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Started water aerobics today

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You all probably know I had a bad fall a couple weeks ago and have had hip & back pain since - though definitely improving. ER doc said it was just inflammation and suggested I start gentle exercise like swimming or walking. Too much back pain & weakness for much walking so I went for the swimming - or more specifically water aerobics. When I woke this morning I had both back & rt hip pains pretty bad. Took tylenol and went to my first water aerobics class.By the time it was over - all my pain was gone. I liked this class a lot - we did a lot of yoga stretches, which is something I really need I think.And they are easy to do in the water.

If you need gentle exercise , esp. after an injury, boy oh boy , you just can't get any better than water aerobics. So often on this board I read about ladiwes orthopedic issues and I know that if they would just go and get in the water it would help them tremendously.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Started water aerobics today

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Saw a lot of people in the pool when I was going PT to improve my balance. My neighbor fell and broke her collar bone awhile back. She told me she saw me going into my PT, as the pool is on the other side of the entrance to the building.


She said she loved going to her PT as she felt so much better during and after her pool therapy. When I looked when exiting the building, I could see there were quite a few in that pool.


Glad you are feeling a bit better and this water aerobics makes you feel so much better. Hope you get as close to pain free as possible sooner with these water aerobics.


I am leaving to go ice skating in half hour, gotta pack up my gear. Try to skate at least an hour, if everything feels on balance, even go 90 minutes. Gonna try to stay vertical!






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Re: Started water aerobics today

I agree that water is the absolute best for recovering from all kinds of injuries.



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Re: Started water aerobics today

water aerobics are great low impact cardio. Yes, it will hurt but it's a good hurt from using muscles in a new way.

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Re: Started water aerobics today

My orthopedic doc recommended that for knee and back pain and I really wanted to do it but I couldn't find a pool around here that offered it in the evenings or on weekends.  Apaprently, they think only retired people want and need it.

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Re: Started water aerobics today

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I did water aerobics quite a few years ago. It's tougher than you think. I purposely pushed myself, using the water as resistance and I got a great workout in. I honestly don't remember feeling better than I did during that time. I felt stronger and more limber. I really enjoyed it and we gals had a great time.  


I wanted to add that we had all ranges of ages, from college age to older ladies and I was in my 40s. It was great. 

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Re: Started water aerobics today

@151949 wrote:

You all probably know I had a bad fall a couple weeks ago and have had hip & back pain since - though definitely improving. ER doc said it was just inflammation and suggested I start gentle exercise like swimming or walking. Too much back pain & weakness for much walking so I went for the swimming - or more specifically water aerobics. When I woke this morning I had both back & rt hip pains pretty bad. Took tylenol and went to my first water aerobics class.By the time it was over - all my pain was gone. I liked this class a lot - we did a lot of yoga stretches, which is something I really need I think.And they are easy to do in the water.

If you need gentle exercise , esp. after an injury, boy oh boy , you just can't get any better than water aerobics. So often on this board I read about ladiwes orthopedic issues and I know that if they would just go and get in the water it would help them tremendously.

@151949  I discovered water aerobics for my sciatica.  Cured me in a few months.

If the pool offers any type of warm water walking or therapeutic classes, those are really good to take at first to ease you into your recovery.


I love water aerobics.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Started water aerobics today

If you have any balance issues there is nothing better than core exercise classes in the water. Most YMCA offer them. It is hard to stand in one place without moving in the water while exercising. You have to really hold those abds in to stay stable, so they get strong and YOU get steady.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Started water aerobics today

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@By151949 wrote:

If you have any balance issues there is nothing better than core exercise classes in the water. Most YMCA offer them. It is hard to stand in one place without moving in the water while exercising. You have to really hold those abds in to stay stable, so they get strong and YOU get steady.





 The Physical Therapy I had for 12 sessions gave me the start I needed, and also informed me what specific exercises work for MY specific balance issues. 


Once I regained my overall strength back from another serious health issue, I worked my way back slowly doing the same core exercises I have used since I had my L-5/S-1 removed over 40 years ago. They have always included STRETCHING all REAR muscle and connective tissue groups, often overlooked by those that concentrate solely on core strength. When strengthening any muscle group, the opposing groups MUST be stretched to prevent those groups from becoming THE issue.


Those allowed me to continue working my heavy lifting job/run thousands of miles/play and referee up to 25 games a week, all without any issues with my back that ever prevented me from doing so.


I added new ones recently with the purchase of my Teeter Inversion Table. Doing body curls while in FULL inversion? I have done many core exercises for many decades now, and you will find none of them harder than doing this specific core exercise. The only person I have seen do these, in my age group, is Roger Teeter.


My goals were met to help me regain some of my ice skating skills, and they have done that for me. Will I ever be the same State Winter Olympic Speed Skating Champion again? Of course not, but I am now at a point in my skating where falling is not my constant concern while skating, but is now on how much I enjoy doing it at a pretty high level.


Happy these Pool Aerobics are working for you, my exercise routines have, and doing them regularly, will help me retain what I have regained, but I have no illusions they will stay the same as the years add up. I live in the present and REAL NEAR future, like the next couple of days, not by what will being in my 80's take away from me.





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Re: Started water aerobics today

Water exercises are also recommended by the Arthritis Foundation.  They sponsor a program called "Twinges in the Hinges."  If you have pain in a particular joint, then you want to exercise that joint when it is under water.