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[ Edited ]

@bopper , I'm sorry about your loss of your uncle. Hugs and prayers.


@Mmsfoxxie., I'm sorry you lost one of your group. Sad.

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Did Power this morning. Found a decent one who started to rush and not cue but she sorted herself out and I am worked out quite well. Ow

Hoping to maybe hit the park after work today too for a hike and my audio book.

Car part is supposed to be here today so hope springs eternal that I have all my lingering issues sorted by 5pm today and I can enjoy my weekend properly.

Have a great Friday!
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@bopper  and @Mmsfoxxie , I'm sorry for your losses.


I'm so happy it's Friday!  I was exhausted yesterday, but had a good workout.  I'm resting today (1/2 day Friday!), but will take the LaBlast class tomorrow.


I'm going to Late Night tomorrow afternoon.  I have been going to the movies on Friday afternoon, but have a massage scheduled and don't want to go to the 7 pm show because it is always super crowded. 


Hope you all have a good weekend!

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Good morning!  Ahhhh it has cooled down here by the Bay.  Woke up to wonderful cool air and foggy skies.  YES!  30 degrees cooler today than Tuesday!  68 today not 98-100 like it was on Tuesday!  The house is cooler but not quite back to normal yet.  Takes a while for it to cool off.  Tomorrow I'm opening up the windows for the whole day so all that lovely cool air can come in and cool the house down.


@bopper  and @Mmsfoxxie  sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle and member of your group.  @nomless sending good healing thoughts your way. 


Don't have any real set plans.  Going to see DD this weekend for a quick lunch or coffee as she and Son-In-Law are heading to Maui for a week on Monday.  Always makes me nervous when they go on these scuba diving vacations.  Then they are getting up early one morning and riding their bikes down from some volcano.  Lord be, why do they need to have such an active vacation?!  LOL  Makes me nervous!  I make her promise me that she texts me after they finish each dive.  I know my Son-In-Law watches out for my DD as he has his Master Diver Certificate and I do trust that he'll take care of her & knows what he's doing but what about that shark that comes up from nowhere!  Of course she always teases me and says "how do you think I feel when you go to Africa and you're sitting in an open jeep just feet away from a lion!"  I tell her thats completely different.  HAHAHA


I did a 30 minute Pound workout this morning.  Thank you so much @Laura14  for mentioning that video on youtube!  I wouldn't have thought to look otherwise and I am really enjoying it.  Looking forward to getting the DVDs from Amazon.


Guess I'd best get back to work.  Have a good day everyone!  Take care!

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@JudyL -that's the Haleakala bike ride!!!  The riders all have to wear yellow jackets and the locals call them the catepillars because it looks like a bunch of catepillars coming down the mountain.  But don't take any of the lava rocks!  They have a big  exhibition of letters from people who 'angered' Pele by taking her lava.  Legend has it that bad luck befalls anyone who does that.  I'm superstitious and respectful enough to leave things alone.  I've been up to the crater, but did not do the bike ride down.

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@DrKelli yes!  That is the bike ride they are doing.  I'm going to tell them about the lava rocks just to be sure they know about it.

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Hey, it's quite late for me, it's been a sad day, and I just haven't been on internet.   They played Taps at his funeral with 2 Navy sailors folding the flag.   That got me!   Just felt drained most of the afternoon.


I did manage my 10,000 steps though, not sure how,I sat a lot today.


Thank you for the condolences and foxxie I'm sorry for the loss of one of your group members too.


DrKelli, thank you!



Nomless thank you, sending hugs and prayers to you as well for healing.


Tired tonight so will head to bed.


Blessings to everyone!

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Happy Saturday, I'll cut right to the chase, I walked this morning for 45 mintues, did rebounding on my reformer for 30 minutes and Pilates for 30 minutes.   Then got on the scale which I haven't gotten on for 2 months, trying not to focus on that, and I am up 6 pounds.  I just laughed and put it back in the closet.   A lot of things conribute to weight.  I am pretty active I think for my age, and eat pretty good, I have ****** sometimes, who doesn't.  It's living....and it's about how we feel and I feel good, so there SCALE!  LOL


Taking dad out for dinner for his Fathers Day present, he's looking forward to it.  


Hoping you are all enjoying your day!


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Did some yoga last night and found my old step class on YouTube today. Wow I haven't done step in years. It was old enough that it was actually one of the routines I used to do. I remembered a lot of it! It was fun.

Can't wait for my real step to come next week. This little one is not really what I am used to. Great for pushups though.

Still have to do my hike at some point and more yoga tonight. Went food shopping and scored two bags of overripe bananas. My smoothies and ice cream are set for months now. Yay!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
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Hi Everyone!  Well I had good intentions to workout today but never got around to it.  But I did get 4 days in this past week and thats really good for me so I'm happy with that.  The Pound DVDs that I ordered from Amazon arrived today and I watched them to see what they were like and if I could do it - I always do that with new workout DVDs before I actually use them.  I think I'll be ok and will be able to do most of it with modifications on some of them.  Which is fine with me.  The sticks are quite noisy - yes I know they are supposed to be - so when I'm working out at 5:15 in the morning, I may use my other sticks from the Zumba Gold kit.  They aren't as long but they won't make as much noise.  LOL


Today has been a bit of a stressful one.  As you all know my DD and her husband are supposed to leave Monday morning for a week in Maui.  Well last night their 2 year old cat got out and she is nowhere to be found.  We have scoured the neighborhood for blocks around their house, checked with neighbors, looked in backyards and under every bush.  Checked with Animal Control, vet offices, Emergency vet hospital and put up flyers all around the neighborhood and surrounding area.  Nothing.  They had dinner reservations tonight so I made them go.  They needed a break.  My DD and her husband are besides themselves with worry and my daughter is crying and crying.  She feels its her fault the cat got out.  Ugh, its been quite the day.  They are so worried that she won't return before they leave but I told them they need to go anyway.  They have planned and looked forward to this vacation for months.  Their landlords live in the flat downstairs and they always take care of their cats when the kids are gone so they will take care of Emma - their other cat - and keep watch for Willow.  Willow likes the husband so will go to him for treats if she comes home.  I've also told DD to call her vet on Monday and make sure that the landlords and myself  have permission to authorize medical care for Willow while they are gone in case the vet can't get a hold of them.  I kept reassuring them that they have done everything they can do.  My DD is exhausted as she didn't sleep last night.  Kept getting up and going outside and quietly trying to call for Willow to see if she could her meows.


Sorry for the long post.  I just feel so badly for them and know so many of you will understand how upsetting this all is.  I feel for the kids too because each weekend getaway or short vacation they've planned for this year, has either had to be cancelled or location changes or something has happened and they couldn't go.  They were so looking forward to Maui.  They still are but if they have to go without knowing where their cat is, it will be really hard.


Thanks for listening and putting up with my long post.  I do hope everyone is having a nice weekend.