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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

On 8/17/2014 Gooday said:

I drink a glass of orange juice. However, my eye doctor who is diabetic told me he takes a couple of spoonfuls of peanut butter! Don't know if it works though. Juice works for me.

I also take Metformin but only once a day. If I could drop a few pounds, I could get off it completely.

Orange juice would raise blood sugar. The OP is saying she has a reading of 300.
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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

On 8/17/2014 F1wild said:

Hi Katluvr58,

I'm on the beauty threads, also and recognized your name right away. Please, check in with your doctor right away who I hope is an endocrinologist. If not, you should see an endocrinologist for specialized care.

I have type 2 with adrenal insufficiency which has been further messes up with my CA treatment. Lucky though as we found out that I am "allergic" to Metformin (ketoacidosis) so I can't take it. There are other forms of Metformin also - extended release, osmotic. There is also a drug called Victoza that is my miracle fix for my glucose numbers. You may need to be on insulin? All these would be discussed with your doctor.

Don't friggin' mess around with your diet. Hot dogs are nothing but "lips & ar$eholes" according to my dietitian. It sounds like you're not much of a meal planner so start with higher protein snacks. Get a bunch of Glucerna (?) drinks, cottage cheese, string cheese, baked chicken wings, almonds, peanut butter, etc.

Learn to rid your body of the stress, even if it means locking yourself in the bathroom, with the fan on doing simple breathing techniques for ten minutes a few times a day. If you say you have "the runs" no one will bother you.

Please stay with us over here and call your doctor first thing tomorrow or even the on-call doctor today.

You made a great post for the OP. When we had endocrinology in college, they made a huge deal about the time you ate and what you ate if you had diabetes. Before they had the new diabetes drugs, they often would regulate Type 2 diabetes simply by eating right and at the right time and right mix and right amount. And that was when people had to stab their fingers sore to get a blood sugar reading.

The problem with diabetes is that people don't follow the instructions and I think some doctors might even have given up on instructions on diet. But that's the biggest weapon against a MISERABLE disease with DEADLY consequences and disabling consequences like blindness, gangrene, amputation, and car crashes. Sounds pretty terrible and all you have to do is pay attention to your sugar with the new wonderful readers and eat what you are supposed to eat, when you are supposed to eat it and account for exercise and pay attention to lightheadedness or confusion.

So I can't imagine why someone would eat only two hot dogs and then complain of dizziness UNLESS they are now chronically confused due to massive non-compliance with how to be a diabetic. My dearest aunt was that type and she'd make everyone miserable when she was off her diet and a nut-case. And she went blind. And...she was a well-known artist who designed floral sheets for Springmaid, among others and had Jane Seymour as a pupil. So she was no slouch but she didn't comply and ...well. It was very sad at the end.

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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

I seriously think that you should check with your health care provider on this, and not just ask for advice on a forum board, no matter how well intentioned and sincere the replies may be. And I do see some very good advice here, but nevertheless every person is different and what may work for some may not work for others, even if they have the same type of condition. I urge you to seek advice from your doctor and tell her/him everything that you've mentioned here. Good luck.

BTW, I have type 2 diabetes.

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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

Yes you drink orange juice with a low blood sugar not a high one. I keep a boxed orange by my bed because with insulin I tend to go very low at night.

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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

I agree that Op should see her doctor and be sure to go fasting, if possible.

However, people on the boards have had very good recipes, ideas, and just moral support in the past. So it's good that we can "talk" about it. Of course, it doesn't take the place of a medical doctor.

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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

Sorry you're having to deal with this. It's a known fact that stress will increase blood sugar. In the short run, try eggs, salad and/or cheese. Turkey or chicken. Protein is good. In the longer run, you need to make an appt with your doctor and explain to him what your life entails, if he doesn't have the full picture already. Don't let them fob you off with stupid platitudes like "you'll just have to not let it bother you", etc. without giving you some concrete help, whether that is anti-anxiety medication, a stronger dose of metformin, or referral yo a counselor or an organization that provides respite and help to caregivers. Your problem is real and important, and you need real help, not excuses and head-patting from the medical profession. Good luck! Like you, I am Type 2 on metformin twice a day.
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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

Until you reduce the Fat Content of your diet, anything you eat will be slowed down in the blood stream. Fat thickens the blood. That's Body 101...regardless if it's a healthy body or sickly body.

When eating lots of fat, even the 'good foods' recommended here will be sloooowed down...and will create havoc w/ your #s.

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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

I think it's a bit harsh (and not really helpful, when the OP came looking for help and support) to assume, as some posters have done, that she is a clueless newbie who has to be told every basic, or chastised because she is probably not "following the rules" based on the assumption that she doesn't know what she's doing. I didn't get that impression from her post. It may be true, but I wouldn't assume it, and treat her as if she is being willfully ignorant and naughty, somehow. She is under stress, worried, and asking for help. Now is not the time for strangers to blast her for her perceived inadequacies. She may have been fairly recently diagnosed. Low doses of metformin don't do diddly for most people. Many GPs don't give newly diagnosed patients any guidance (mine didn't - I had to do it all myself). The OP may not have an easy way to make or go to doctors' appointments. It's easy for people to say "well you have to just DO it (or whatever happens to you is your own fault)" but reality may be different. She may not have a thorough idea of what a low carb diet consists of, and that isn't necessarily her "fault." Maybe she grabbed what she did to eat out of necessity. I just can't be that quick to judge.
Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

On 8/17/2014 moonchilde said: I think it's a bit harsh (and not really helpful, when the OP came looking for help and support) to assume, as some posters have done, that she is a clueless newbie who has to be told every basic, or chastised because she is probably not "following the rules" based on the assumption that she doesn't know what she's doing. I didn't get that impression from her post. It may be true, but I wouldn't assume it, and treat her as if she is being willfully ignorant and naughty, somehow. She is under stress, worried, and asking for help. Now is not the time for strangers to blast her for her perceived inadequacies. She may have been fairly recently diagnosed. Low doses of metformin don't do diddly for most people. Many GPs don't give newly diagnosed patients any guidance (mine didn't - I had to do it all myself). The OP may not have an easy way to make or go to doctors' appointments. It's easy for people to say "well you have to just DO it (or whatever happens to you is your own fault)" but reality may be different. She may not have a thorough idea of what a low carb diet consists of, and that isn't necessarily her "fault." Maybe she grabbed what she did to eat out of necessity. I just can't be that quick to judge.

Well, I certainly hope I haven't come across that way and if I did, I'm sorry. As someone who has this condition, I honestly do believe that the OP needs to see her doctor about this, but at the same time there are many people on these boards who offer very good moral support (including you moonchilde) along with good advice. I tried to address that in my earlier post. It took me a while for my health care giver to figure out what works best for me as regards meds, and I still have a real problem figuring out a healthy diet for myself, so I totally sympathize with the OP. And having a stressful situation in one's life can of course aggravate any type of condition.

Nevertheless, I think having a competent doctor is very important. I wish the OP all the best.

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Re: Type 2 Diabetes question....

On 8/17/2014 kingofcool1947 said:
On 8/17/2014 moonchilde said: I think it's a bit harsh (and not really helpful, when the OP came looking for help and support) to assume, as some posters have done, that she is a clueless newbie who has to be told every basic, or chastised because she is probably not "following the rules" based on the assumption that she doesn't know what she's doing. I didn't get that impression from her post. It may be true, but I wouldn't assume it, and treat her as if she is being willfully ignorant and naughty, somehow. She is under stress, worried, and asking for help. Now is not the time for strangers to blast her for her perceived inadequacies. She may have been fairly recently diagnosed. Low doses of metformin don't do diddly for most people. Many GPs don't give newly diagnosed patients any guidance (mine didn't - I had to do it all myself). The OP may not have an easy way to make or go to doctors' appointments. It's easy for people to say "well you have to just DO it (or whatever happens to you is your own fault)" but reality may be different. She may not have a thorough idea of what a low carb diet consists of, and that isn't necessarily her "fault." Maybe she grabbed what she did to eat out of necessity. I just can't be that quick to judge.
Why don't you let the OP answer for herself. Only she knows.
Um...that was my point, dear. Only she does know - but might not feel free to express herself with some of the vibes coming through here. She's in a vulnerable situation and stated she's never posted here before. It would be nice if the judgment at least waited until after she'd responded. Got it now?
Life without Mexican food is no life at all