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Last week it was the colonoscopy, this week is my  semi annual lung scan. I worry so much everytime I have to get this done, so I'm asking for prayers that all will be okay and that the mass in my lung continues to shrink. Thank you.

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Sending Lots Of Prayers Embroidery Design |
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Sending prayers your way 🙏🏻 for wonderful news from the doctors 😘 

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I hope it all goes so well and you will be so relieved. I know it causes a lot of worry and prayers will be with you to walk through this once again!Heart

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@catter70 , prayers for you!  I understand why you are anxious.  🙏

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@catter70 Best of luck to you.

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Sending good vibes for great results and an end to your worries.Heart



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Prayers sent!

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Registered: ‎04-15-2014

@catter70  I hope and pray that your lung mass continues to shrink and that you have good results at your upcoming semi-annual lung scan.  You're doing a great thing by going to your medical appointments and taking care of your health. Take it easy this week, relax, do things that make you happy, and feel free to take yourself out to a nice breakfast or lunch the day of your appointment if you can. We're praying for you and rooting for you on this forum  💗.