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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Rest day for me today.  Just don't have it in me to do anything, mostly because I couldn't sleep last night.


Bopper, Strong last night was two episodes, so it didn't seem drawn out.  I don't have an opinion yet.  The drama among the trainers seemed to take over; one of the trainer's seems to be a jerk, no one likes him.  I'll watch again tonight.


@QVCmissy, welcome to the forums and to our thread.  You've had a tough couple of years.  Good for you for starting to think about yourself again. This is a friendly, fun group.  We all do different things, exercise-wise, and we love hearing what everyone is doing.  Lots of support and encouragement here.  Keep reading our thread and  posting. We'd love to hear from you.  

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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Waving Hi to Everyone!  I didn't do anything today.  Back is still bothering me and didn't sleep very well last night because of it.  It feels a bit better now so hopefully will sleep better tonight.  Think tomorrow morning I'll get up and at least do the upper body exercises on the BodyGym.   I'll see how the weekend goes before I do any PiYo again.


Welcome to QVCMissy!  This is a great group and were very welcoming to me when I came back a few days ago - I'd been gone for quite a while.  You will find a lot of inspiration and support here and maybe even discover new ways of working out.



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

[ Edited ]

Happy Friday everyone! 


Welcome Missy!  Sorry you've had such a rough-go.  I know all too well how illensses and deaths can change your routines. 


Today is weights day for us and a run...and I'll take Lucy out hiking later when the sun is out..  She ran so far with me yesterday, I couldn't believe it!  And those hills are buggers!  Yesterday I got in a lot of miles, running, power-walking, and biking.  It was 32* when we went out the first time and I had shorts on...and that first mile was chilly!


Kids got us "Hello Fresh" for Christmas so I finally ordered it.  I made Thai Beef Stir-fry last night, I don't eat red meat but dh said it was delicious.  The Crispy Chicken Milanese was very good also.  I think we may start doing it when our gift card runs out...the food is all fresh and very tasty.  As expensive as everything is in this area, the price isn't bad at all either.  DH flies to Atlanta next week so I will skip that week.


I think we're going to get a rower...been looking at them.  I enjoy it and they're good for our CF/HIIT training days. 


Okay...someone is laced up and ready to roll so I need to get off of here!  Hope your backs are better Laura and Judy!  Leaving without me...



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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Patty/Lucy, thanks for your report about Hello, Fresh.  I love that Jamie Oliver is involved with them, and it's a great fit for him and his dedication to getting people to eat healthy real food.  I"ve looked at it off and on because it would solve the problem of deciding what I want to make.  I'll look again.  Enjoy your day.  

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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Happy Friday Fit Friends!


Welcome QVCMissy, I am new here too.  My goodness life has been putting you through the wringer. I don't blame you for not exercising for a while there. I also enjoy Ellen Barrett, she is so adorable!  I love her older walking kit that she made for Weight Watchers.  Even if you do 10 minutes a day - that's something you did to get healthier and it all counts.


Yesterday I got in a nice walk on my lunch break, and after work I did a Kathy Smith workout that is geared toward balance but it features a lot of balletic and standing Pilates moves. Then I did one of Kathy's Pilates workouts.  I am so sore today! It's gratifying to finally feel sore from exercising again.


Greetings all around!

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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

YEA IT'S FRIDAY!  Good morning everyone!  A quick check in from work.  Back/hip is feeling much better this morning.  I didn't work out just wanted to give my body a rest.  if all goes well today and I'm not hurting too much at the end of the day, I may try and do something tomorrow morning.


Sounds like everyone is up and going at it!  It's a beautiful day here in the Bay Area.  Going to be a busy weekend as DD's in-laws are in town and there is lots of family stuff going on. DD's in-laws are such nice people - thank goodness! 


Take care everyone and have a wonderful day!


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Happy Friday, so happy to see all the posts...


Welcome to all our new posters, and it's nice to see all the different types of workouts.


I went outside this morning as we are "finally" and I say Finally....warming up.. We're 63 now,,,,"Hello World"... Smiley Happy


Did 4.5 miles today, only a little with Logan on the very wet/snowy still trail...but the rest was walking down a Country road on the shoulder to the soccer/basebsll field, did some pushups on the tables and a 1 minute plank, then walked back home and did some more in the house.   It's just so nice out I'm going back out again, can't do yard work as we still have snow in our yard and where it is melted it's way to soggy wet but I can just walk around and putz in the garage.


Not much else interested going on here, so I will say Enjoy the Day!


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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Bopper, I'm so happy you finally have a nice spring day. I bet it felt good being outside.


Judy, how great that you're feeling better.  I hope vypu're still on the mend, too, Laura.  Pilates, you did a nice mix of things.


I spent the morning doing errands, including getting a new pair of Sauconys for my workouts.  I did cardio this afternoon....I think the shoes will be OK although part of the arch support seems amiss in the left shoe.  I'll give it a few days, maybe it needs some time to break in and conform to my foot.

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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Feels so good to sit and enjoy coffee and relax for a change!  We've been getting up really early to run and lift before dh leaves for work so this is nice.  We're up to 35* now...still chilly here, but many states still in the 20's this morning.  And we're supposed to be 70* today...yay!  And some places in CO and NM are supposed to get a foot of snow today...a bit of everything still going on.


 I'm quite sore from yesterday's weights so today is only cardio....other than working on the basement, lots of heavy boxes and trunks full of dh's gear.  We cleaned out the garage yesterday afternoon and both of us washed and vacuumed out our vehicles so can focus on basement.  I had over 13 miles on my Fitbit yesterday and I didn't even wear it for our morning run.  Lucy and I had a beautiful hike, walk, run...she is in heaven!  We have 55-miles of trails right out our door, I'm so grateful as we had no idea when we got this place. 


nomless, the kids love Hello Fresh....and I know we will also.  The food is delicious, fresh, healthy...AND, it helps you learn how to cook and break out of a rut.  You still have to prepare and cook it, but the recipes are easy to follow. 


Okay...I'm getting restless...going to bike and hike today.  Hope everyone has a nice weekend and is feeling well!  I'm going to a new specialist on Tuesday, hoping I can get off these steroids.



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Re: Welcome to the April Exercise Thread

Patty, it's so great that things have settled down for you and family.  It's wonderful that you're loving your new home.  And it's great that Lucy is happy there, too, with lots of things to explore.  


Bopper, the Puck mini rice cooker is back in stock on HSN for $20+$5 shipping.  The cookbook is available, too, also for $20+$5 shipping. Flex-pay is available for both.