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Re: So I tried oil pulling for the first time...

@tsavorite  Wrote:


@@SeaMaiden could I ask you a few questions? Was there a paticular reason you began oil pulling? and what change/benefits did you notice? and how soon did you notice the changes??"




Hello!🙂  I started oil pulling years ago  when I had ANOTHER toothache.  Someone mentioned oil pulling....I was desperate not to have to have ANOTHER root canal.  So I  thought would try it.    I oil pulled twice a day.... By the third day....believe it or not, the tooth calmed down and the ache went away!   Maybe it would have stopped hurting anyways.....Call it a it what you will....but that tooth calmed down and stopped hurting for two years. It did eventually get a root canal, but I was so happy that the tooth quit hurting and I put off HAVING a root canal$$$$ at that time.


So after that, I decided to just do it every day.  I do it every morning...THEN .brush, and THEN floss.  I do not have any gum disease....and not much plaque either.  I do have gum recession, but that is something I have had all my life, not something that I oil pull for.   I heard oil pulling also helps with Toxic things in the blood stream.   If it does that's great! 


Now, oil pulling is like flossing...I do it automatically and would feel funny if I did not start my day with it. 


Many people scoff at the idea this could be of any benefit, but, it has been done for many centuries in other cultures. For health reasons.  I guess I am just a believer! 

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Re: So I tried oil pulling for the first time...

@tsavorite wrote:


@ Montana  hello could you share what if any issues you had that made you try oil pulling?  and what improvements did you see?



@tsavorite, It’s been long ago, but I think I started oil pulling after reading about its benefits. I had never heard of it before and the idea intrigued me.  I don’t think I had any particular issues at the time.  I do several things for oral health and oil pulling is just one in my arsenal. My gums are in good condition. So while I can’t point to a specific benefit solely related to oil pulling, I will keep doing it as part of my oral care routine.


My dentist is not an advocate of oil pulling because there are no clinical trials to prove it works. But he also feels it is not dangerous or harmful.



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Re: So I tried oil pulling for the first time...

I have sinus problems and when I'm good about pulling my raw, virgin coconut oil every day, they calm down. When I start slacking on it and say "Oh I don't have time today," my sinuses will start to remind me to get back at it.

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Re: So I tried oil pulling for the first time...

Something new to me but it seems to help some of you and can't do harm. I may give it a try.

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Re: So I tried oil pulling for the first time...

I've been doing this since I read about it here (thanks to whoever brought this subject up).  I use sesame oil.  They say the best oil to use is coconut so I tried that once.  Put a glob of it in my mouth - and to me it was awful.  Kept gagging.  So went back to sesame.  I read somewhere that olive oil is down on the list of oils to use.

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Registered: ‎08-20-2014

Re: So I tried oil pulling for the first time...

@appm sesame oil sounds like a good idea, thank you. Coconut oil is hard to get started with when it's cold.