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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

My dog, transcendental meditation, and communicating with my Guardian Angels. 

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Yoga class

Taking a hot bath

Reading (fiction)

A mug of hot tea

A glass of wine, or other cocktail

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)



Turning OFF the T.V.

Being around animals

Sitting at the shore.



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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

@GSPgirl wrote:

I mediate for 10 minutes every morning.  I use Head space dot com.  Andy is awesome and he has greatly helped me with anxiety issues.  He teaches you how to Note.  That means when something stressful happens that you note it as a thought or feeling and return to the breath.  You do this during the day. He teaches you to be mindful and in the present instead of worrying and fretting about everything.  I love it!

I have done some meditation on and off for a number of years, and inconsistency has been a big issue (I know I'm not alone in that!).


Thank you for posting the info.  I just listened to a 10 minute meditation with Andy and love his voice.  I am going to try to make it a daily thing.  I think I can do 10 minutes every morning and I could listen to him every day.  I have had issues with some others who I've listened to who start to irritate me and that's not helpful  LOL..


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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

For me, bakng, walking and working in the yard. Ecspecially the yard, mind gets totally refeshed. And when done, such gratification. 

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Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

My dogs

Curling up in the recliner with my husband

Long walks through the woods

Spending time near the Ocean


Tazo Calm Chamomile tea

A nice glass of wine, a margarita (or two!), a good beer or any other delicious beverage of an alcoholic nature but just one or two- any more than that and it can work the opposite for me

Playing games

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Time alone. I get very little time to be anywhere alone since DH retired. I crave time alone. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Some nights my husband and I just sit out on the deck with candles lit.  We don't have to talk about anything in particular.  We don't have to talk at all.


A warm bath.


To fall asleep peacefully, watching an old comedy (as opposed to a newer, raunchy, smutty one).  I have dozens taped....

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Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

Birdwatching when at home, and catching a beautiful sunrise or sunset at the beach when away. 


In the mountains, fly!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,570
Registered: ‎06-13-2012

Re: Please share what helps you relax :)

@LIG1 wrote:

Birdwatching when at home, and catching a beautiful sunrise or sunset at the beach when away. 


In the mountains, fly!

I love fly fishing too, @LIG1! It is very relaxing to me. I fly fish out on a float tube out in the middle of the lakes sometimes. That is such a peaceful, relaxing time.