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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

Yes. My brother told me about it so I signed up after my first vaccine.  I had no symptoms to report other than a bit of arm pain at the injection site.  I had my second vaccine last Wednesday.  I reported a couple symptoms the day after that vaccine (chills and some arm pain) but have nothing to report now.  I was happy to help report any symptoms.  I heard the CDC Director during a Covid team update this week reference the results from the V-safe questionnaire and she said about half the people reported mild symptoms after the second vaccine which went away after a day. 

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

[ Edited ]

I got my first shot at my local Walgreens. They gave me a package of handouts to read as far as learning more about the shot. The V-safe connection was offered and the page explained it was a way for the CDC to gather statistics about people's reactions to the shot and also to track me individually to check on my health and reactions. 

It seemed to be helpful so they could know more about the aggregate of people having different experiences. It is not intrusive at all. For a full week I got a daily text message with a link to report my state of health and comfort. It was only once a day, it was only a few questions with check boxes to tap to answer and I have not found it any bother at all. 

I'm sure it will kick in again when I take my second shot. I won't mind supplying the info and I didn't find any reason not to sign in. There are certainly health privacy issues I would be feeling are no one's business, but information about reactions to a shot is not a big deal to me. 

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

@tototwo  Yes, I did.  The county health dept, where I got my shots, gave me the info on it.  After both shots they texted me for several days, just to check in any symptoms. It was easy and I was happy to do it.  Took about 10 seconds each time.


My 2nd vaccine was 9 days ago.  I didn't get a survey from them yesterday so I must be done.



Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

Yes, I did it after both doses, back to weekly. It only takes a few seconds and the more information we have about vaccinations on a large scale, the better.

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

I signed up for it and reported my symptoms every day. It is a good way for the CDC to gather data on side effects.

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

I'm doing it. I signed up after my first shot in December.I get a weekly check-in at this point in time for me. I think it was daily for the first week and then weekly thereafter.  I joined because I thought it was important for them to track follow up on the vaccine especially this one in particular. People complain that there isn't long term data yet refuse to participate. This is collecting data. and yes, you can opt out at any time.

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

Honestly, this raises an eyebrow to me. If the vax is nothing to worry about, why would this be necessary? My other thought was that this is just more tracking and not something I would ever sign up for.

@ThinkingOutLoud      This is a new vaccine... and not everything is known about it and possible side effects.  If people share what they experience it will be more knowledge for the future. Do not turn it into some big  conspiracy theory.

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

I think using V-safe is very important, because without it, how is the CDC going to track adverse events following these novel, never-before-used-in humans mRNA shots?   Assuming something is safe and effective isn't the same as determining something is safe and effective. 


More disturbing news from The New York Times on 2/12/2021 is an article from Sheila Kaplan entitled, "As millions get shots, FDA struggles to get safety montoring system running".  


If side effects are not being actively and thoroughly monitored by the CDC or FDA, or even reported to the prior, passive, but existing vaccine safety monitoring system, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), no claims of safety about these injected products against COVID-19 symptoms can be made by anyone.  The prior safety and efficacy trials in only 30,000 or 44,000 people were not carried out for nearly long enough, as they were supposed to monitor all trial participants for side effects and safety concerns for two full years post injection, yet right now, those who conducted those trials are injecting the trial participants who received the placebo and not the actual injection, with the actual injection.  How can the two year trial ever be completed if the placebo group has just been eliminated?  Both groups, those who got the actual injection and those who got the inactive placebo followed by the actual injection will have identical end results, now.  This should trouble everyone.  This is not how science-based safety trials are supposed to be conducted-- by wiping out the placebo group, before final safety comparison results and analyses are determined and reported. 

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

Yex, I did the V-safe.  I get my second shot tomorrow.  After the first one, they texted me every day for about 10 days, then weekly.  I think they are gathering statistics for the vaccine.  How people are feeling, side effects, whether they came down with Covid.  Things like that.

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Re: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker

I also did the same with V-Safe. I didn't get a text today. I think it stops after a number of days. I guess it will start up again after my second shot on March 4.