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Hi all!


Looking for any and all information on what to expect after thyroid surgery...I had my entire thyroid removed due to a tiny malignant nodule (.5 cm - no lymph node involvement) - started levothyroxine (can't remember what dosage) about two weeks ago - due to have blood work in about two more weeks and go back to dr. an about three weeks to check levels, etc.


What has been your experience with going on thyroid meds, etc?  I had no symptoms and no issues - ENT doc just happened to "feel something" during an appt I had made re my sinus issues!  So I am fortunate in that way.


I have been extremely tired and my skin has been very "itchy" - I am also very worried about potentially gaining weight (my primary doc said I might endocrinologist said I might lose!!) - 


any info you all can share will b greatly appreciated!!



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While I've never had thyroid surgery, I have taken Synthroid since the 1970's.  My weight gain started in the mid-2000's ( I'm 70 ).


The only side effect that I've had was thickening of the upper eyelids.  This caused my eyes to look sleepy: I couldn't read for long periods of time, look at computer screens, drive long distances.  Finally had eyelid surgery 18 years ago and am enjoying my favorite things.


Make sure you read the instructions for the drug carefully: time of day, what drinks or fruits to avoid, etc. so the medication isn't compromised.


Good luck with your post-op recovery !!!!

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That was very lucky your doctor found the tiny malignant nodule!  I have not had thyroid surgery but have been on thyroid medication for probably 25 years. I always use Synthroid rather than the generic even though it costs more. I know it sounds crazy but I just feel better on it. I haven't had a problem with weight gain or loss.  

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My doctor also requests pharmacies to not substitute the generic for Synthroid which is more expensive.  Results matter, especially if you do not have your thyroid.  You may want to check with your doctor.

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
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I had my thyroid removed 1 month ago. I'm on the generic for synthyroid, 112 mg. No problems. I checked in with my endrocrologist, had blood work done and all is well. I haven't noticed any changes . My surgeon released me too.

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I had thyroid cancer in 2008 and had a total thyroidectomy. A friend had warned me that it takes awhile to get thyroid numbers right after you start the medication. That was the most helpful advice I got. It can take up to a year to see what dose is correct and changes in weight, for example, can lead to dosage changes even after you've been on the same dose for years. That's why you have to go through blood tests frequently during that first year post surgery. And you'll have several blood tests done for the rest of your life, including the thyroglobulin test, which looks for cancer markers. My endocrinologist also repeats ultrasounds every couple of years.


I'm on 125 micrograms of Levoxyl per day. My endocrinologist insists upon name generics. He doesn't trust the generics to be reliable. Be sure not to take any calcium within four hours of your medication because calcium lowers the effectiveness of thyroid medication. Try to take your thyroid medication on an empty stomach at the same time each day. Once you're over with all the testing of the first year or so, you should feel yourself again. For the first few years I saw my endocrinologist twice a year. Then it went down to once a year. I just saw him last month and all is well. Fortunately, thyroid cancer is one of the most curable forms of cancer.

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I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed and I take 50mcg.  Brand name only.  My dog has to take thyroid medicine.  He was on the generic but he kept losing his hair and gaining weight.  I switched him to brand name and the medication started working.


Some people can take the generic and it works fine for them but then other people need brand name.  I get mine for 1/3 of the cost from Canada.



Good luck to you.  Gail


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I take generic Levoxythine 88mcg, and have no issues with it.  I use to take Synthroid for over ten years, then switched to Levoxyl then they took it off the market and when it came back my Dr. said it wasn't as good (did like it), so I am on the generic.  I had  most of my thyroid removed at age 39 when a second biopsy (had one 5 years earlier all was ok) came back questionable.  Thank God I has fine.  As of lately when seeing a new doctor he noticed something in the middle of my neck when I swallowed and said it was scar tissue, when I saw another dr six months later he said it was too high to be thyroid related and said it was a gland that sometimes doesn't ever go back to size when irritated due to sinus or dental issues, and I been having them both.  I now have this in the back of my mind (health worries ocd) that maybe something is wrong but I am in no way going to go to more doctors.  Anyway good luck to you it will be fine.