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Does anyone else do what I'm often driven to do, that is to mute the sound while watching a game? I find some announcers are so irritating that they ruin my enjoyment of the game. Some feel the need to talk constantly and others seem quite biased for or against a team. Just wondering if I'm alone in this or if others feel the same. Thanks for your comments!
Posts: 24
Registered: ‎08-04-2011

I totally agree with you about the announcers on sport show's now..Too much talking when it's not necessary...Being TV,not radio,there's no need to constantly talk about what is going on..In general, all TV is not what it used to be, thanks to digital , missing the old analog days...

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Absolutely! The one I have to mute has the initials DV.

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no, i never mute the tv, especially during a game. i want to be able to see AND hear what is happening. sometimes there may be a play i dont understand or there is some controversy and i want to hear "who, what, where, when, whys" about it and why they agree or disagree with a play or call.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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On 3/28/2015 osienna123 said:

Absolutely! The one I have to mute has the initials DV.

He's the one that gets to me the most. However, I've seen some broadcasts of games played back in the 1990's and he was much worse then. I guess age has calmed him down just a bit!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Yes! I do this often. Can't stand DV! The endless comments and obvious bias for certain teams and players is hard to listen to. I even find this in games I don't care who wins. Don't have to worry about missing something since they will replay it over, and over and over again. From multiple angles too! They need to just announce the games and keep their personal preferences out of it.

I've also muted the tv and listen to the coverage on the radio. Not a fan of ESPN covering allot of the bb games.

I agree, there is so much tv coverage now that we have to listen to endless babble just so they can fill all this airtime up.