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The only needle involved in a suspicious skin lesion (or at least my experience) has been an injection to deaden the area. They take sort of a divot from the skin which is sent to lab. I have had a few. In my experience the divot ""fills in."" I just had one on my chest in June and you can't even tell I had a biopsy.

I hope yours goes well. Mine did!

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On 8/11/2014 Vivian said: Sorry that some of you think I'm having a pity party. Maybe in a few days this won't seem as important and anger-provoking to me. Right now, however, I think I am justified in feeling mad and frustrated because it will involve more surgery to my nose. I've had many biopsies and a couple of cancers. I've received good news and bad news over the years. In this case I'm just glad it wasn't a biopsy for something life-threatening.

You are absolutely justified in feeling mad and frustrated...I swear to God, I will NEVER get over some of the mean people that post on this board. It doesn't take much to offer a bit of understanding to someone else when things go wrong and yet some will take that invitation to further kick you when you're down. My mother would say, consider the source.

You're a better person than I am Vivian, I would have come back at some of the posters swinging a bat.

Good luck hon,


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Registered: ‎03-14-2010
I'm sorry you are going through this Vivian. I had a biopsy on my ear a couple months ago and I know I wouldn't want to have to go through it again if I didn't have to. Best of luck to you.
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The worst thing I had happen was that I had a pap smear by a male Dr. when I was younger. It was embarrasing for me. I was already dressed when the nurse dropped the glass that the smear was on and I had to undress and do it again.

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Thanks to those who empathized.
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You have every right to be upset. Something has obviously gone wrong, whether they lost it, or mislabeled and now use that as an excuse or whatever. What is now important is that you do whatever you have to to follow through with this, and get yourself checked out thoroughly. With the history you stated, you don't want to take any chances. Sometimes when things go "wrong" there is a reason for it, and we may never know what that reason is. This seems like a "bad" thing, but perhaps there is a reason it has happened, and a reason you are going to have to go through another biopsy.

Perhaps looking for a different lab if that is possible would alleviate any fears you may have (I would anyway) with the possible incompetency of this lab.

In any case, best thoughts and prayers that everything will turn out well, and you will have continued good health. Don't feel bad for venting on something like this. When it comes to our health, not much else in this world is more important, and you see people on these threads complaining much more about much less. Best of luck.

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On 8/11/2014 happy housewife said:

Biopsies are generally done with a needle - i can't imagine them leaving a scar. But, even if it does, as someone else already said - do you truly expect to go all through your life without a scar?

As a former nurse, you should know better.

Biopsies are scrapings of a lesion. The only needle is the one to deaden the area before they scrape.

Have you ever had a biopsy taken?

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Registered: ‎05-25-2010
On 8/11/2014 mima said:

The worst thing I had happen was that I had a pap smear by a male Dr. when I was younger. It was embarrasing for me. I was already dressed when the nurse dropped the glass that the smear was on and I had to undress and do it again.

You deserve a Purple Heart for enduring that twice! I hate Pap smears and would hate to have to do it again after just finishing.
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
On 8/11/2014 Vivian said: Sorry that some of you think I'm having a pity party. Maybe in a few days this won't seem as important and anger-provoking to me. Right now, however, I think I am justified in feeling mad and frustrated because it will involve more surgery to my nose. I've had many biopsies and a couple of cancers. I've received good news and bad news over the years. In this case I'm just glad it wasn't a biopsy for something life-threatening.

I don't think you are having a pity party whatsoever. You were just reacting to a very unfortunate situation. I mean who wants a scar on their nose if they don't have to? My mom had melanoma so I have to be really careful as well. Hope everything goes well for you.

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Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Things happen and you have no way of knowing what really happend. Your samples go through a lot of hands before they land on a lab tech's work station. So, why are you assuming the lab was responsible? It's more than likely that whatever went wrong, happened at the doctor's office. People are human, mistakes happen. It was a skin biopsy, it wasn't a major surgery. It was a medical mishap, so they can't bill your insurer again. You won't be responsible for any addition charges for the do over. Yes, you have a right to be angry but in the scheme of things, is it really such a big deal? It's not like they took out the wrong kidney....