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I've experienced similiar situations and it's beyond frustrating and lost expenses. I would do both if it were me. You were misdiagnosed and had out of pocket expense. Thanks heavens you got a second opinion. It always seems like such a hassel at the time but sometimes you really need to pay more attention to that voice that is telling you that this is too rushed to be accurate. Good Luck!!

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Re: Upset with Optometrist

[ Edited ]

Good thing you took DH's advice to see his doctor.

Been there done that with glasses.

Doctor told me I needed glasses which I I did not think I needed them. He told me they were strong so it would take me a while before I could see through them???

I went to a place in town that makes glasses & asked questions about why they would be blurry at first before I could see. They said that made no sense & I should be able to see better once I get them. I told them I did not have any vision problems.

I decided to go have my eyes checked again. I did not say anything to this new doctor about what happened with the previous eye doctor. After he was finished he said it all looks good.

I told him I came in to have my eyes checked because another doctor in town told me I needed glasses. He told me the doctor's name before I mentioned it. He already knew who it was. The doctor was known to write scripts for glasses that people don't need. I was furious. I guess this doctor thought it was ok to write scripts for glasses people did not need & ruin their eyes.  I'm 61 now & still don't wear glasses. I don't even use reading glasses.

I have always had a slight astigmatism that the doctor said did not warrant the price of glasses.

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I am glad your doctor is going to call and have a 'chat' with the first optometrist...hopefully she will set her straight....I'd probably change eye doctors.

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I really think no one cares(optometrist). I would just look for another.

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I had the same experience.  He said i needed eye surgery...(out of the blue,never had any eye problem) I wound up with an eye infection and had to go to a specialist/surgeon  (he ,the bad guy, made me change my contacts in what i now think was an unclean area)  and now my eye constantly waters....


All I  needed was a script to renew my contacts after 20 yrs.  that is why I went!  The eye surgeon was great,said  my  eyes are great for 80 yr old. after he cleared up the infection I got from the other guy!


I sure wish my original Eye Dr had not retired.He was wonderful .  Smiley Sad

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same thing happened for me,  only i mentioned my mother had macular degeneration and doc said they could do an image for me.  i went ahead and had it done but the did not mention xtra $50.  the they tpld me they saw some shadows which could be a precurser but it may never happen but if it did there was no cure.  my pcp says if they cannot tell then why do the test to begin with.since my 


PS I called my medicare advantage carrier who called the opthomologists office and got the charge reversed.  


When I made the initial appt they did not tell me the practice had been sold since my orignial doctor had retired. I should have known.  



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We are given two eyes - there is no known way to replace either.  Why on earth would you trust a less qualified person to make decisions on them when highly trained medical doctors are available to you. Optometrists are constantly campaigning for the right to do more and more procedures which they are not properly trained to perform.  There is no way I would trust anyone but an Ophthalmologist to oversee the care of my two priceless eyes. I agree that others may be qualified to prescribe lenses for correction of minor deficiencies, but dialatiing, checking for glaucoma, looking for real medical problems - these are issues for a highly trained medical professional.  And as for surgical procedures - there is no way I would consider allowing an Optometrist to cut into the healthy tissue in my eye.  Likewise, I wouldn't trust anyone but a skilled surgeon to take out my appendix. You can risk anything you want, but I feel your DH is much wiser in his choice of eye care than you.  I will (and I feel wisely) see an Ophthamologist annually  -  and I hope to retain my vision as long as I am blessed to live. Why would anyone settle for anything less?

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I'm surprised the Optometrist didn't dilate your eyes to begin with.  The only time I haven't had mine dilated was when I went to a Chain Vision place.  They gave me the option and I always said no because selfishly I wanted to see once I walked out the door.


In addition to negative reviews, you could call the office and inform them of that the Opthamologist said and tell them you will no longer be one of their patients.

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An Optometrist should be able to do a good thorough annual eye exam and tell you if they see anything suspicious. I would rather be safe than sorry. That being said, they do seem to try to milk every cent out of you for one problem or the other and like any professional, they have their own ideas about things. I go to the optometrist at Walmart for a routine exam and contacts, but I had Uveitis last winter and saw my doctor first and he referred me to an ophthalmologist. I wouldn't get anybody in trouble, I would just not go back.

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@NicksmomESQ wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

File a complaint for what????  An optometrist is NOT a medical doctor.  Optometrists deal with vision care, not medical issues.   She saw what she thought was a medical problem and she did the right thing, she referred you an opthalmologist.  

 @chrystaltree   She should have dilated my eyes.My previous optometrist did that at every checkup.Also the ophthalmologist she referred me to was her son in law. My DH just googled him 5 minutes ago & found a wedding announcement from several years ago.

   Complaints can be filed with the state Board of Optometrists.


File the complaint.  She acted professionally, within the standard of care.  She sounds like a good doctor to me. She just isn't the doctor you have gone to for years and years and that upset you.  Your real problem is that the office changed hands and you aren't happy about that.  You were going to find fault with her regardless of what she did or did not do.   She didn't dilate your eyes because she observed what she thought was a problem and referred you to an opthalmologst who would....dilate your eyes.  You want to punish her because she isn't your old doctor.  So file your complaint and make yourself feel better.  Then find an optometrist you have faith in.