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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hey all, quite cold's 6 above right now. By next week high of 0 .....not sure even Logan can handle that outside. I can dress for it but his paws will be too cold. He won't wear the booties...Tried it once and he freaked out.

Did the trail though today and the Total Gym....My granddaughter is spending the night tonight and I have her through tomorrow afternoon.

Hoping everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Bopper, it's so cold here, too! With the wind chill, it'll feel like zero tmrw. Yuck! It cuts right through you!! I did Pilates again after work today. Hubby and I went to Jason's deli and I think I ate the whole salad bar. And their hummus is so good!!! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm about to hop in the tub and snuggle up with my pups. Have a great night, all!!!
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hi, all. It's very cod here, too, but no snow, so I'm happy. I just finished watching the 4-day (or was it 5?) American Ninja Warrior marathon, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn't see all of it, of course, because I was doing other things but I saw a lot. The first two seasons were interesting I tat they didn't have city trials. Instead, they bright a group of people to a boot camp to train on obstacles. Contestants were eliminated until at the end they took a group of 4 (5?) to Japan to give Mt. M. a try. It was fun to see all seasons again. They're casting now, but I don't know when the next season all start. I have a dental appt at 7:30 tomorrow. Ugh. Computer is fixed, carpet has been cleaned, trying to get a lot done around here while I'm on vacation.
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Happy New Year's Eve!

nomless...hope it's just a routine visit! I have a big ordeal coming up this month, broke a crown but that's okay, it's the crown in front of it that needs to be redone. Sounds like you were a happy camper watching your marathon!

FUTURE...they sure don't look like they're "running" shoes, do they? Believe me, I'm always tripping or falling...dh is a little worried about me wearing them when he's not with me...haha!

bopper...layer up! You're not alone...a city in Utah is -20* this morning and that's not wind chill. We're 22* which is pretty low for this area. It feels better to me than it did yesterday in the 30's with the rain and wind though. Yes, the paws are the problem...that's what would stop us from taking Lucy out when it got around 0*...not worth risking anything imo and she's so darn tiny.

So...I'm back to CrossFit!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup} I know it's not for everyone, but I enjoy it. They also have another class, FIT, that I'll be doing. It's a 1-hour HIIT class that they said is brutal...very fast-paced and always changing, even within the go from one thing to the next.

And I'm already sore...ay. I know the first month is just going to be painful so I need to get it under my belt and deal with it. Going to hit the pavement with dh this morning, Wed's are his cardio day so we can work-out together.

Have a party and church tonight...then a birthday party tomorrow. Need to make a dessert yet. Hope everyone has a great day!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Here's a sampling of the types of exercises you'll find in the daily WOD for FIT:

* Running

* Rowing

* Jump rope

* Battle rope

* Kettlebells

* Barbells

* Plates

* Planks


* Core work

* Box jumps

* Tire flips

* Pullups and chinups

* Walls

"Every day you come in to our boot camp, you'll see a different workout posted. Themed workouts are a favorite among coaches and athletes, such as Tabatas Tuesday and partner workouts for Friday Fun, to ensure there is always a good mix to keep all of your muscles working.

After a warmup and a two-minute fitness challenge (Haven't you always wanted to know how many pushups/pullups/squats/double-unders/[insert exercise of choice] you can do in two minutes?!), you will move on to the next phase of this high-intensity interval training. Once you're nice and warmed up, you'll work through a number of challenging circuits. Clock-watching your way through an hour on the elliptical is a thing of the past as time flies during this nonstop boot camp workout class."

Sounds fun and challenging!!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} They have an outdoor obstacle course too so I'm looking forward to taking a go at that. I won't wear my Hoka's though.{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Patty, yes, my dental appt was just a cleaning. No problems found. Good luck with your procedure. Congrats on Crossfit and FIT. You'll do great!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Happy New Year's Eve everyone...very quiet at our house and I'm not complaining...{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

My GD just left...enjoy having her so much and she's so grown up in some ways...In some ways I miss the toddler age! But she's so fun...

Pppmint thanks for listing everything they do in the class, it covers a lot of ground and I'm glad you enjoy it so nomless said you'll do awesome!

Nomless glad you got lots accompllshed and enjoyed the NW marathon. Glad the dental apt. is behind you too. I have one in about 2 weeks and am already fretting. Cleaning too but hate it!

FUTURE it's super cold here to. Probably well below 0 tonight and a high of 0 on Monday. Even Logan will be holding his paws up. The rest of him is fine with his heavy coat but not his feet .

Okie Dokie how you doin {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

Hard to believe it's the last day of the year...some things are sad to leave behind and some are best to leave behind. Hoping our NY is blessed and healthy for everyone!