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Question on which flu shot to ask for

 I have an appointment for October 26 to go get my flu shot. I wonder if because I am now 65 should I get the senior flu shot or the regular one I always get. I am healthy with no underlying health issues at all.  I would rather not get a stronger shot if I really do not need it.


  I am just asking for your imput.  I know you are not Doctors.... Please do not ask me to go ask my Doctor and ask them bla bla bla... If that is your answer.. please do not post.  Thank you.

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

Like it or not, that's the correct advice.

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

I am not 65 but am immune compromised.   I get the "high dose" shot and have for awhile.   No adverse side effects at all from the increased dose.   But I would just ask your doc if he/she thinks it's necessary for you.

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

You should get the senior my MD we age, our immune system becomes weakened, just a normal part of aging...the senior shot provides extra immune coverage.





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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for



My Dr. recommended that I start with the 'senior' flu shot when I turned 65.


I really couldn't tell that it was any different physically or side effects wise, than the other version.

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.
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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

I just got the strong dose.  I'll be 73 this month if that helps.

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

You need the senior shot. With age the immune system declines and those ove 65 need a stronger dose of the medicine. The senior shot gives you 4X the flu virus antigen. This is what stimulates the body's immune response to fight off the flu. Don't take any chances this year especially even though you may be very healthy. 

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

@SeaMaiden you should get the senior flu shot.  Anyone 65 or older should get the senior shot.

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for

I went to Publix twice yesterday for flu shots.  Once for myself  and the second time with my husband.  It was busy.  Many people getting their shots.  For what I can tell and for those that I overheard, when the pharmacist asked those 65 and older, they all seemed to get the higher dose flu shot.  

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Re: Question on which flu shot to ask for is a great resource for this question.