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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

@winamac1 wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:

@winamac1 wrote:

@kelsey17 wrote:

@LilacTree wrote:


I've had RA for 12 years now and am on prednisone (which, as you said, aggravated my osteoporosis).  I was always criticized for not taking biologics, but never had any joint replacement surgeries.  I did have kyphoplasty in two vertebrae in my back caused by osteoporosis.   


The biologics are supposed to keep the RA at bay, and yet your poor mom had to have multiple joint surgeries anyway, so I'm not sorry I never took them, given the serious side effects.


I do have back pain every day and sometimes take Tylenol for Arthritis with the prednisone when the pain in too bad (like today).  I also fell and broke my shoulder two months ago, so I'm wearing a brace for that.  I can't remember the last time I did not have pain.  I do get relief lying down at night.


Other than opiod pain killers, which I also will not take, I don't think there's much else one can do.


@My sympathies to you, @JCF at the loss of your mom, and I can certainly empathize with @HappyDaze's mom. 

I have also been on prednisone for years for my RA....i did try the biologics....Humira for 2 years...helped..but then didn't seem to work very well...  was able to cut

down the prednisone while taking Humira but then when i went off the Humira ..back to prednisone only...then Enbrel...didn't work, in between and waiting to see what the next choice will be to help me get off the prednisone...nothing seems to work as well with me as the prednisone....haven't found anything else that works...

I sell a biologic.  I am very familiar with them.  There are other new ones you can try.  Humira and Enbrel are both TNF inhibitors.  You may need a different mechanism of action if Humira or Enbrel didn't work.  There is also one that is a pill.  I don't promote this, but I do know it's available.  Good luck!


Xeljanz . . . a pill (I don't know where they get these names from).  Same side effects as the rest of them.

Unfortunately--Yes, for the most part.


Otezla is used for Psoriatic Arthritis and it has fewer side effects.  It's not FDA approved for RA.  Again, I don't sell that product, but I know about it.


I know of this one also.  They push these meds constantly on TV, especially the news and any show that is focused toward older people.

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

@PilatesLover wrote:

It stinks that in this day and age there is still no cure or even a good medication that doesn't half kill you, and only helps symptoms but you end up with pain and joint damage anyway.  Cat Frustrated




They research treatments, not cures.  Reason should be obvious.  Too bad for me and my fellow AI/RA sufferers.  I feel worse for the younger ones who have decades to live with this.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

@PilatesLover wrote:

It stinks that in this day and age there is still no cure or even a good medication that doesn't half kill you, and only helps symptoms but you end up with pain and joint damage anyway.  Cat Frustrated



My mom has been on biologics for at least 10 years and has had RA for over 20 years and she has been managed pretty darn well this whole time. She is healthy otherwise- her meds aren't half killing her- and she is only getting some breakthrough pain but still no joint damage. And the pain isn't bad enough for her to be bed-ridden- she is still an active, vibrant woman.


I think just because you read about some bad exxperiences here on this forum isn't representative of all or the majority of RA sufferers. I think the treatments have come a long way and there are many living active, happy lives despite their RA.

So there ARE good medications that work very very well for a large number of people.

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

[ Edited ]

I really hope we can get this topic back and track and hear about others tips and tricks. Perhaps those of you with side discussions can start a new thread of your own to continue them? I'd like to try to get more ideas from others if possible. I am having to wade through personal side conversations to find the posts with suggestions. I know that might be too much to ask but it just seems like the relatively off topic side discussions keeps continuing. Not trying to be rude , just would like to stay on topic and hoping to encourage others to provide suggestions of what works for them.

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

Happy daze, thanks for bringing the thread back on topic. I too have been on biologics and am not dead yet. Currently, my dh and I are traveling on the west coast.rheumatoid disease is not a death sentence...I have had it for 30 years and have done pretty much what I want because of the good meds I have been prescribed.


i mentioned some things that work for me for break through pain. I saw my rheumatologist and he believes that taking an occasional pain med can really help also to break the pain cycle. 


Imthinkmyour mom mom has the perfect attitude...😍

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

@sydsgma1 wrote:

Happy daze, thanks for bringing the thread back on topic. I too have been on biologics and am not dead yet. Currently, my dh and I are traveling on the west coast.rheumatoid disease is not a death sentence...I have had it for 30 years and have done pretty much what I want because of the good meds I have been prescribed.


i mentioned some things that work for me for break through pain. I saw my rheumatologist and he believes that taking an occasional pain med can really help also to break the pain cycle. 


Imthinkmyour mom mom has the perfect attitude...😍

@sydsgma1 I just love your attitude and I think that very thing plays a part in our health and well being and you are a great example of that!! Thank you for your input and yes, my mom is a super hero in my eyes with how she handles all that comes her way.  I think biologics have been a lifesaver for her and she gets routine blood testing every few months to stay on top of things. She is in her late 60s and travels all over and enjoys life to the fullest still. You are so right, it is NOT a death sentence by any means!! Heart stay healthy and well and safe and enjoy your travels!

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

I wasn't going to respond because some people are so dead set against natural remedies for things that I didn't want to be attacked. But my thoughts are that God put me on this earth for a reason and if that is to help at least 1 person with RA that reads this I have done my job.


My story is I'm 35 years old and my cousin is 47 we both have or had RA. We both did so much research about natural ways to cure RA without all these drugs with such horrible side effects. We stumbled upon a Dr. Who believes in Olive Leaf extract to cure RA. His name is Dr. Hugh Smith and the product is SeraVita O'Leave Olive leaf extract 20% standardized they are 500mg. Each. He said to take 6 pills a day for 90 days. You can purchase these at Amazon.You would be taking 1 pill every 2 hours. We both had the herxheimer reaction. RA is most often caused by mycoplasma infection. 


My cousin and I both did this and we have been doing great for 10 months now. It truly is amazing. I suggest doing your own research to better understand, but it worked for us. 


Dr.Hugh Smith is a real doctor from California and a well know one too.  I'm not sure about interactions with any meds you may already be on for At. That's why I say do your research. But if I ever had any questions I would email Dr.Hugh.

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

[ Edited ]

@shiloh 81 I appreciate the information and will look into it. We actually prefer natural remedies when possible.Thank you for posting and letting the negative nellies stop you from doing so.


By the way, my  mom got RA as a result of an infection in her hysterectomy incision (back when they were the larger incisions, like a C-section type). There are alot of research studies done that are showing that RA can occur as a result of certain types of infections. Not alot of people know that. Those that don't have a genetic history of RA in their families should be aware of this. One of my professors in college was on the forefront of the research connecting RA and infections.


Anyway, thanks again for the information!

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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

No problem😉
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Re: Rheumatoid arthritis- suggestions to help ease aches/pain

My very good friend has RA since she was 11 and on medications of course but she is now going to start Cryotherapy for pain relief and to reduce inflammation. She has not begun just yet since she just discovered the first Cryotherapy facility here in our area. You can do some research on it, could be helpful.