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Re: Started radiation treatment

Sending thoughts and prayers.  God bless.

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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003So many wonderful suggestions from others who have experieced this journey you are on.  One step at a time will see you to the end of treatments - just one step at a time. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers each and every day.

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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003  Wishing you continued strength and a complete recovery.  

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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003 --I had 33 days of rads---after the surgery and the 5 months of chemo--for me, the rads were a piece of cake until-- about 10 days  from the finish, when the effects on my skin became evident--was on my left breast area--it got very red and started to blister and peel as the days went on. But I had dry blisters so I could put on moisturizing things to help it along. I put on vit E oil from the capsules mixed with olive oil--both those things have the same lipids in it as your skin and then I wore a cotton  skinny tank top, inside out--the seams bugged me--but of course, I asked my rads dr first--he oked my cocktail. It just had to be clean for the next rad session, which it was. I was tired as I was still recovering from the chemo but was able to drive myself to appts--. could eat whatever I wanted but made sure to hydrate well. My cancer was hormone positive and I went on to taking estrogen blockers for 9 years. 

You're almost done!! Congrats to you!!

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Re: Started radiation treatment

Praying that you will continue to do well with your treatment. I haven't been through this and I see you are getting great advice here. These ladies are the best!

Take care, treat yourself often and please keep us updated. ♥️
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Re: Started radiation treatment

Praying for the gifts and graces  of peace, strength, and perseverence as you navigate the road back to health.

I hope that along with your treatments and appointments that you have many opportunities to do things that bring you joy.


God bless you.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: Started radiation treatment

[ Edited ]

My husband took daily radiation treatments last August and September; about 8 treatments in was when he began to feel tired, and needed a long nap in the afternoons.


It was pretty much an in and out procedure every day except Tuesday, which was the day he met with the Dr. after the treatment, to see how he was feeling overall and to check for burns.  Burns were not an issue until 2 weeks after the last treatment.   


Continued best wishes with this next step in your fight against cancer!  

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Re: Started radiation treatment

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Hyacinth.

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Re: Started radiation treatment

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery.

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Registered: ‎04-04-2020

Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003 ... I had radiation also and it wasn't as harsh on my skin as some others.  Never red or blistering.  I hope it is easy on you.  That last day I cried I was so relieved to be done and everyone involved had been so nice.  Bless you. Heart