I wasn't going to respond because some people are so dead set against natural remedies for things that I didn't want to be attacked. But my thoughts are that God put me on this earth for a reason and if that is to help at least 1 person with RA that reads this I have done my job.
My story is I'm 35 years old and my cousin is 47 we both have or had RA. We both did so much research about natural ways to cure RA without all these drugs with such horrible side effects. We stumbled upon a Dr. Who believes in Olive Leaf extract to cure RA. His name is Dr. Hugh Smith and the product is SeraVita O'Leave Olive leaf extract 20% standardized they are 500mg. Each. He said to take 6 pills a day for 90 days. You can purchase these at Amazon.You would be taking 1 pill every 2 hours. We both had the herxheimer reaction. RA is most often caused by mycoplasma infection.
My cousin and I both did this and we have been doing great for 10 months now. It truly is amazing. I suggest doing your own research to better understand, but it worked for us.
Dr.Hugh Smith is a real doctor from California and a well know one too. I'm not sure about interactions with any meds you may already be on for At. That's why I say do your research. But if I ever had any questions I would email Dr.Hugh. hugh@biocytonics.com