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Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

I've been eating healthy for years and after reading Wheat Belly last year completely cut out wheat/grain. Guess you could describe my diet as basically Paleo as it's sugar/wheat/soy/gluten free with grass-fed meat, organic veggies and fruit, nuts, and some beans. For about a year I've been interested in intermittent fasting and have been eating the 16/8 way (only eating during 8 hours a day). While I am healthy this has kept my weight stable, but I have not been able to lose weight (being post menopausal will do that!) I would like to lose about 25 pounds so after reading the book I started the 5/2 diet yesterday. It was not difficult and I was not hungry. I plan to do my fast days on Tuesday and Friday. Today being a "feast" day I have only had a small cup of coffee and am not even hungry. I plan to eat lunch at 1:00.

I also know the importance of exercise but I have a bad back due to an old injury so have to be careful with that and am limited in what I can do.

My question for those have done the 5/2 is how was it for you? Could you remain on it and lose weight? BTW, when I weighed this morning I had lost 1.5 pounds since the day before so if I could lose a pound or so every fast day that would be great, and as long as I don't gain on feast days this should help lose those pounds over time.

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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

Most of what I have eaten since the mid 1970's is whole wheat and whole grain based. I am more than satisfied how my body had been able to function since I decided to change the way and the types of foods I ate.

I did not do it for weight reasons. My purpose was to find the foods that provided my particular body with the best fuels for it to be able to perform at it's highest levels and it's ability to recover and perform the same thing over and over again.

Each body is different and it is never a bad thing for a person to ""switch things up"" if they feel whatever food program they are on is not working for them. And by working I do not mean ""weigh loss"" only.

Hope this works out good for you and your body.

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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

5:2 plan for 3 months. Lost 10 pounds and work out at the gym 4-5 times a week. When not at the gym, I lift light weights at home and either ride my bike or jump on my mini trampoline. It's been slow progress, but I'm more focused on health than weight loss. It's a lifestyle change. I'm hoping to reach goal by end of the year and I'll go with 6:1 maintenance. I'm used to the 500 calorie fast days and it's just a part of my week. If you Google 5:2 you can find a free forum that is most helpful to learn from and to share encouragements. BTW - I don't eat meat, so I have to watch the carbs (not totally limit them), but I love veggies and fruit. I don't consume a lot of sugar, but don't deny myself either. It's like John mentioned -- find what works for you. My doc said the best program is the one you'll stick with.

Good luck to you -- stick with it if it works for you -- find that forum online

"I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees." Henry David Thoreau
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

I struggled with losing weight that I had gained. Tried my old friend WW that I did a few times and had success. This time it just wasn't giving me the results I,wanted. Down .2 oz up 2.oz it took me 7 months to lose 8 lbs. I blamed it on my age, didn't lose like when I was 30/40s. Then I heard aboutt nutritional cleansing, I heard about the great results that all were having, I gave it a try. I lost 10 lbs in 1 1/2 weeks and lost 23 Inches I am back down to the weight I never thought I would see again. I feel like I am 30 again. Energy thru the roof. Well I feel like a different person. I am back I to size 7 jeans, that is saying a lot for ME. IT CHANGED MY LIFE MY FRIENDS ALL WANTED TO KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING. I shared my journey with them which has left me to a new phase in my life. I have become a nutritional cleansing coach. I love helping others, and all that I have helped have gotten the same results. My brother lost 10 lbs in a week and a whopping 28 inches. I feel truly blessed with my new body and my new life. Good luck to,all who need to change and become healthy, I hope you find your niche, I know that nothing taste as good as thin feels. I am proof of that.
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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

It was a disaster for me. I'd been doing great losing eating 3 meals per day & decided to go to 5:2 for the health benefits.

I found myself horribly hungry (not cravings) all the time with the same healthy foods as I'd been eating previously. I increased my food intake (5:2 was higher calorie than how I'd been eating before) and my losses slowed.

I stopped 5:2 and it took quite a while eating 3 meals per day before the extreme hunger we nt away. I am not sure if anything other than the change in eating pattern contributed to that but it was the only change I made. I have not read of anyone else experiencing what I did.

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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

Anyone else?

I've only done this one week so far, but on my 2 fast days I lost 1.5 pounds each day which I was pleased with.

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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

I had been diagnosed as a victim of "the PRES", pre-diabetic and pre-hypertensive about a year and a half ago, and although I had no side effects or complaints taking Metformin, I also had no particularly positive results. I had disastrous problems with any and all BP treatments, and my doctor and I tried EIGHT of them. After do a LOT of research, I decided to try eating one carefully planned, SUPER nutritious meal per day, and for me, it has worked perfectly. My meal always contains a hefty portion of green leafy veggies, additional low carb, Paleo style veggies, olive oil, a whole egg and five or six egg whites, unsalted mixed nuts and berries or green apples. I'm 69 and have done this for a year, losing a total of 80 pounds. I hope that it is perfectly obvious that this schedule would never work for everyone. My internist, endocrinologist, and gyn are totally onboard with my efforts and all share my bloodwork every 6 months. I feel better and MUCH younger than I have felt in a out 15 years. PLEASE do your research!
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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

To kick start your research, try googling "Intermittent Fasting and Diabetes Management" I will say once again, if you are attempting to develop a program specifically for yourself, please be SURE that you have a medical specialist that you trust working with you.
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Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

On 5/22/2014 ladycd said: I struggled with losing weight that I had gained. Tried my old friend WW that I did a few times and had success. This time it just wasn't giving me the results I,wanted. Down .2 oz up 2.oz it took me 7 months to lose 8 lbs. I blamed it on my age, didn't lose like when I was 30/40s. Then I heard aboutt nutritional cleansing, I heard about the great results that all were having, I gave it a try. I lost 10 lbs in 1 1/2 weeks and lost 23 Inches I am back down to the weight I never thought I would see again. I feel like I am 30 again. Energy thru the roof. Well I feel like a different person. I am back I to size 7 jeans, that is saying a lot for ME. IT CHANGED MY LIFE MY FRIENDS ALL WANTED TO KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING. I shared my journey with them which has left me to a new phase in my life. I have become a nutritional cleansing coach. I love helping others, and all that I have helped have gotten the same results. My brother lost 10 lbs in a week and a whopping 28 inches. I feel truly blessed with my new body and my new life. Good luck to,all who need to change and become healthy, I hope you find your niche, I know that nothing taste as good as thin feels. I am proof of that.

Do you follow a certain "plan" - Just curious - Thanks for sharing!

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Posts: 8,958
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Started 5/2 Fast Diet yesterday, anyone else done this?

Sandgirl, you can google "nutritional cleansing" yourself. Her techniques are part of the basic equipment you received at birth. Nourishing high fiber natural foods will help "your journey" proceed as intended. How wonderful! You don't have to buy anything to do "nutritional cleansing" except delicious fruits and vegetables!