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[ Edited ]

@violet runner 


I went girlie colors and ordered Brooks Ghost Max. I also like Athleta and ordered a few pants, tanks and jackets. Got everything on sale. Yay me!



Well today was a wash as I tweaked my right knee after less than 50 yards. I decided not to push my luck and just went home. Will try again tomorrow to get some sort of moving done.

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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@kate2357  Love the shoes. It's a good choice. Color too! I generally migrate to black- but recently have seen a couple of vibrant colors in shoes I like.  I didn't buy at Athleta in store yesterday.. They didn't have much to offer on the sale rack.. And it was funny- almost the entire store had black and white on display- where was the color? Love their pants- it's an investment, but they last.  I was looking for tees, but all that was on sale were cropped ones. Fall clothing will be coming soon- as we swelter in triple digits.. HA!

 Sorry you tweaked your knee.. Smart to give it a rest.


   Heading to the rec center this morning. And then see if I can sneak in a walk before we heat up- it's gonna be an epic ( not in a good way)  several days of hot weather.

  I may have to consider biking or walking at sunrise..


   Have a good day. And I'll try not to whine about the weather too much!!  Ok- guess I am!


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Good morning, all,


Just a driveby.  @kate2357 I was so sorry to read that Jack isn't doing well.  I keep praying that he'll turn the corner both mentally and physically.  Love your new shoes though!


@violet runner is right--it is miserably hot right now--not like Phoenix.  My mom can't even leave the house because it is so  hot.  I had leg cramps all night so today, I'm going to get some gatorade. I am really trying to drink a lot of water, but apparently I didn't get enough yesterday.


My showcase is Saturday and we had our last practice last night. Dress rehearsal on Friday where we reveal our fantastic costumes--hawaiian shirts and shorts with our picture on them.  They are the tackiest things I've ever seen and I LOVE them!! After Saturday, I'll be able to wear them in public. We've kept them under wraps.  And @violet runner if you aren't doing anything on Saturday night--would love to actually meet you in person at the showcase!


@bopper if you want to see something in Colorado, just let me know. I'd be happy to spend some time with you!


Hoping to get in some time on my aeroski today or maybe a yoga class.  I hope you all have a good rest of your day!

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Good morning everyone!  Woke up at 4:20 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep.  Goodness be.  So tossed and turned for a while and then decided to get up.  Did a 30 minute YouTube walking workout before the heat of our day sets in.  Supposed to be very hot today and tomorrow then cooling off starting on Saturday.  Is it too early to wish for Fall to arrive?


Hope everyone has a good day and please be careful in the heat!

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Hey everyone, I woke up at 8 and at 9 went for a 4 mile walk.  It was really pretty and nice breeze, we're only 72 outside so not bad at all.


@kate2357 so sorry about your knee you certainly can't catch a break can you!  I love the color of the shoes.   I have never tried Athleta clothing, I wish we had more stores here.


@DrKelli that would be great!  My son is the problem, he says we never come to CO and when we do he wants us at the house with them, ( like we can't go anywhere) so dumb and I hate to make waves and make his wife uncomfortable.  I told hubby when he is retired I want to spend at least 2 weeks there so we can do things.   Hard though with a dog, I have nobody to watch him and I'm weird about dog sitters.   And I always want a dog....any who another story for another time.


Have a good night everyone



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Took my new shoes out for a spin today. Went for a 5 mile walk and knee only got a bit wonky near the end. So however I tweaked my may not keep me from at least walking or jogging.


These Brook shoes needed no break in time at all. Wore them all day with no discomfort at all. In person they are a very bright pink. Most of my running shoes have been black or pink is way out of my normal comfort zone. I may buy myself another pair of Brooks in August so I can rotate my shoes. I try not to wear the same pair every day.


I ordered the Athleta items online. Since they have stretch, I knew sizing probably wouldn't be an issue. They all fit fine. Nice to have clothing that fits better and have not been washed 100 times.



Good luck at your show case. Sounds like it will be very entertaining! 

"What we practice daily is what we build a life on. Practice peace, love & kindness."
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@DrKelli  Where is your showcase? I don't think i'll be venturing out on Sat in triple digit weather, but tempting to meet you. Maybe some day we can plan a coffee shop to meet up ( or similar).

 @kate2357  I have a pr of pants and top  from Athleta in my cart... Will revisit and maybe pull the plug and order.  Glad you liked what you bought. You and I are similar with our choice of shoe colors.. grey or black..Its nice sometimes to change things up and get a color. And no break in period for you!

   Now I am tempted to get my HOKAs..  In black of course!! HA!


   Yesterday my DH and I  shopped for new mattress - we have been shopping for one for a few days now. It's part of good health, right? Our old one was starting to sag on the sides. We finally settled on one and bought it.  pricey - but hopefully our bodies will appreciate a more supported one.


   It got to 97 yesterday and today's prediction is 101.. just typing it I am overheated!! HA!

 I plan to get my exercise starting at 6am outside - going to bike.  It's a great time to ride anyway, but more motivated with pending heat advisory.  

   I could go to the rec center and walk the track in a/c, but the city stated people could go there , the library etc if they didn't have a/c - assuming it'll be crowded today.

 Our nights do cool off - it's 65 here now..


 @bopper - perhaps when you come to CO again.. We can arrange with @DrKelli  and we meet up.  


 Have a wonderful day everyone.

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@violet runner I didn't realize that we couldn't post up other promos but the Mossa get a month free on top of the two week trial is out there. I am sure you can google for the promo code if you want to try for a month and a half free. It got removed above. My bad. 


I did the new R30 spin class again. Did more resistance and my legs are toast. I actually got a cramp last night. I knew I hadn't been drinking enough water this week and the AC is still out at work so bad time to dehydrate. I am going to fix that today.


Became a little financial tycoon and put my finance degree to work again to take advantage of the interest rates even more than I have and mitigate the government's take. They can keep their hands off my interest this tax year. 🤣 Every little bit helps! I priced new fitness clothes and they want $50 for a skort? Are we kidding? I am only half dressed! 


And I have been gifting a couple teachers by clearing some items off their list. It's nice to see the number one ask is books. I didn't get a thank you from one until I did. A gift is a gift but a thank you is necessary when I am extraordinarily generous. I don't know why it bothers me so badly, probably because it's such a simple thing especially through Amazon to send a note, but ya gotta remember it's all for the kids who now have new school supplies.


Have a great day all! 

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