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Registered: ‎04-14-2012

I started taking probiotics (vitamin shoppe) because I was experiencing gas pain. For a week I was doing really well until yesterday My stomach bloated up and I was really uncomfortable all day and night also. I thought these were supposed to help with the bloat not cause any more problems. Has anyone else experienced this? I am so frustrated with digestive issues. I actually have seen a gastroenterologist, he said I had nothing wrong and he did suggest probiotics. I am running out of ideas .

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Probiotics are good, but they are limited. For one thing, most have one or at best a few different bacteria, and our digestive systems use many, many more. Also, even gastroenterologists don't seem to be very well informed about diet and nutrition, so I don't know they are the ones I'd turn to for advice. It's great to find out that they didn't find anything else wrong, though! When I had similar issues to yours, I was inspired to eliminate all grains and all dairy from my meals to see what would happen. I felt better very quickly, and kept feeling better and better. I'm just healthier and more energetic now than I'd been for some time. Now, I eat very small quantities of grains and dairy, mostly because it's hard not to. I make up the difference with meat and lots of veggies, even for breakfast. Maybe something like this could help you? I don't know, of course, but even though it sounds a little drastic, it's really easy to try for a month and find out. Cheers!
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Yes, definitely try different brands and strains of probiotics. Lots of people on these boards have their favorites that they will recommend.

Also, try digestive enzymes. I take both. Despite the recent bad press, I have had good luck with GNC probiotics and enzymes. I switch back and forth between several different probiotics to switch things up, and I swear by the chewable papaya enzyme tablets. They taste like Pez candy and if I chew 3-4 after a big meal I suffer no consequences.

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OP,What was the quantity of probiotics that you started with? If it was a big number, your body is not used to it. It's good to start small and then increase.

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I take Friendly Flora (Andrew Lessman). His has Prebiotic & Probiotic Complex (5 different ones). Go to HSN and watch his video on this product. I hope you can find something that works for you.

I agree with what KAY SD says, you need more than one bacteria.

ETA ~ Item #296-860. There is a video to watch. Good Luck.

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Maybe the probiotics did their job. Less is more, sometimes. If things need fixing, fix them. And when things no longer need fixing, leave it alone and see what happens naturally........

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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I saw a nutritionist who specializes in the health of ibs patients at my gastro docs office. There is a product in many probiotics called 'inulin' that those with gut issues should watch out for. There is a Target up and up brand that does not have it that works for me. Also, Align is the one most recommended by gastro docs. That one works great too but it's expensive.

Not all probiotics are created equal. It can be trial and error as to which one works for you.

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I take a daily dose of acidophilus as my probiotic and have for more than 5 years. I firmly believe less is more, and until I have an issue that medically requires a stronger, and higher priced probiotic, I will continue to use acidophilus. I try to give my body only what it needs, and not tax it further by making it break down and filter far more chemicals than it needs to function properly.
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On 3/2/2015 RedTop said: I take a daily dose of acidophilus as my probiotic and have for more than 5 years. I firmly believe less is more, and until I have an issue that medically requires a stronger, and higher priced probiotic, I will continue to use acidophilus. I try to give my body only what it needs, and not tax it further by making it break down and filter far more chemicals than it needs to function properly.

Our GI doctor recommended this but only if needed. Most people do NOT. He also suggested yogurt instead of pills.

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Registered: ‎04-14-2012

I really appreciate all the good advice.