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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

Hi Vivian. It's so true, there are some very sad stories. I just love the ones who overcome & their whole life is changed.
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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

Bluecollarbabe, there are some who do keep going. The new season showcases some of them.
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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

What network is this on?

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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

On 1/3/2015 BlueCollarBabe said:

I don't see anything "inspirational". I find them repulsive. They are very sick people who are totally out of control and just like some of the hoarders they will go right back to their old ways without years of psychiatric help.

I admit that one issue I question with this show is the mental health aspect....probably because I'm a psychotherapist! For every single one of us the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parts are all connected. Certainly the eating and exercising are huge issues with the people on this show, but the emotional piece and self-talk are HUGE as well, which I wish they would incorporate into the show. However, I understand it's only an hour and hope they are receiving services for the emotional issues that were also contributors to the diet and physical activity issues....otherwise, I fear the cycle of self-abuse will continue, surgery or not.

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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

On 1/3/2015 BlueCollarBabe said:

I don't see anything ""inspirational"". I find them repulsive. They are very sick people who are totally out of control and just like some of the hoarders they will go right back to their old ways without years of psychiatric help.

How do you feel about anorexics? Ae they repulsive too?

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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

On 1/3/2015 minkbunny said:

New shows begin this Wednesday at 9/8c

I, too, am amazed at the amount of excess skin removed. Having spent my entire life fascinated with health and fitness, I just cannot comprehend how a body could carry around an extra hundred pounds much less an extra five or six hundred.

I throw bales of hay that weigh 65 or 70 pounds around pretty easily but I sure wouldn't want to carry several bales around with me all day every day.

I admire these people very much. Am watching Olivia's story right now.

I used to watch the Biggest Loser, and toward the end of the season, they would always have a challenge where the contestants would have to run or do activities with vest or weights that represented the weight they lost. I would always bawl like a baby during that episode (almost makes me tear up now - lol!). It was just amazing to think that they carried an extra 50-200 pounds around with them ALL day, EVERY day. I've never seen the show you're referring to, but I'm sure it's heart-wrenching.
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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

Obesity is a complex entanglement of psychological, physical, social, environmental, and medical issues. I doubt many people can imagine the situation of a person who becomes hundreds of pounds overweight.......and few people who don't face those issues can appreciate why the morbidly obese person doesn't "just eat less" or "just exercise more" or do whatever it takes to become normal.

"If I can just watch my calories and walk a mile every day and lose weight, why can't this obese, irresponsible pig do the same? How could she let it get this far? Doesn't she watch what she's putting in her mouth? How disgusting!"


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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

On 1/3/2015 ChillyTulip said:
On 1/3/2015 BlueCollarBabe said:

I don't see anything "inspirational". I find them repulsive. They are very sick people who are totally out of control and just like some of the hoarders they will go right back to their old ways without years of psychiatric help.

How do you feel about anorexics? Ae they repulsive too?

Sadly, yes. Anyone who abuses themselves in any way repulses me but especially with food. I think it's because they're abusing with something that is meant to nourish and keep us alive and they're using it to kill themselves. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

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Re: Watching the marathon of My Six Hundred Pound Life, some are so inspirational.

On 1/3/2015 BlueCollarBabe said:

I don't see anything "inspirational". I find them repulsive. They are very sick people who are totally out of control and just like some of the hoarders they will go right back to their old ways without years of psychiatric help.

Do you find all sick people "repulsive"? Do you despise all people who aren't as "in control" as you think you are? If you recognize someone will need "years of psychiatric" help or other help to get past an illness or addiction that may be killing them, do you hold them in contempt?

I suspect "repulsive" may be closer to home than you think.