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Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

You're off to a great start! I was up to 194 and over the past year and a half have lost 60 lbs. Your large weight drop in one week is most likely water. You can't lose fat that fast. I've kept careful track of my progress. 

I eat mostly low fat dairy, vegetables and some meats. One piece of fruit a day, small amount of nuts, no sugar or starches. I exercise 6-7 days a week - cardio and strength training.  I have averaged under one pound per week loss. The most I've lost in a week is 1.6 pounds. There are weeks I gain weight. I hit a plateau about every 10 pounds where I loose nothing for 2-3 weeks. It's very frustrating. I'm still trying to get to my goal of 130. 

Keep at it. Find vegetables that you can enjoy eating. Incorporate some strength training. Gym Ra on youtube has a lot of good exercise videos. Find some hills to walk up. Brisk walking burns only about 100 calories an hour. You need to burn an extra 500 calories a day/7 days a week to loose a pound.

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Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

If you walk, walk faster.  Take weights, if you do, get heavier weights.  Wear ankle weights.  Walk like your feet aren't even hitting the ground.  Pass younger people.  Get your heart rate up to 120 at least.  Dress lightly no matter how cold and you should work up a sweat.  You can do it!

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Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help! Lol


For those that are thinking of adding the carrying of weights while walking, be the weight be in your hands or on your ankles? On your ankles you open yourself up to unnecessary of injuries. Anywhere on any part of your legs, and even your spine?


If you want more resistance? Walk up hills of steeper and/or longer grades. Carrying weights yields little results with too many risks. Think of your Cervical and lumbar areas of your spine. A lot of woman have some Spinal problems from carrying a heavy purse on their shoulder?


Not a good way, in my opinion to increase your heart rate. There are so many other options. If you are looking to make your legs stronger? Stick with some type resistance training, that is the purpose of using this type of training.

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Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

[ Edited ]

@Lucky Charm wrote:

If you walk, walk faster.  Take weights, if you do, get heavier weights.  Wear ankle weights.  Walk like your feet aren't even hitting the ground.  Pass younger people.  Get your heart rate up to 120 at least.  Dress lightly no matter how cold and you should work up a sweat.  You can do it!

While I appreciate the YAY!! attitude, there's lots in here we need to reconsider:


Walking faster: Good.
Weights: Not so good.

Even small weights, 2-3lb isn't going to do anything except cause injury or hurtful joints....especially extra weight on the ankles. Pumping your arms & quicker stride elevates your heart rate more than anything.


Heart rate:  HR is very, very personalized. Throwing out an arbitrary # is not wise. Age & health will regulate your ideal training zone. Below are a couple good articles explaining HR by Sally Edwards & Phil Maffetone. Probably the safest # one can give is a formula: 180 less your age = ceiling for training for general health.


While it's good to be active for a specified time and/or light movement throughout the day, weight loss should come from dietary means. While movement might break the OP's plateau, it should never be a source of weight loss. There's a saying, "you can never out-exercise a bad diet."

Been there, done that.

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Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

You've gotten a lot of good advice here.  I might add that walking with a brisk pace as well as Zumba are great.  You do have to have good shoes so you have the support you need.

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Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

Congrats on your progress.  Walking is good but add something else to your routine.  Small handweights (not while walking) or bands.  Start out with 3 sets of 10 each of bicep curls, chest presses and rows.  These can be done while sitting.  Also, turn on the music and dance.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

Thanks for all the great replies.  Appreciate them and am taking everyone's good advice.     I've lost another pound (water loss, right?). Smiley Happy

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Posts: 13,913
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Weight loss questions/I've hit a plateau after only ONE week! Help!

@newjersey wrote:


I've lost another pound (water loss, right?). Smiley Happy



The only real accurate way for your (question?) =^..^= is to have a Body Composition Test done. I don't see that as being even a tiny thought for your issue.










