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Getting concerned we haven't heard from @Laura14  for quite a while.  Has anyone seen her post on any other forum?  Hope she checks in soon.

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Hi everyone!


@JudyL I hope she checks in soon--before the holidays so that she knows we're thinking about her!


My mom finally got home on Wednesday night about 7.  She sounded a lot better yesterday.  She finally got decent sleep and got to take a shower and wash her hair.  Apparently that didn't happen AT ALL.  Plus, she had to wait several days for a toothbrush, which would have driven me INSANE.  Had I known this--I would have made arrangements to get one to her.


I had my trainer work out this morning and we were figuring out what kind of workout I could do after surgery.  I have 2 weeks of restriction (no weights), so it will be all lower body and core.  It's mainly to protect the stitches.


Today is the one year anniversary of my cancer surgery and the day I choose as the "anniversary" of being cancer free.  I'm so glad it's over--I would hate to be going thru that in 2020!


Our stricter restrictions go into effect tonight, so no more going to restaurants (for in person dining, you can still get takeout) and there are occupancy restrictions for every place else.  I've got to get my Christmas stuff wrapped and packed so I can take it to UPS next week.  The news says shipping is going to be horrible this year.


Hope everyone has a good weekend.  I'm off next week, but will try to peek in to say hi!!

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Happy Friday today was a rest day only did a few things on TG and will walk if the rain holds off.  


@JudyL  I was wondering where she is also I hope everything is okay and she visits soon


@DrKelli  Happy Anniversary and this is indeed a celebration of your health journey!!   So wonderful.    And glad you mom is home now.    


It's quite dreay here today,, very dark.  


My sister was approved to keep visiting dad because yesterday they posted new regulations and we though we wouldn't even be able to have her in and she's his contact person as she works there but by pulling strings and knowing the right people we made it happen and it's a huge relief.  I don't think dad would make it if he couldn't see a familiar face.


Time for lunch.  Make it a great day!


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Happy Saturday,  today I did Total Gym interval workout incorporating my bike, Bosu, KB, Pilates Chair, dumbbells and Simply Fit Board.. Great workout.  Then did my walk outside.  It's sunny and 38...


I see I am following myself here.   Dad slept well and ate well so far today and has his first Rehab session this afternoon.  I imagine he may be napping so haven't tried to call there.   I'll find out tonight when my sis goes to see him.


Stay safe everyone.  

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Hi, @bopper.  Glad things seem to be better with your father.  Maybe your sister can switch with you so that you can visit your father.

“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Hi Everyone!  @bopper I hope your Father's first rehab appt went well and he continues to improve.  @DrKelli and hope your mom is continuing to improve too.  I'm sure she's glad to be back home.


Didn't do much over the weekend.  Baked some cookies and shared them with neighbors since I certainly don't need to eat them all!  Usually when I feel like baking, I take the cookies into work but since that isn't happening right now, I had to find other people who wanted them.  The young single man across the street was more than happy to help me out.  Let me know whenever I feel like baking again to just let him know and he'll take some.  HAHAHA


Realized over the weekend that I haven't worked out since Nov 2.  Guess I should try and do something pretty soon.  The clocks turned back, the weather got cooler, and I was like - no way am I getting up early to do that!  LOL  I'll get back to it eventually, ya'll know how I am.


I've done some decorating already as I felt I needed a bit of holiday cheer.  My DD is coming over for Thanksgiving and she said she wants to help me decorate this year.  Don't know if we'll do it that day or wait and she'll come back over on the weekend.


DD and I don't really exchange presents anymore.  We just do each other's Christmas stocking.  I've finished  buying  for DD and did most online so my holiday shopping is basically done.  Don't really buy for anyone else unless I see something that really speaks to me.


Have a good day and who knows, maybe I'll even do some body/dance groove today!  There is always hope! LOL


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Hi everyone!


Just a quick drive by since I'm not working.  


My mom is still improving--she's still on oxygen, but not much.  She has a doctor's appointment this week and a couple next week, so  hopefully they will start the weaning process.  She sounds A LOT better!!


Probably will just stick with LaBlast this week, plus my trainer workout on Friday.  No LaBlast on Saturday, but I have to go get a covid test before my surgery next week.  My thumbs were really bugging me this morning so I can't wait to get this fixed.


I've got a list of things I'm trying to do this week--mostly cleaning projects--also because I am annoyed with that.  I got a pumice stone and scrubbed all the green water stains off my toilet last week--that was a project, but the results made it look like I actually did something!!


Don't know if I'll get back here this week, so have a terrific Thanksgiving in whatever form it comes this year.  We have a lot to be grateful for--even if it's just each other.

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Trail run today....  6.56mi/1hour 17min.


i hope everyone is doing well.  my extended family drama is still going on.....will go into it briefly later.  Lots of sleeplessness nights and anxiety....good grief.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Hey everyone dad isn't really better.   The rehab is going okay but he's been out of his mind for 2 days now and we know he does not have dementia it's from being in the hospital.  It happened before when he had to be in and its his way of shutting down so he doesn't have to cope.  Last night he kept telling my sister to talk quiet so they won't hear.  He's paranoid now.   I can not switch with my sister as Covid is terrible here and only 1 person is allowed and we're thankful they let her continue to go in as if dad wan't blind even she couldn't go in.  My other sister and I are trying as much as we can to help her with phone calls and just a support team for her as she sees first hand what dad is like.   She works full time so this is adding a lot of extra strain on her.  She just had to ask her dr. for something so she doesn't have a breakdown.  


I did Total Gym for 1 hour today and some rebounding.  Heading to walk my dog now.  Cold here and light snow.


Take care everyone!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Hey everyone, Happy Thanksgiving Eve!   Today I did Total Gym Tabata training along with 30 minutes of rebounding and a dog walk.  No plans here tomorrow just hubby and me.


Dad will most likely stay in the hospital through next Friday.  I've been on the phone with an assisted living place getting information in case he's up for the idea but if he's not we'll have to hire a nurse to stay with him.  Hard decisions and he is still of sound mind.  


Drizzling here today and gloomy


Stay safe!