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Re: Started radiation treatment



May your journey to health be quick.  Please remember to build in rewards for your self as you make progress...sometimes just getting through the day merits one !

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.
Sir Winston Churchill
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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003 I wish you well during your treatments and recovery.

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Re: Started radiation treatment


Try to think positive, 

a pink rose with a note


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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003 wrote:

I had the first of 30 radiation treatments for breast cancer today.  I have had one complete cycle of chemo, surgery (lumpectomy and lymph node removal), and am on a second round of 14 immunotherapy/chemotherapy (Kadcycla).  I guess I will go on a hormone blocker (HER2+) after the radiation.


Can anyone say how it went for them?  The radiologist said she likes patients who had chemo first!  She said they were not much bothered by radiation!  Having to go every day is a pain, and trying to fit in the chemo will be a challenge for a bit.


I am more than ready to complete treatment after so long of not feeling well!



My niece in Alabama is where you are right now, chemo done, into radiation and the hormone blocker, her only complaint now is burning when she swallows, they have put her on Prilosac, it's a stomach gas blocker. I keep telling her this too will pass, and so I wish the same for you. God bless you and hang in.I text her everyday, just to let her know I'm thinking about her.

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Re: Started radiation treatment

So sorry you are going through this. Will pray for your strength and healing. ❤️🙏❤️🙏

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Re: Started radiation treatment

I too had radiation treatments.  I did have some skin irritation, but found comforting lotions suggested by radiation team.  Some fatigue, but easily managed.  

Blessings to you as you finish traveling a tough road.  You can do this!

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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003 I also had radiation for breast cancer.Yes,it was a pain going everyday,plus I continued to work both jobs.I remember being so tired,and wanted to stop treatment several times.I continued for 30 days.Was never so happy for that last day.You will get thru this,trust me.


God Bless You

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Re: Started radiation treatment

I had radiation for breast cancer.  I didn't have chemo.  I found radiation very easy.  A friend whose husband had a lot of radiation recommeded Miaderm to prevent radiation burn.  (He had tried numerous creams and found Miaderm to be the best.)  I used it and my skin was just a tiny bit pink.  Pretty much unnoticeable.  The woman who had radiation before me didn't use anything and ended up with second degree burns.  I would suggest that you use some kind of cream as a preventive measure.


I wish you only the very best.  30 days sounds like a long time -- but it will be over before you know it.  I am not an early riser so I made my appts at 8 a.m. to make me get up and out of the house early.  I would go food shopping afterwards and do other errands and then have the rest of the day free.

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Re: Started radiation treatment

@hyacinth003 I can only pray for God's healing. I wish you strength, courage and may the love and support of family and friends sustain you through this battle.


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Posts: 966
Registered: ‎05-09-2010

Re: Started radiation treatment

Wishing you an easy time with your radiation and sending a prayer for good health.