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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hey all, another beautiful sunny day here. Took the trail with Logan and it was beautiful and peaceful. Mr. Logan had to be leashed though because he sniffs a bit too much and starts to go way to far....he's like walking with a plow...walks terrible on a leash. Reminds me of the beagles we had growing up

FUTURE glad you got in your pilates and your menu figured out...hard to believe 2 weeks away..Yikes...

Pppmint enjoy our Christmas party tonight...what does your sweater look like. Wish Lucy could go with you and she could wear her sweater Smiley Happy

Okie dokie great job...your doing fantastic....

Nomless cool color....I will look it hearing about all your new nail colors...

Well better get a load of laundry in and clean my kitchen up. Want to wipe down my cabinets...and then watch a movie...

Have a wonderful day!

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Patty, yay that you like your new polish. I like the micro-glitters better than the big chunks, too. The foil finishes/uo-chromes are fun. At least your furkids didn't knock the tree over. Whew, that's a relief. Have fun at the party.

Hi, Bopper, enjoy your sunny day, outside with Logan, you don't get many of them. I hope you enjoyed your homemade bread and soup last night. I bet it was yummy.

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Welp...I made it 12 in a row. Running a fever today. Smiley Sad Still proud of myself.

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Happy Friday everyone, sunny here again, woo hoo...............did a Program from On Demand and going to the trail after lunch with Logan.

Tonight we have a concert to go about an hour away called Broadway Rocks Christmas..I think I will really like it.

Okie Dokie great job but sure hope you feel better.

I had to have blood work done today and everyone is coughing. The sign at the desk said to please wear a mask, so why don't people!!!!!!

Pppmint glad DH is home and hope you are having a great day....can you stay home tonight?

Nomless your on a polish kick! Love it! I need to do mine before tonight stubs {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

FUTURE enjoy your day and weekend!

Cater are you with us?

Tony?? missing you...

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

OkeyDokey...hope you're feeling better. You might need to recover a day so your body can fight off whatever it is.

bopper...was sunny here too but now the clouds are rolling in. Have fun tonight!

Had a blast at the party last night. They're such a fun community...they can get pretty crazy. The dance-off was hilarious and some of the sweaters gave us a good laugh. Cousin Eddie from Christmas Vacation was there...dickie, moose cup, and white pleather shoes!

Dh and I did the 5-mile route this morning. He went into work to send everyone home and he ended up staying there because of an emergency. I went grocery shopping and gave Lucy a bath...which is a work-out in itself. She is freakishly strong for her Now we're going to see if there are any good movies playing, will stop and grab a bite to eat first.

Waving to everyone...even those that are MIA!

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hi, all. Busy Friday. I think I got interrupted 5 times for every one task completed. Lol! Hubby and I are going out to dinner in a bit at one of our favorite places. We haven't had a real, true date night in a few weeks, so I'm ready! Next week I have stuff every night.......where's the eye roll emoticon??? Smiley Wink It'll be fine. I'm just ready to get to the week of Christmas and slow the heck down. The good news is we have a slow weekend, so spin in the am, maybe the grocery store (quick trip for some fresh stuff -- I told hubby we have to eat everything in the fridge and freezer to make room for Christmas food -- lol!), and that's it! Hubby's going to work some, and then we can stay in tomorrow night. Not sure how we swung a weekend this close to Christmas without anything, but I'll roll with it! Nomless, I can't stand those cramps. I still remember the last bad one I had -makes me cringe to think about it. Bopper, hope Logan doesn't run off and pull you down the trail behind him. Lol! Patty, enjoy your weekend. Okey, feel better. It's going around like wildfire, so hope you get a quick recovery!! Adios!
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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Future, enjoy your quiet weekend. Patty, glad you had fun at the party. Bopper, did you enjoy the music last night? I bet it was great...festive. I just finished cardio, now will do some cleaning. Have to new fleece set is leaving lint everywhere. Navy fleece sure looks terrible on beige carpet, lol. Have a good day, everyone. Oh, just remembered....I didn't watch BL this week. It was pre-empted a couple of weeks in a row and I lost interest. It's not the show it used to be.
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hi everyone!

nomless...they stop doing that after 3 to 5 washings. My cream colored ones did it but I don't think my leopard print ones did.

We did our 7-mile route this morning then got cracking...cleaned out the garage, I went through boxes we didn't get to when ds got sick right after we moved in and put all that stuff away while dh hung lights. I did a little more decorating inside and out then cleaned, vacuumed, laundry, cut down the boxes, organized garage, etc.

Now we're showered and watching the Army-Navy game and are so happy to be staying home. Tomorrow is SS, church, and a Christmas program and reception tomorrow night. Next weekend we have a party Friday and Saturday nights...then one on the 22nd and Christmas Eve...and are talking about driving to PA Christmas day...ugh. Feel like I'm forgetting something too. Need to see how much work we're going to have to do on our house to get it ready to sell...the walk-through is Monday. I know painting and new carpet is a definite.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!

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Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Hi all, nomless I have 3 sets of the sheets and have had no lint. I have the sage green, the Poinsettia and the leopard set...I do love them. Yes BL was pre-empted a couple weeks. I watched it...I still like it.

Pppmint glad you can stay home tonight..that must seem lovely for you..your time at home is precious indeed!

We are playing with my granddaughter and making a Ginger bread house and watching movies...She's such a joy, my heart over flows with love for her {#emotions_dlg.tt1}

Hoping you all enjoy your evening!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Welcome to the December Exercise Check In

Bopper, it's my fleece pj's that are spreading lint all over, lol. My fleece sheets don't shed, but the pj's do. Have fun making a house with DGD. Patty, selling the house....what a big job. You haven't even had time for the grass to grow under your feet!