.  I ran my first half last year in May.  The hills scare me a bit but thinking of running across the Golden Gate Bridge drew me in.


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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Morning frigid day here with wind chills below zero too but the sun is out so I am happy!  I haven't got anything to report, been cleaning and probably should take the tree down. I like it though.


Foxxie thank you for the amounts, I"ll keep it and share with my sister.


SF girl, good luck with your half marathon and welcome here.  It's good to see new posters and see what you are doing to stay healthy and fit.


love to laugh you have a great plan in the works!   Keep up the awesome work!   It's all about the movement!  You got this!!!  Love your name too  Smiley Happy


Iluvlucy to happy to hear you are back and at em again!  Wonderful news!   I heard also about all the snow and everywhere around us like to the West and East got tons and we got nothing new here, we are protected by a peninsula so the wind blows it East and West.  I'm not complaining mind you and i saw somebody said 6 weeks until Spring hahaha   where might that be?   How about 3 1/2 month for us and that is pushing it!


Nomless hope your weekend is happy for you.  Go Lions!  Anything can happen at this point!


Stay warm and safe everyone,  praying for those in Ft. Lauderdale!



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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Glad everyone is feeling better and congrats on the new lifestyles and good luck on the marathon.  Smiley Happy


My snow never materialized so my shoveling and snowman building exercise isn't happening.  That's the weather people's fault so I'm virtually logging it anyway.


QVC came through with the exact tracker I wanted with the exact special color I wanted so pray I don't lose this one in a month.  I don't get it til the end of the month but I'm excited for it.  

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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Laura, I'm glad you didn't get snow.


Lucy, I'm happy to hear things are !Ich better. Great news.


@SFGIANTSGIRL, good for you! Let us know how your training is going.


Love to laugh, welcome. Yes, you can do it! Keep us posted.


Bopper, as always, stay warm.  😃


Foxxie, I sometimes do the vinegar-lemon juice-water remedy when I think I might be getting a UTI. It seems to help. 


It was 20 or so today, much warmer than recent temps, so I got some errands done around town. Came home and decided to try the Vionic sneaker TSV. I got two sizes and am prepared to return one or both pair if need be. For me, buying shoes online is always a gamble. Oh, well. I'm hoping the larger size will be good for work, the smaller for every day use. Fingers crossed 'cause I hate to eat the return shipping charge, but I wanted to try these. A big plus is there are no seams.

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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Way to go SFGIANTSGIRL!  I remember you starting races when you used to post here...nice to see you again.  That would be an awesome one to do...I loved running across the GG bridge, it's a beautiful sight! 


nomless....I think you need to document your new diet.  Who knows it could be a contender...The 2017 Library! 


bopper...our windchill is below zero today too, Lucy went potty really fast this morning so that was nice for!  Yes, it's soooo good to be feeling better, thank-you.


Laura...I think my friend posted you guys got some ice if I remember correctly.  I saw so many fb pictures yesterday.  I really enjoy the dogs playing in the snow, more than the kids..haha...I know, I'm terrible!


Mmssfoxxie, hope you're feeling better.


And my mind is blank...I feel like I'm forgetting someone.  Hope not.


Got my rower yesterday...we just do not have good luck with stuff like that.  Long story short, HSN gave me a pretty good discount on it and we were able to get it together and it does work. 


We took Lucy for 2 yesterday morning but she got cold down by the river with the wind, it was a lot colder down there, they say by a good 10* most days.  I imagine with only 5 lbs and no body-fat(sweater and a coat though), it doesn't take much...I had her blanket so we wrapped her up and headed back, she was fine. 


Then dh and I went back out for a few miles on the Heritage Trail, it was so nice and peaceful way out in the woods away from the world, especially along the river.  I'm a little sore but I did legs and squats after got home so could be from that.  Went back out for a quick one yesterday afternoon with my gf...I missed her text so only caught the tail end.  Made a big pot of soup and stayed home.


Not sure what today holds, was reading about the shooting victims at Ft. Lauderdale this morning so probably not a good way to start the day out. Smiley Sad   Animals are enjoying the fire right now.  Have a good day! 





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Re: Welcome to the January Exercise Thread

Hey all,  I finally took down the tree, and decorations, dusted and vaccumed.   We had some sun earlier and it was so nice but its gone now.  Why is it when sun shines though your glass everything looks dusty or smeary.  My windows look atrocious and the dust. and I do dust Smiley Wink


Started a Good Will bag and a garbage bag too of stuff in my bedroom I don't wear or need.  

Nomless Let me know on the shoes, I pondered but didn't bite.  I liked the idea of no seams too because they "always "   rub my feet somewhere and causes a blister.    I hope you like them and good idea getting 2 different sizes.  I agree on return shipping stinks but it's such a gamble like you said. 


Iluvlucy sounds like a good day and it is peaceful down by the river away from the rest of the world and seeing all the wildlife like you do.   We have warmed up to 20 so feels like a heat wave.   Glad HSN gave you a could amount of money off the rower, sorry it arrived a little "iffy"....


Foxxie are you feeling better?   SFGIANTSGIRL please tell us how you are training for this run.  Is this your first half marathon?


Whos getting the Lo Bak Trax?   Someone has one here, I don't remember.  I sure would like to try it and DH needs it too but I haven't bitten.  Maybe it will come back As Is....although there is free shipping today.  I just hate sending stuff back and I do have a Teeter Inversion table but this is so portable...what to do?


Waving to everyone!