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Got a bunch of them, and I mean a bunch of tiny, tiny slivers on my hand.  I can barely seem them.  I've tried with a pin, tweezers, and magnifying glass but I don't think i can get them all.  Is there any suggestion on how or what I could use to remove them.

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sparklestar, so sorry to hear this.  I have a suggestion:


Do you have a facial gel mask?  If so, apply it to the hand, allow it to dry and then slowly and carefully pull back.


HTH.  Keep us posted.  If all else fails, I would go to the emergency room and have them extract the slivers.

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One thing you can try. If you have a sponge with the pot scrubber thing on one side keep running it, the scrubber side, down over your hand in the opposite direction of the way the slivers went in. You can try that with the sponge dry first and if that doesn't help let water run lightly down your hand, again in the opposite direction of way they went in, as you run the scrubber over it. If that doesn't work hopefully someone has a good solution for you.

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DH gets these all the time .... small metal shavings.   His favorite method is to use that wide (2") package tape, place it across where the slivers are imbeded and then pull the tape off in the opposite direction from the way the slivers went in.  Repeat until all gone (we check w/ a magnifying glass) and then wash off with Betadine (to cleanse/disinfect) and put a little Neosporin cream (the one that says "w/ pain relief" on the label) on to help with any pain.

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@forest4thetrees wrote:

DH gets these all the time .... small metal shavings.   His favorite method is to use that wide (2") package tape, place it across where the slivers are imbeded and then pull the tape off in the opposite direction from the way the slivers went in.  Repeat until all gone (we check w/ a magnifying glass) and then wash off with Betadine (to cleanse/disinfect) and put a little Neosporin cream (the one that says "w/ pain relief" on the label) on to help with any pain.

Yes, TAPE works! I recommend using DUCT TAPE. It's more sticky and will pull out the slivers.

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These are all great ideas.  I will try them, although they are under the skin so I'm not sure it will work.  I wish I had one of those vacuums for the face they sell Smiley LOL

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Good luck. Please let us know what works! Woman Happy

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I find small nail clippers are nearly ideal for removing splinters. If needed they can cut through the skin to grab the splinter then hold onto it as you pull it out. Use a corner of the clippers and your splinter will be gone in short order.

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We have a small flower/plant trellis that's made of fiberglass.  While placing it in a plant pot earlier this spring I woman-handled it WAY too much and got slivers of fiberglass in both  hands.  Not only did they hurt but they were EXTREMELY irritating, almost itching too.


After I told DH, he said to me 'oh yeah, it's made of fiberglass'.  Well thank you DH, wish I knew that!!!!  All I did was wash my hands a few times with Lava soap and that helped.  Slivers eventually all left within a day or so.


Good luck - I do feel your pain.

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I wonder if icing the area well would make the slivers stand  out more? Just a thought.