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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

I tend to disagree with people who think an implant is "painless". won't go out the surgeon's door groaning in pain, but it IS ORAL SURGERY, and most likely you will have stitches.


There are also side effects, like facial bruising,  loss of feeling in your nose  lips or chin (which generally does go away after a while).   And since it is an open wound, you need to take care of it meticulously.     You will also  be on antibiotics, and pain killers if the doctor thinks it will be necessary.


I have had about 20 done (in arches) over the past several years.   


I wish you luck...but you will also need a lot of PATIENCE.   It takes about 7 months before you get a permanent crown.



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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

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I was hesitating to call the dentist because I have a cleaning coming up and didn't want to get charged twice. 
BUT I did call this morning and they said this often happens, hopefully can be recemented, no extra charge , and fit me in tomorrow-  You guys are all helpful! Appreciate you! IMG_0452.jpeg

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

@Desertdi   I also had problems with the implants and procedures.

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

@Spacrazy wrote:

@Desertdi   I also had problems with the implants and procedures.


@Spacrazy     I was black and blue from my hairline to my collarbone.   I looked like I had mumps on top of that.      I didn't get any temporaries, because I have a really narrow jaw....and I didn't want to cough up any more cash for something custom made. 


I wore my "covid mask" when I went shopping....    I gained weight from eating all that "soft food" and had to go on a crash diet.    I'm surprised I didn't end up at a SHRINK!    di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

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One of my implant crowns came loose about a week after it got put on. I freaked out and immediately called my dental surgeon. I didn't know what was happening. Thought it might be serious but it turned out that the screw wasn't tight and that caused the crown to move. TG is wasn't anything really bad after coming so far along the road to get here. Whew.


Now my scleroderma has launched another tooth-fairy on another tooth. Soon it will need an implant.

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

@PINKdogWOOD wrote:

@Skyegirl21   You need to be asking your dentist this question and right away before the crown pops off completely - and yeah it can do that.

@PINKdogWOOD I've had that happen twice during my wait for a new crown.  The first time I went back in and had it re-set.  When it happened the 2nd time, I just put the slip-cover (what my orthodontist called it) on my bottom teeth just to protect it from hot/cold, etc.  A slip cover is the clear plastic fitted cover the orthodontist had me wear after my braces came off until my retainers came in.  They look a lot like Invisalign.  

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

@Skyegirl21 Please have this checked out  ASAP.


I got a root canal and my Dentist did the crown.


I also had movement with the new crown and went back to my Dentist. He said it wasn't the crown, it must be the root canal causing the movement. He practically crawled into the chair trying to pull out the root canal and show me that the root canal done by the other Dentist was the problem.


Then the Dentist who did the root canal said the root canal was fine. It was the misfitting crown that caused the movement. While the two of them denied causing the problem. The two teeth next to the "moving" molar cracked - north to south. They both had to be removed.

So PLEASE have this checked out and corrected before you encounter more problems.

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

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@Skyegirl21 wrote:

I recently had a root canal and a crown put on one of the largest bottom molar. Since then, the tooth has a slight 'loose' feeling when I eat on it and when I floss around it.   

Anyone experience this? Do you think it means the underlying tooth is weak and will be lost?? Am I looking at an implant in the future? 
Thanks for any opinions or thoughts!  Have a good day all! 
Skye- 💝

@Skyegirl21 @Yes, you should go back to the office. I had a root canal with a post and crown. It doesn't necessarily mean the the tooth is loose, it probably means the cement is loose. It happened to me twice. A newer dentist in the office used what's called a post in crown technique. I ended up loosing that crown. When I went back into the office for the third time a more experiment dentist did the work and did not use a post. Things went much better. The new dentist had already left that dental office. 

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…

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I'm having similar issue. Broke off part of a back molar and had a crown put on. Infection occured in the root, so had to have root canal. It has started to feel loose and the gum is sentitive, so I went back to the root canal doctor. After x-rays, it showed there was a crack in the tooth and subsequent root infection. The root canal had failed. After all of this, I just want them to pull it. Implants can fail, too. I don't want to deal with a problematic tooth anymore.

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Re: Ughhh, dental question…




>.....and she swallows it!!!!



Won't be fun on the other end!!!