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Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

Last night another one of my ribs suddenly dislocated, this one located just beneath my left breast. It was agonizing. I have no idea what caused it, I was already in bed. I massaged it back into place, which was also agonizing and had to position my body just right so it wouldn't dislocate again. I know I have to do that even though it kills! This rib is higher than any of the others that have dislocated so I was a little frightened that it would puncture my lung. I also used heat for a little while.

Unfortunately, I had to get up a few times to use the bathroom, so I was walking and holding my chest in at the same time. I grunted a few times, but I never cry anymore (believe it or not crying makes the pain worse). Going to the ER is useless as there is nothing they can do. It is back in place now, but very, very sore. And I know I have to be really careful physically for the next few weeks. I also knew this would happen just before my move . . . maybe just thinking about it made it happen.

Where is that beautiful fairy who made Pinocchio into a "real boy?" I need her!

I'm going back to bed now. {#emotions_dlg.sad}

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

Ford, I am sorry for this physical trial you have been given to endure. Nothing can be done for this condition -- are you certain? Possible to try for another opinion? You are very wise to consider that a lung could be punctured -- so glad it wasn't. However, if pain persists, you should get medical attention. All my best wishes.

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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

On 2/15/2015 Goldie76 said:

Ford, I am sorry for this physical trial you have been given to endure. Nothing can be done for this condition -- are you certain? Possible to try for another opinion? You are very wise to consider that a lung could be punctured -- so glad it wasn't. However, if pain persists, you should get medical attention. All my best wishes.

I will Goldie, thanks. I considered 911, but it was so late and there was a blizzard outside, and I just couldn't face it. If it gets worse, I will call the ortho doc. But I already know what he will say anyway.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

Oh my, Ford I am sorry to read this. I can only send you good thoughts, and healing wishes. You are such a strong person, and a wonderful mom to your girls. They are blessed.
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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

That has to be so scary. Sounds like this has happened before so at least you knew what was going on. I don't know what I would have thought.

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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

Ford, I'm so sad hearing this. You are a strong woman to 'fix' it how you did. I would've had a freaking panic attack. I'm not kidding you. And I know that wouldn't help things.

If you are moving, you must not lift one finger. You will have to have someone else do it all. I mean don't even pack Q-tips! Why take the chance of doing something right before a big move? Be careful if it's that touch and go.

Is there any way a brace or a compression garment/bandage type thing could help? I don't know maybe that would be worse for the nature of this happening. Just trying to think of something that would help.

Be careful Ford!

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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

Oh wow Ford, I am so very, very, sorry that this happened to you. Smiley Sad

I bet that you were in horribly agonizing pain. I hope that the pain will get better for you on its own. This pain must be really difficult, on top of the pain you already have to deal with, too.

That does really stink, with your move coming up.

A gentle hug for you, from me to you, that you feel better soon.

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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

My heart goes out to you: I cannot imagine doing what you did for yourself let alone living with this issue. I am curious about the cause of this horrible problem. Please take care of yourself as best as you can--may blessings sent your way.

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Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

So sorry this happened Ford. Would a chiropractor be of any help with movements or a brace that might help prevent this? I hope it mends soon.

It's always a victory for me when I remember why I entered a room.
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Registered: ‎03-25-2012

Re: Sometimes I feel like a puppet with broken strings!

On 2/15/2015 lucylover64 said:

My heart goes out to you: I cannot imagine doing what you did for yourself let alone living with this issue. I am curious about the cause of this horrible problem. Please take care of yourself as best as you can--may blessings sent your way.

It is severe osteoporosis. My bones are like cellophane. Genetic causes plus ten years plus use of low dose prednisone which exacerbates the osteo.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986