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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

gardenman, do you see the nfl banning him for life? ......i am not so sure they will do that.....and if not then i do think that there will be another team who will pick him up eventually.

i said on another thread that i hope and pray that this NEVER happens again, whether or not he stays in football.

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

Even a one or two year ban would effectively be a ban for life. Running backs have a very short lifespan and Ray Rice's best years are already behind him. With the number of young backs coming out each year he's got no real value. He's effectively banned for life now even without a formal declaration. He was a good back, but he's no Adrian Peterson.
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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

It's early yet, but this is not how the Giants wanted this game to go. Two possessions by the Lions and they've got two touchdowns. The Giants have been ineffective at moving the ball and not so good at stopping Detroit. This Giant team looks a bit discombobulated right now. Tom Coughlin's got his work cut out for him this year.

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

And week one is done! I went 12-4 on my picks getting the Patriots/Dolphins game, the Falcons/Saints game, the Buffalo/Chicago, game and the Tennessee./KC games wrong. A pretty good first week overall.

The Giants continued to flounder around last night. That offense is horribly out of sync. The NFC East looks to be pretty weak this year with just the Eagles looking halfway solid. Don't be shocked to see some pretty wholesale changes taking place there later in the season and during the off-season. We could see two to three new starting QB's in the NFC East before the season is done. Eli's clearly not comfortable with the Giants new offense. RGIII looks lost. Romo is Romo, making great plays then throwing horrible interceptions. I wouldn't be shocked to see at least two new head coaches in the East next year.

On to week two! The Eagles play the Colts on Monday night which will be a good test for both teams. The Eagles lost two starting offensive linemen, but the Colts learned that Mathis will be gone for the season after tearing his achilles tendon. The Redskins play the Jaguars in what looks like a must win game for them already in week two with four tougher games (Eagles, Giants, Seahawks, Cards) coming up behind that game. The Giants take on the Cardinals. The Cowboys take on the Titans who just beat KC. Based on what we saw this past week I'm not sure there won't be three 0-2 teams in the NFC East after next week's games.

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

The Colts forums are almost exploding over the loss of Robert Mathis. There are some who claim that Indy's season is over. I wouldn't say the season is over, but Mathis' injury is a large concern. The team has practically no pass rush unless they come up with an alternative. Some posters have mentioned the Colts getting Aldon Smith. There is nothing official about that, but people are desperate right now.

I won't watch recent video of Ray Rice. I'll take everyone's word that it is bad. He probably won't be playing in the NFL ever again. His age is a factor and who would sign him after all this? No team would want to touch him. Roger Goodell messed up in that respect; Rice should have had a more severe penalty in the first place.

I wonder if Tom Coughlin will keep his job? Maybe the Giants will improve, but not in the near future. NFL teams won't worry when Eli's coming. (Sorry, had to say that.)

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!



SUNSHINE-I did not pick the's not my fault!

TEGAN-So sorry about losing Mathis and your Colts almost pulled it off in the second half......

SHELTIEMOM-Good to see you back and with the new owner also being the owner of the Sabres does that mean that the Bills will stay in NY? How bout those Bills!!!

GARDENMAN-while at the Texans game in H town, watched the scoreboard in disbelief as the Jags were beating the Eagles, and then it seemed that they suddenly came to life and dominated....I guess it took some time for them to wake up!!!

Isn't the NFC (L)East exciting---Tony Romo was awful and who do they have as backup, Weedon---rethinking that draft Jerry? And my DS's Giants were downright pathetic, their personnel just does not fit the West Coast Offense---what are the Giants thinking???? And their defense is in trouble too....My DS is NOT amused!

And WOW how about those Dolphins!!!!

As for my REDSKINS-

Numbers DO Lie-my Skins won the battle of the stat board---

Time of Possession, Rushing Yards, Passing Yards, Total Yards---

Nice mix of pass and running plays---

But then numbers came back to make the difference --

Two really nice drives but negated by 2 FUMBLES inside the 10 yard line!!!! Ya gotta hold the ball tight and make sure you have a good grip with JJ Watt waiting on the other side to take the ball away!!!! SHEESH!! On one of the fumbles Robert tripped over center Kory L and Robert should have never attempted to hand the ball off to Morris as he fell.....{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

RB Alfred Morris had a decent game and nice mixing a change of pace RB with Helu---.

Garcon had a good game too

Special Teams are still a problem with a blocked PAT courtesy of JJ Watt, then a blocked punt returned for a TD .......

On defense --- the team may have given up on Rambo who can't tackle---(he was to blame when Rambo's non tackle was easily bypassed for a 76 yard play by Hopkins). There are rumors that Duke Ihenachoa claimed off waivers could replace him in next week's game.....

But overall despite the Texans much hailed D the Redskins had an opportunity to win this game but the costly fumbles and mistakes did us in....we beat ourselves.....

It was interesting that Gruden was determined to make Robert stay in the pocket --- although the Texans D for the most part did not give him much opportunity to use the option....there were several occasions were the Ol failed Robert too.....

A disappointing game but there were some overall positives too....

One of the most jaw dropping plays was not JJ Watt ---(he came in 2nd) the Texans Mascot, Toro, entered the stadium by jumping from a rope tied to the very top of the stadium---pretty SPECTACULAR!!!{#emotions_dlg.w00t}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}Wink

The Texan fans were very nice to us visiting Redskin fans.....although it seems it was my DS who got some grief by wearing her Giants Jersey-{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

On 9/9/2014 teganslaw said:

The Colts forums are almost exploding over the loss of Robert Mathis. There are some who claim that Indy's season is over. I wouldn't say the season is over, but Mathis' injury is a large concern. The team has practically no pass rush unless they come up with an alternative. Some posters have mentioned the Colts getting Aldon Smith. There is nothing official about that, but people are desperate right now.

I won't watch recent video of Ray Rice. I'll take everyone's word that it is bad. He probably won't be playing in the NFL ever again. His age is a factor and who would sign him after all this? No team would want to touch him. Roger Goodell messed up in that respect; Rice should have had a more severe penalty in the first place.

I wonder if Tom Coughlin will keep his job? Maybe the Giants will improve, but not in the near future. NFL teams won't worry when Eli's coming. (Sorry, had to say that.)

Hey Tegan I'm going to use that line with my DS.....{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

On 9/8/2014 gardenman said:

He should have been cut way before this and I'm a former Ray Rice fan. You really didn't need to see the video to let him go. When he drags her unconscious body out of the elevator and then just stands there looking disinterested, that should have been enough. Sometimes you get too invested in a guy's talent/potential and forget the human side and sad to say the human side of Ray Rice was revealed then. His wife said it was partly her fault, but you sure didn't see that on the video. Short of her coming after him with a knife, and I certainly didn't see that on the video, what he did crossed the line.

Watching her being dragged was enough for me before seeing the other part of the video.....

But this is a bigger problem than the NFL---sadly some young men do not have good role models to learn from, perhaps at the middle, high school, and college level coaches (who appear to be people kids respect) need to get involved in teaching about respecting others (especially women) and talking against domestic violence...

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

The funny thing is how upset the media are about the commissioner's not demanding to see a copy of the tape. Here's a good question, why didn't someone in the mainstream media get their hands on the tape? They seem to feel it would have been easy for the commissioner to get a copy, but why didn't they get a copy of it? Where were ESPN, FoxSports, NBCSports, 60 Minutes and the rest of them? TMZ of all people got the tape, but where were all the stations that are now decrying what a horrible job the commissioner did? Shouldn't one of them, or even one of the local television stations/newspapers have acquired the tape earlier? I remember hearing the tape existed a long time ago, but no one dug to get a copy of it. Isn't that the job of the media, to uncover the truth? I think a lot of the outrage we're hearing from the press right now is more about being scooped by TMZ, than it is over the act, or the commissioner's handling of the case. They dropped the ball in this case and know it. They should have pressed to see the tape earlier and they didn't. TMZ scooped them all.

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Re: Week One of the NFL Regular Season!!!

Hey SPURT, yes the Pegula's buying the Bills means they will stay in Buffalo! You can't even imagine what this means to Bills fans everywhere. For years we have had the specter of the Bills leaving and now they are finally forever ours! Thank you Terry and Kim Pegula and thank you Mary Wilson!