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I'm sure it's available at any health store but I'm amazed as how it worked on a problem area on my face.


Put a drop on, covered with a bandaid and overnight, the spot this morning is practically disappeared and based on the bandaid, looks like it pulled all the infection out.


Heard about it, read about it and finally bought some.  This has some amazing healing properties.   Worth a look, I'm a believer.

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

I have used tea tree oil for years, when I have break outs on my face. Just love it. Would highly recommend.

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

And it's a natural product, an added plus.

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

I'm a big fan of it also. I was applying it on a brown spot on my hand, and in a month it was gone, plus a wart that I had had for years that was near the brown spot, that I wasn't even concentrating on. It cleared up a spot of eczema on my neck, and scalp.

I won't ever be without it in my medicine cabinet (:

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

My husband likes to use tea tree oil soap to wash his face.  He used to get painful ingrown hairs but no more.  I told one of the men at work about it and he no longer gets bumps or breakouts from shaving. 

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

I used it as a lice repellant when my son was in school.a couple of drops along the hairline and he never got lice even when most of the school was having the problem

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

I tried using tea tree oil to remove a couple of skin tags on my neck.  I used it twice a day,  after a month the skin tags were intact but I had burns on my skin and had to quit using it.  It stinks.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

I purchased it from my eye doctor in a "wipes" form.  The name is Cliradex and it is for cleaning eye areas and face.  Also treats Demodex, blepharitis, rosacea, dry eye and conjunctivitis.  It can be ordered from the company on line (same name.)


This is an essential oil and has a menthol smell and feeling to me.  Hope this helps.



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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

I have used tea tree oil for years. I won't be without it. I have Shingles right now & have been applying it all over my left side, stomach & back since I felt the pain & tingling before it started. I have been applying to the rash 3 times per day ever since. It's suppose to be good for nerve pain. All I know is it feels good on my Shingles. It has a cooling effect & makes it feel better. I smell like tea tree oil all day long since I apply it again after I shower. Good thing I'm used to the smell & it does not bother me.

I use it on cuts all the time. If you get a paper cut apply some & it will take away that stinging.

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Re: Tea Tree Oil Trader Joe's

If you like tea tree oil, check out  "thieves" oil. It's like tea tree oil on steroids.