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well,today I got my second Pfizer far no problems.what a relief  to have this over with

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With my second Pfizer,  my arm was sore for about 36 hours and that was it.  

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after my second shot i was very nauseous....and had intestional issues....if you catch my drift.....hope you continue to feel fine....

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@Luvsmyfam wrote:

well,today I got my second Pfizer far no problems.what a relief  to have this over with

My DH and I have gotten both of the Pfizer vaccinations and only had a sore arm for a day or two.  Good luck to you.

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My husband and I got the Pfizer vaccines----neither of us had any reaction--I was shocked, but glad. My arm was slightly sore for the rest of the day, but was able to sleep on it--and that was it. Hubby's arm never hurt. Vaccines themselves were painless. The only hard part was when I tried to find appointments for us--our county was shorted vaccines for awhile, so it was tough to find appointments, but I finally did--my husband went to a medical group and I found an appointment at our local hospital.

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My son got the second dose of the Pfizer yesterday and said he is feeling very fatigued today.  Napping on the couch, but otherwise he's fine.


I get the second dose of Moderna on Monday.  Time will tell how I will fair with it.  Everyone reacts differently, from no reaction at all to being sick in bed for a couple of days.  

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I was very tired the day after my second vaccine....but then just fine. It is nice to have it behind you now
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DS and DDIL (41 and 43) both got their second Pfizer shots late Friday.  They felt really tired and went to bed early.  Woke up Saturday morning feeling ok.  So far that seems to be it.  Interesting fact, their shots were administered by the Army airborne Screaming Eagles at a mass vax site.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Registered: ‎11-26-2019

well,today,day after 2nd vaccine,I have flu like symptoms and a sore arm.have to be at work Monday at 1pm.hope I'm feeling better by then

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I got my 2nd Moderna Friday and it knocked me for a real loop.  I started with chills about 8 hours later and was down all day Saturday.  I was perfectly fine Sunday.