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Happy Sunday!  Well I am having the same issue and it takes like 5 pages later to get here but at least I'm getting here.


Today I did 40 minutes on the Vibration plate with weights, lower body workout.  Used a 15# for the squats and lunges.  I really am liking my new toy.  Then did the Pilates reformer for 30 minutes with Function Pilates and had some stuff I had to modify but it was good. 


Been doing some meal prep for the week and cleaning the fridge of nasty stuff.  Used up some spinach before it gets bad for our dinner.


Welcome @Suneshine  sounds like you have a great fitness regime going here.   When you do Pilates are you doing mat or reformer?   Glad you are here Smiley Happy


@violet runner  Goodness couldn't do rattlesnakes... Stay on the bike!! I know its been so hot there!  Today we are only in the mid 70's.


Not much else happening here.  Hubby is out picking blueberries so I see some blueberry goodies coming my way!


Have a great start to your week!

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Bike for 25 minutes this morning. Enjoy your Monday.

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Hi everyone--came into the office today, so no workout in the middle of the day--will try to do something once I get home.  It's such a waste to come into the office--I literally lose time at work because of the commute.  And that is getting worse by the week. Plus there is all kinds of construction downtown, so lots of detours.


Last night we finally got some storms in that cooled things off and it was really nice!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Happy Monday!  Still having issues getting here but at least I have a "map" of pages to get me here.


This morning I did a little on the cellerciser, then the Vibration plate with weights and reformer using a ball.  Lots of inner thighs.


Cool here now too.   70 outside feels great!


Keep the momentum going everyone!

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@bopper - freshly picked blueberries,,, how I miss them!  I can get decent at Whole Foods- but nothing like picking your own..  I grew up in NY near VT border and  all berries were plentiful and delicious! I am jealous. Enjoy them.

  Rec center and biking is me these days.. In fact , biking this morning to a farmstand for some fresh green beans and greens. Then stop at this apple orchard along the bike path- It's owned by the city and they have free apple picking . Apples not really good for anything but applesauce- but i make and freeze what we dont' eat fresh. They are an early variety.

   Also @bopper  My dental appt is getting closer.. YIKES!! HA! And its just a cleaning.

 Why am I such a baby about it.??!!


   Enjoy reading the posts..

  We are a tad cooler as July ends.. Think it's going to be a roller coaster- hot- cooler- hot- cooler.

Someone told me that school starts up here in Mid Aug..  Seems early.. and tells me summer is  going fast!

  Have a great Tues.

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Happy Tuesday, it was only 60 when I got up so I decided to lace up the shoes and walk outside.  Walked to the golf course, talked to the buffalo, and the donkey which hee hawed at me haha!  


I have a hair appt. at 1 and we have a wedding on Saturday so I needed a retouch.


@violet runner  My hubby took our GD picking last night.  She's 6 and apparently all her berries went in her tummy haha!   My son told me school there starts August 15th.  My grandson will be starting Pre K, and the 3 year old will be going to preschool.  Mommy needs a break!!


Still going through hoops to get here but at least I found a way to do it.   I hope they fix the issue.  


Also I have had a package sitting in the PO since the 23rd and our mail already came and still not in my box.  What the heck, it says it's here but says it's delayed...


Have a great day everyone

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Good morning, all! @bopper glad to see you here!!  I love donkeys--they are so social.


It's supposed to be pretty warm here--I got an Arctic Chiller fan and put it in my office.  It is helping, but there is no way this thing could cool off a large space.  But it is about 3 feet from me and I definitely feel the cooler air.


I did do a workout yesterday--practiced my zumba stuff in case I am teaching next week.  I was supposed to sub last week at the other studio, but no one signed up for the class, so I didn't teach.  I am teaching LaBlast this saturday though.


I am going to do the streamed LaBlast class this morning though..


As for package delivery--I am waiting for a fedex package that was shipped on July 20, was originally scheduled for delivery on the 23rd, now is showing "no delivery date yet".  It seems like ALL delivery services have gotten worse.  I know part of that is staffing, but it is getting old.  I just got a card in my mail box about the post office is hiring, but I have heard stories about people applying and not getting hired.  I've heard this about a number of places too.


I hope you are all doing okay and that you have a good day!

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Hi, everyone!  Light rain right now.


I can't believe it's Wednesday again already.  My volunteer day.  For my exercise, I'm going half as hour early and do a 30 minute walk before I start.  Outside if there's no rain, inside if it is.  It's a big place.


Yesterday, a former coworker of mine called me to invite us to her wedding.  (Actually, she had told me years ago that they were married.  Turned out she wasn't truthful).  She'll be 72 in September, the month she's marrying.  I don't get it....they've been living together for at least five years.  Not my business, though 🧐.  So I've got about 45 days to lose 30 lbs and look close to the way I looked in 2019, the last time I saw her and some other people that will probably be there.  Wishful thinking, lol.


Well, have a great day everyone.





“You can’t wait until life isn’t hard anymore to be happy”. (By Nightbirde, singer of the song, It’s Ok)
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Good morning, all!


@Mmsfoxxie let me know if you find something that makes you lose 45 pounds in a month!! I'd like to lose at least 20 by the next comp--LOL!!


I did do a lablast workout yesterday and am going to a live class with my favorite instructor this morning in a few minutes.  I guess you can't lose weight just sitting around and I have been extremely lazy for the past month.  When it gets hot--I don't want to workout.  My joints hurt and it's hot!!


I'll get a workout in tomorrow too because I'm going to the class that I waas supposed to sub last week and am on the schedule to sub NEXT week.  The guy who teaches it supposedly has a HUGE following, but not one of them registered for class when I taught it, which makes me very sad that maybe I'm not a good instructor.


I also have a dance lesson tonight. We're starting on our next performance piece and competition stuff since the showcase was postponed until September.


Hope you all have a good day!!

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Posts: 3,915
Registered: ‎03-09-2010


Wellness Wednesday!


Today was  a Kaleigh spin about 30 minutes and then I found a Reformer/Chair combo workout that was pretty good.  


We're cooler but humid.  Had big storms during the night so everything is wet and it's nasty muggy out.  


Still had trouble getting here.  I guess it has been reported to their IT dept. so it's not just me.  


Keep going everyone.. Soon it will be August...Ugh where has the summer gone.


I have a physical on Monday.  Here come the nerves!  And I have been recording my BP throughout July.  Why the heck does mind tend to be on the high end with all the workouts I do.  Guess it's my moms genes... This morning before coffee I took it and 150/94.. Seriously.   Took it later and was lower but the bottom number was in the 80's.  I'll ask her maybe I should start a low dose of BP meds.  I hate it but it may be necessary.


Bye for now!!