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@KentuckyWoman...have you had a urine culture to determine what bacteria is causing the infection? Once the culture is done, there will be a print out from the lab of the antibiotics sensitive to the bacteria. Since you have been sick for a few months you may have inflammation and it will take a little longer to feel like yourself again.


Macrobid is is not a particularly strong antibiotic. You may need bactrim, cipro or cephalexin dependent upon the type of infection. With a UTI, always get a culture. 


If if your fever increases see a physician because UTI's can spread to the kidneys. Good luck...

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For the last 2 years or so, I have been getting one UTI infection once a year, antibiotics took care of it very quickly, but I also take Cranberry supplements and drink plenty of pure Cranberry Juice for Maintenance as well.


My doctor said it can be very common in Menopause to get them more frequently......They are very painful, but the anti biotics worked super quickly and I felt so much better within 24 hours........ 

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DId they do a culture. You may not be on the right antibiotic.

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Posts: 18,104
Registered: ‎06-09-2014


[ Edited ]

I had one last year that I battled for a few months without prescription meds. 


While you are waiting, I also recommend cranberry juice (make sure it is real pure cranberry juice which is expensive and extremely tart) and mix it with something to mask the flavor if you need to or just do a shot.  I found mine in the organic section of the market for about $5-7 for a small jar. 


Some people also recommended apple cider vinegar to drink and bathe in (again real stuff with the mother root which I found at Walmart).  The bath did nothing for me but it's a recommendation I found if you want to try.  


I also used AZO which is over the counter which really helped alleviate the symptoms and also has a minimal antibiotic in it.  There are several different versions including one with cranberry in it.  It's only meant to give some relief to get to a doctor but I used it for well over a month as my main treatment.   It's very inexpensive at Walmart.


I also found Cran Rx which is a cranberry gummy with d-mannose in it which is supposed to help as well as others have recommended.  My local supermarket had that for about $10 a bottle.        


The best advice I can give you and what really helped me was to stay away from caffeine like tea/coffee etc and acidic food like tomato sauce because it really irritates the bladder.  Never really realized that until I got a really bad UTI and I found if I drank or ate something like that, I felt it and not in a good way.


Good luck and I hope you heal soon.  Heart  There's not much that makes you more miserable than that.    

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Posts: 13,348
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

@Laura14 wrote:

I had one last year that I battled for a few months without prescription meds. 


While you are waiting, I also recommend cranberry juice (make sure it is real pure cranberry juice which is expensive and extremely tart) and mix it with something to mask the flavor if you need too or just do a shot.  I found mine in the organic section of the market for about $5-7 for a small jar. 


Some people also recommended apple cider vinegar to drink and bathe in (again real stuff with the mother root which I found at Walmart).  The bath did nothing for me but it's a recommendation I found if you want to try.  


I also used AZO which is over the counter which really helped alleviate the symptoms and also has a minimal antibiotic in it.  There are several different versions including one with cranberry in it.  It's only meant to give some relief to get to a doctor but I used it for well over a month as my main treatment.   It's very inexpensive at Walmart.


I also found Cran Rx which is a cranberry gummy with d-mannose in it which is supposed to help as well as others have recommended.  My local supermarket had that for about $10 a bottle.        


The best advice I can give you and what really helped me was to stay away from caffeine like tea/coffee etc and acidic food like tomato sauce because it really irritates the bladder.  Never really realized that until I got a really bad UTI and I found if I drank or ate something like that, I felt it and not in a good way.


Good luck and I hope you heal soon.  Heart  There's not much that makes you more miserable than that.    

@Laura14...if you had a bacterial infection waiting a month to get a culture could prove dangerous. Often times bacterial infections can go to the kidneys and it is more prudent to see a physician as soon as possible.


My urologist who also teaches told me that there are no remedies for bacterial bladder infections except an antibiotic. A lot of false information is floating around on the "natural" websites and she told me she has had to hospitalize many patients who use alternative medicine to rid themselves of an infection.

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Posts: 13,348
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

@ccassaday wrote:

DId they do a culture. You may not be on the right antibiotic.

@ccassadayI asked the same question upthread. Hopefully, the OP will return to this thread and update us.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,056
Registered: ‎01-02-2015

I had this also ..they had to isolate which bateria it was ...


But please be careful .. last summer my husbad got a UTI

and got septic so fast I could not believe it ....


I hate to bring this up .. BUT ... i have heard thong underwear can

be a problem .. and also ....Sorry .. but for women .. wiping the

right way is so important .....There ,,,,its out there !!!

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Posts: 1,261
Registered: ‎06-02-2014


Try to get an appt. with your gynocologist. 

These doctors can also be helpful, and

you may not need to see a urologist.

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Posts: 18,104
Registered: ‎06-09-2014

@Trinity11  Half of the antibiotics come from "natural" sources not the lab so I would be hesitant to listen to someone who is so dismissive and frankly ignorant in my opinion.   They do work even the old wives tales which is why they are still around and still helpful. 


And I didn't and would never recommend to anyone else to take the chance I did which is why I typed "while you wait." as my opener.  Unfortunately, not all of us can afford a doctor or clinic visit.  I couldn't and did what I had to do.  


My post was offered out of kindness despite your criticism and it still is.  


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Posts: 13,348
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

@Laura14 wrote:

@Trinity11  Half of the antibiotics come from "natural" sources not the lab so I would be hesitant to listen to someone who is so dismissive and frankly ignorant in my opinion.   They do work even the old wives tales which is why they are still around and still helpful. 


And I didn't and would never recommend to anyone else to take the chance I did which is why I typed "while you wait." as my opener.  Unfortunately, not all of us can afford a doctor or clinic visit.  I couldn't and did what I had to do.  


My post was offered out of kindness despite your criticism and it still is.  


If you just "treat" an infection with a "natural" method you have no specifity for the germ involved. You could have a klebsiella pneumonia infection and treat it with a natural method and end up in the hospital. Not all treatments work for bladder infections and you need a urine culture in order to have the lab type the kind of antibiotic you would need.


To do otherwise, is playing Russian Roulette with your health @Laura14.