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Taking Supplements, yes or no?

Everytime I see a show offering any time of vitamins and supplements, I wonder "do I really need those."  I find watching HSN's Lessman is overwhelming.  Do people really take all that stuff.


I have also read different studies and information saying it's a waste of money.  It's a lot of money to invest in and how would you know if it really makes a difference.  Just asking for opinions on if you take them and how you determine what you need and did it make a difference.

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

My Dr told me to add vitamin D and a multivitamin, so I take one of each daily.

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

Any supplements I take are based on my doctor's recommendation.

Posts: 59
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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

yes i do take supplements but ONLY WHAT MY DOCTOR SAYS TO TAKE.she explained as we get older we need a little help to keep things ok. i take magnesium, calcium, vitamin D, multivitramin and a probiotic.

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?



I don't fix what ain't broken.  I made it this far at 67 yrs young w/o taking vitamins and supplements. Smiley Tongue

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

Yes, I take them....many. 


I have decided what I take after much reading, research, and advice from my PA.  What I take has changed over the years because of needs and age.


Yes, it is ALOT of money.


Yes, it has made a lot of difference.


Of course, you have to eat healthy.  I don't eat sugar, red meat, or poultry.  I eat fish.  I have done this for over 30 years.  I feel good, I have good BP, and a good cholesterol panel.  I have Hashimotos and take Armour for that.  I take supplements to aid my thyroid.  If you are willing to take the time to know about these things, I think it is well worth it.


You are always going to have the naysayers about supplements. The medical society is the biggest, but that is  because they aren't educated in nutrition.  To each their own. 


All the best with what you decide. 

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

I was taking a multi-vitamin for women over 50 and for some reason stopped.  I plan on starting up again and some vitamin C.

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

I do take supplements.  I have alopecia and when diagnosed, started taking biotin and also started on Juice Plus.  My personal trainer had a client that had alopecia much worse than I did (and I lost about 1/2 my hair) and started having regrowth after she started taking it.  I have almost 100% regrowth in my bald spots now.  It's obviously not hurting me.

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

I take Andrew Lessman vitamins.    I have done a lot of reading over the years and there are certain nutrients that our body just doesn't get enough of.    I take his Essential One multivitamin daily and what I do is mix it up.   Some days I add a Resveratol or an Omega 3 vitamin E.  Cq10 also a couple times a week.  They are all beneficial and like they say "everything in moderation" that goes for diet and nutrition.  I also go organic for most foods.

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Re: Taking Supplements, yes or no?

ohhh yeah. i take about a dozen. honestly don't know if they really work, could be a waste of money all these years, but i've been healthy this far in my life and i've never  been to the doctor. so i think i'll stick with taking them.