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Yes.  They are offered at work every year along with the flu shot.

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I believe you are suppose to get one every 10 years.


You can get JUST tetanus without the other two vaccines but you must request it. I do not like getting combined vaccines all at once.  You have to speak up!

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I was required to get it for volunteer cleanup work after a hurricane.


I did some googling on Tetanus (it's really gross) and talked to a few doctors standing around in the area when I was waiting to go in for the shot with the nurse.  They said they saw tetanus in their residency and "you never want to get tetanus."



QVC Shopper - 1993

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It's like shingles.  Will they kill you?  Most likely not.  Why subject yourself to misery when it's easily preventable?


For me, you are more susceptible to these things when your body is compromised, so to have the vaccination up front will save you some suffering.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Yup, and for one very simple reason. There used to be a riding school about a three minute walk from me. They finally closed it a few years ago, but It had been active for probably 100 years. -- I know there's some sort of horrible connection between getting cut with a rusty nail and horses being in the vicinity (the interaction). So I don't take any chances and stay up to date (last shot was about 4-5 years ago and they last for 10 years). 


-- bebe Smiley Happy

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I am , but only because I had one along with updates on some childhood shots, etc. in preparation for a trip to Russia. The tour company recommended a number of "just-in-case medical preparations and my doctor said yes to them.


I cannot remember ever having a tetantus shot before that one.

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DH and I just got DTaP shots this week. Our younger daughter is expecting and it was a good idea to make sure we were up to date with the whooping cough (pertussis) part at least. Did not hurt at all and no soreness later. 

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Oh yes, I am.  I just asked my husband when his last one was and he doesn't know, so I suggested he needs one. 

Cogito ergo sum
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Just went in a month ago and got a Pneumonia shot and a Tetnus shot, one in each arm.... Woman Surprised.... never again, just one shot one arm from now on, boy that Tetnus is a nasty shot and the Pneumonia one wasn't much better.... I felt like Lurch with both arms swinging numbly by my sides.....


But I'm protected..... next is the Flu shot.....Woman Tongue



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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A lot of people don't know that tetanus just doesn't come from a "rusty nail" or animal bite.  It lives into the soil and you can become exposed when you garden.

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