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@RespectLife   If you ANA levels were high, don't be afraid, so were mine.  Turns out my hypothyroidism is caused by a common autoimmune disorder called Hashimotos Thyroiditis.


My regular doctor saw elevated ANA and gave me the name of a rheumatologist.  I chose to go endocrinologist first and that's when I learned it was Hashi's.  I just needed Synthroid.



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@kismet   they need a full thyroid panel - TSH, T3 and T4 in order to really know what is going on with your thyroid. 


I didn't gain weight, I didn't lose hair and I've run cold since I was a kid.  My thing was complete exhaustion and what made me go to the doctor was one day I squatted down in a Kmart to look at mascara and I literally didn't have the strength to stand back up. 



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@Bird mama wrote:

@RespectLife   If you ANA levels were high, don't be afraid, so were mine.  Turns out my hypothyroidism is caused by a common autoimmune disorder called Hashimotos Thyroiditis.


My regular doctor saw elevated ANA and gave me the name of a rheumatologist.  I chose to go endocrinologist first and that's when I learned it was Hashi's.  I just needed Synthroid.



Yes, thank you @Bird mama 


Hashi was mentioned almost a year ago when my basic blood tests were not coming back very good.


My PC had just scheduled follow up blood tests and didn't seem to want to do anything except 'watch'.


Now that my more extensive results came back high normal, with the anitbodies so high..... my Gyno NP again mentioned it.


The symptoms are quite distressing to me and I really want to persue treatment.



Did you/do you have acid reflux/heartburn?  Mine is extreme now and more often.

My research showed while it isn't conclusive it is 'thought' to be associated with Hashi.


Just wondering if you experience(d) this?

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@RespectLife No I can said I have GERD, acid reflux or heartburn.  I don't eat lots of meat and I try to avoid fatty foods (except for the occasional pizza).  

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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@Bird mama wrote:

@RespectLife No I can said I have GERD, acid reflux or heartburn.  I don't eat lots of meat and I try to avoid fatty foods (except for the occasional pizza).  



@Bird mama 


Thank you....I have had a very restrictive diet for a while and it happens anyways!  Seems to be timed to my other issues so I was just wondering.

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@Bird mama wrote:

@kismet   they need a full thyroid panel - TSH, T3 and T4 in order to really know what is going on with your thyroid. 


I didn't gain weight, I didn't lose hair and I've run cold since I was a kid.  My thing was complete exhaustion and what made me go to the doctor was one day I squatted down in a Kmart to look at mascara and I literally didn't have the strength to stand back up. 



Yes you lose the muscle mainly in your thigh. Same with me. An endocrinologist is the way to go.. all the test you said should be taken, if your Dr knows thyroid. I suggest everyone with a problem should see one. I've had it 35 years.

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Almost painful to read how doctors are getting labs on patients and then not treating them!

If your TSH is over 3 then you are hypo...also your doctor needs to run free T3 & free T4 labs PLUS both antibodies test. TPO &TGAb...very important to determine if it is Hashimotos.

Please Google and read more on these labs so you can find a doctor to treat you right away. My gyno ran all of these back 15yrs ago on me and my antibodies were in the thousands...hurt all over my of my head to soles of feet. I was DEAD tired and couldn't function at all. You need to be on a proper dose of replacement thyroid hormones to feel better.

Go to stop the thyroid madness to also read about it...educate yourself most doctors really stink at treating this...hth
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My story is similar to yours.  I started noticing hair loss, tiredness, and trouble losing weight.  I saw a dermatologist about my hair and he suggested seeing an endocrinologist.  Find a good one if you don't already have one, make sure they specialize in thyroid disorders because some focus only on diabetes or other conditions.  When I went, she manually examined my thyroid and felt a swelling.  Turns out that I have 5 nodules due to Hashimoto's disease.  Make sure they feel your thyroid when you see a doctor.  Keep a diary of your symptoms.  Find out if you have a family history of thyroid problems or any autoimmune disease.  There are wonderful Facebook groups for people like us if you are on social medie.  Good luck to you.  

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I have seen an endocronologist in the past for a cyst in my thyroid.  I finally had to have that burnt since it kept swelling up, that was on the right side.  When I had an ultrasound they found 3 nodules in my left but were too small to biopsy although they tried.  My blood work at that time was fine.  It's been about 2 years and I'm due for another ultrasound.  I really don't care for the woman I saw, she's one of the best in the city, but can't seem to connect with her.  I already found one I will go and see when the second test comes back.  She's in the same building also where I get my ultrasound done.  My skin has been itchy which it never has been and never had to use any lotion.  My skin is breaking out, my nails are growing like crazy, which is unusual and my hair gets very greasy which is not normal.  I plan to see a specialist again since while I like my GP and trust him I know a specialist would be better.  I will ask if he is running all those tests and if not will ask him to run them.  Thanks.  By the way my mom took thyroid pills and my brother takes them.  I had a thyroid test by my GP in 2004 and it was 2.  The other one was done by the specialist and I can't access my records but she said it was fine.  Think that was 4 years ago.

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Sent a message to my GP and he said to wait until the middle of March to get my thyroid checked again.  He also said just because it's borderline low doesn't mean it's low.  I reminded him that I have to go and get an ultrasound for the nodules in my neck so will be seeing the specialist.  Either way if he thinks I don't need medication I can talk to the specialist and take my blood workup with me.  I'm not going to let this go when I feel there is something wrong.  The hair loss bothers me and I have lost the outside of my eyebrows.  Two opinions are better than one.